Aracılığıyla paylaş

Hedef özel özellikleri

The data flow objects in the Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services object models have common properties and custom properties at the level of the component, inputs and outputs, and input columns and output columns.The custom properties are available only at run time, and are not documented in the Integration Services Managed Programming Reference Documentation.

This topic lists and describes the custom properties of data flow destinations.

  • ADO NET hedef

  • Veri araştırma modeli eğitim hedef

  • veri okuyucu hedef

  • Boyut işleme hedef

  • Excel'in hedef

  • Düz dosya hedef

  • OLE DB Destination

  • Bölüm işleme hedef

  • Ham Dosya hedefi

  • Recordset hedef

  • SQL Server Compact Edition hedef

  • SQL Server hedef

Çoğu veri akışı nesneleri ortak özellikleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi için bkz: Genel Özellikler.

Some properties of destinations can be set by using property expressions, as indicated in this topic.Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:Ifadeleri kullanarak küme, veri akışı özellikleri.

ADO NET hedef

The ADO.NET destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the ADO.NET destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.These properties are not available in the ADO NET Destination Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.


Veri Türü




The number of rows in a batch that is sent to the server.A value of 0 indicates that the batch size matches the internal buffer size.Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri 0.



SQL komutu, zaman aşımına uğramadan önce çalışabileceği saniye sayısı.Değeri 0 sonsuz bir saat gösterir.Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri 0.



The name of the destination table or view.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:ADO NET hedef.

Data Mining Model Training Destination Custom Properties

The Data Mining Model Training destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Data Mining Model Training destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.


Veri Türü




The unique identifier of the connection manager.



The connection string to an instance of Analysis Services or to an Analysis Services project.



dönüştürme kullanan veri araştırma yapısı tanımlayan XML etiketi.

The input and the input columns of the Data Mining Model Training destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:Veri araştırma modeli eğitim hedef.

DataReader Destination Custom Properties

The DataReader destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the DataReader destination.Tüm özellikleri dışında DataReader okunur/yazılır ' dir.

Özellik adı

Veri Türü




The class name of the DataReader destination.



Indicates whether to fail when a ReadTimeout occurs.Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri Yanlış.



The number of milliseconds before a time-out occurs.The default value of this property is 30000 (30 seconds).

The input and the input columns of the DataReader destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:veri okuyucu hedef.

Dimension Processing Destination Custom Properties

The Dimension Processing destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Dimension Processing destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.


Veri Türü




The connection string to an instance of Analysis Services or to an Analysis Services project.


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle duplicate key errors.The possible values are IgnoreError (0), ReportAndContinue (1), and ReportAndStop (2).The default value of this property is IgnoreError (0).


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle key error.Olası değerler şunlardır: ConvertToUnknown (0) ve DiscardRecord (1). The default value of this property is ConvertToUnknown (0).



When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, the upper limit of key errors that are enabled.


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates the action to take when KeyErrorLimit is reached.The possible values are StopLogging (1) and StopProcessing (0).The default value of this property is StopProcessing (0).



When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, the path and file name of the error log file.


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle missing key errors.The possible values are IgnoreError (0), ReportAndContinue (1), and ReportAndStop (2).The default value of this property is IgnoreError (0).


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle null keys converted to the unknown value.The possible values are IgnoreError (0), ReportAndContinue (1), and ReportAndStop (2).The default value of this property is IgnoreError (0).


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle disallowed nulls.The possible values are IgnoreError (0), ReportAndContinue (1), and ReportAndStop (2).The default value of this property is IgnoreError (0).


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

The type of dimension processing the transformation uses.The values are ProcessAdd (1) (incremental), ProcessFull (0), and ProcessUpdate (2).



A value that specifies whether the transformation uses the default error configuration.If this property is False, the transformation includes information about error processing.

The input and the input columns of the Dimension Processing destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:Boyut işleme hedef.

Excel Destination Custom Properties

The Excel destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Excel destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.

Özellik adı

Veri Türü



Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

A value that specifies how the destination accesses its destination database.

Bu özellik, aşağıdaki değerlerden biri olabilir:

  • OpenRowset (0)—You provide the name of a table or view.

  • OpenRowset from Variable (1)—You provide the name of a variable that contains the name of a table or view.

  • OpenRowset Using Fastload (3)—You provide the name of a table or view.

  • OpenRowset Using Fastload from Variable (4)—You provide the name of a variable that contains the name of a table or view.

  • SQL Command (2)—You provide a SQL statement.



SQL komutu, zaman aşımına uğramadan önce çalışabileceği saniye sayısı.Değeri 0 sonsuz bir saat gösterir.Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri 0.

This property is not available in the Excel Destination Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.



A value that specifies whether to copy identity values when data is loaded.This property is available only when using one of the fast load options.Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri Yanlış.



A value that specifies whether to copy Null values when data is loaded.This property is available only with one of the fast load options.Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri Yanlış.



A value that specifies the batch size that the Excel destination tries to commit during fast load operations.The default value, 0, indicates a single commit operation after all rows are processed.



A collection of fast load options.The fast load options include the locking of tables and the checking of constraints.You can specify one, both, or neither.

Some options for this property are not available in the Excel Destination Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.



When AccessMode is OpenRowset, the name of the table or view that the Excel destination accesses.



When AccessMode is OpenRowset from Variable, the name of the variable that contains the name of the table or view that the Excel destination accesses.



When AccessMode is SQL Command, the Transact-SQL statement that the Excel destination uses to specify the destination columns for the data.

The input and the input columns of the Excel destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:Excel'in hedef.

Flat File Destination Custom Properties

The Flat File destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Flat File destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.

Özellik adı

Veri Türü




A block of text that is inserted in the file before any data is written.

Bu özelliğin değeri, bir özellik ifade kullanılarak belirtilebilir.



A value that specifies whether to overwrite or append to an existing destination file that has the same name.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan True.

The input and the input columns of the Flat File destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:Düz dosya hedef.

OLE DB Destination Custom Properties

The OLE DB destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the OLE DB destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.


The FastLoad options listed here (FastLoadKeepIdentity, FastLoadKeepNulls, and FastLoadOptions) correspond to the similarly named properties exposed by the IRowsetFastLoad interface implemented by the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (SQLOLEDB).For more information, search for IRowsetFastLoad in the MSDN Library.

Özellik adı

Veri Türü



Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

A value that specifies how the destination access its destination database.

Bu özellik, aşağıdaki değerlerden biri olabilir:

  • OpenRowset (0)—You provide the name of a table or view.

  • OpenRowset from Variable (1)—You provide the name of a variable that contains the name of a table or view.

  • OpenRowset Using Fastload (3)—You provide the name of a table or view.

  • OpenRowset Using Fastload from Variable (4)—You provide the name of a variable that contains the name of a table or view.

  • SQL Command (2)—You provide a SQL statement.



Değeri kullanılıp kullanılmayacağını belirten BIR değer DefaultCodePage her sütun için veya alınan her sütunun yerel ayar ayar kod sayfası türetmek için özellik. Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan False.



SQL komutu, zaman aşımına uğramadan önce çalışabileceği saniye sayısı.A value of 0 indicates an infinite time.Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri 0'dir.

This property is not available in the OLE DB Destination Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.



The default codepage associated with the OLE DB destination.



A value that specifies whether to copy identity values when data is loaded.This property is available only with one of the fast load options.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan False. This property corresponds to the OLE DB IRowsetFastLoad (OLE DB) property SSPROP_FASTLOADKEEPIDENTITY.



A value that specifies whether to copy Null values when data is loaded.This property is available only with one of the fast load options.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan False. This property corresponds to the OLE DB IRowsetFastLoad (OLE DB) property SSPROP_FASTLOADKEEPNULLS.



A value that specifies the batch size that the OLE DB destination tries to commit during fast load operations.The default value, 0, indicates a single commit operation after all rows are processed.



A collection of fast load options.The fast load options include the locking of tables and the checking of constraints.You can specify one, both, or neither.This property corresponds to the OLE DB IRowsetFastLoad property SSPROP_FASTLOADOPTIONS and accepts string options such as CHECK_CONSTRAINTS and TABLOCK.

Some options for this property are not available in the Excel Destination Editor, but can be set by using the Advanced Editor.



When AccessMode is OpenRowset, the name of the table or view that the OLE DB destination accesses.



When AccessMode is OpenRowset from Variable, the name of the variable that contains the name of the table or view that the OLE DB destination accesses.



When AccessMode is SQL Command, the Transact-SQL statement that the OLE DB destination uses to specify the destination columns for the data.

The input and the input columns of the OLE DB destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:OLE DB hedef.

Partition Processing Destination Custom Properties

The Partition Processing destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Partition Processing destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.


Veri Türü




The connection string to an Analysis Services project or an instance of Analysis Services.


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle duplicate key errors.The possible values are IgnoreError (0), ReportAndContinue (1), and ReportAndStop (2).The default value of this property is IgnoreError (0).


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle key errors.Olası değerler şunlardır: ConvertToUnknown (0) ve DiscardRecord (1). The default value of this property is ConvertToUnknown (0).



When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, the upper limit of key errors that are allowed.


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates the action to take when KeyErrorLimit is reached.The possible values are StopLogging (1) and StopProcessing (0).The default value of this property is StopProcessing (0).



When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, the path and file name of the error log file.


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle missing key errors.The possible values are IgnoreError (0), ReportAndContinue (1), and ReportAndStop (2).The default value of this property is ReportAndContinue (1).


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle null keys converted to the Unknown value.The possible values are IgnoreError (0), ReportAndContinue (1), and ReportAndStop (2).The default value of this property is IgnoreError (0).


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

When UseDefaultConfiguration is False, a value that indicates how to handle disallowed nulls.The possible values are IgnoreError (0), ReportAndContinue (1), and ReportAndStop (2).The default value of this property is ReportAndContinue (1).


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

The type of partition processing the transformation uses.The possible values are ProcessAdd (1) (incremental), ProcessFull (0), and ProcessUpdate (2).



A value that specifies whether the transformation uses the default error configuration.If this property is False, the transformation uses the values of the error-handling custom properties listed in this table, including KeyDuplicate, KeyErrorAction, and so on.

The input and the input columns of the Partition Processing destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:Bölüm işleme hedef.

Raw File Destination Custom Properties

The Raw File destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Raw File destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.

Özellik adı

Veri Türü



Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

A value that specifies whether the FileName property contains a file name, or the name of a variable that contains a file name.The options are File name (0) and File name from variable (1).



The name of the file to which the Raw File destination writes.


Tamsayı (numaralandırma)

A value that specifies whether the Raw File destination deletes an existing file that has the same name.The options are Create Always (0), Create Once (1), Truncate and Append (3), and Append (2).The default value of this property is Create Always (0).


An append operation requires the metadata of the appended data to match the metadata of the data already present in the file.

The input and the input columns of the Raw File destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:Ham Dosya hedefi.

Recordset Destination Custom Properties

The Recordset destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the Recordset destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.

Özellik adı

Veri Türü




The name of the variable that holds the ADO recordset.

The input and the input columns of the Recordset destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:Recordset hedef.

SQL Server Compact Edition Destination Custom Properties

The SQL Server Compact destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the SQL Server Compact destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.

Özellik adı

Veri Türü




The name of the destination table in a SQL Server Compact database.

Bu özelliğin değeri, bir özellik ifade kullanılarak belirtilebilir.

The input and the input columns of the SQL Server Compact destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:SQL Server Compact Edition hedef.

SQL Server Destination Custom Properties

The SQL Server destination has both custom properties and the properties common to all data flow components.

The following table describes the custom properties of the SQL Server destination.Tüm özellikleri okuma/yazma ' dir.

Özellik adı

Veri Türü




Forces the use of the DefaultCodePage property value.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan False.



A value that specifies whether the bulk insert checks constraints.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan True.



A value that specifies whether the bulk insert fires triggers on tables.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan False.



A value that specifies the first row to insert.The default value of this property is -1, which indicates that no value has been assigned



A value that specifies whether values can be inserted into identity columns.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan False.



A value that specifies whether the bulk insert keeps Null values.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan False.



A value that specifies the last row to insert.The default value of this property is -1, which indicates that no value has been assigned.



A value that specifies the number of errors that can occur before the bulk insert stops.The default value of this property is –1, which indicates that no value has been assigned.



The names of the sort columns.Her sütunun artan veya azalan düzende sıralayabilirsiniz.If multiple sort columns are used, the column names are separated by commas.



The SQL Server table or view in the database to which the data is copied.



A value that specifies whether the table is locked during the bulk insert.Bu varsayılan değeri özellik olan True.



The code page to use when code page information is not available from the data source.



A value that specifies the maximum number of rows to insert in a batch.When the value is zero, all rows are inserted in a single batch.



A value that specifies the number of seconds the SQL Server destination waits before termination if there is no data available for insertion.A value of 0 means that the SQL Server destination will not time out.Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri 30'dir.

The input and the input columns of the SQL Server destination have no custom properties.

Daha fazla bilgi için bkz:SQL Server hedef.

Değişiklik Geçmişi

Güncelleştirilmiş içerik

  • Aşağıdaki özellikler için sayısal değerleri eklendi:

    • The KeyDuplicate, KeyErrorAction, KeyErrorLimitAction, KeyNotFound, NullKeyConvertedToUnknown, NullKeyNotAllowed, and ProcessType properties of the Dimension Processing destination.

    • The AccessMode property of the Excel destination.

    • The AccessMode property of the OLE DB destination.

    • The KeyDuplicate, KeyErrorAction, KeyErrorLimitAction, KeyNotFound, NullKeyConvertedToUnknown, NullKeyNotAllowed, and ProcessType properties of the Partition Processing destination.

    • The AccessMode and WriteOption properties of the Raw File destination.