Aracılığıyla paylaş

Ifadeleri kullanarak küme, veri akışı özellikleri

The values of certain properties of data flow objects can be specified by using property expressions available on the Data Flow task container.

For information about using property expressions, see Paketlerinde özellik ifadeleri kullanma.

You can use property expressions to customize configurations for each deployed instance of a package.You can also use property expressions to specify run-time constraints for a package by using the /set option with the dtexec command prompt utility.For example, you can constrain the MaximumThreads used by the Sort transformation, or the MaxMemoryUsage of the Fuzzy Grouping and Fuzzy Lookup transformations.If unconstrained, these transformations may cache large amounts of data in memory.

Creating Expressions for Properties of Data Flow Objects

To specify a property expression for one of the properties of data flow objects listed in this topic, display the Properties window for the Data Flow task by selecting the Data Flow task on the Control Flow surface of the designer, or by selecting the Data Flow tab of the designer without selecting any individual component or path.Select the Expressions property and click the ellipsis (...) to display the Property Expressions Editor dialog box.Drop down the Property list to select a property, then type an expression in the Expression text box, or click the ellipsis (...) to display the Expression Builder dialog box.

The Property list displays available properties for only those data flow objects that you have already placed on the Data Flow surface of the designer.Therefore, you cannot use the Property list to view all the possible properties of data flow objects that support property expressions.For example, if you have placed an ADO NET source on the designer surface, the Property list contains an entry for the [ADO NET Source].[SqlCommand] property.The list also displays many properties of the Data Flow task itself.

Properties of Data Flow Objects That Support Property Expressions

The values of the properties in the following list can be specified by using property expressions.

Data Flow Sources

For more information about these custom properties, see Kaynak özel özellikleri.

Data Flow object


ADO NET source

TableOrViewName özellik

SqlCommand özellik

XML source

XMLData özellik

XMLSchemaDefinition özellik

Data Flow Transformations

For more information about these custom properties, see Dönüştürme için özel özellikler.

Data Flow object


Conditional Split transformation

FriendlyExpression özellik

Derived Column transformation

FriendlyExpression özellik

Fuzzy Grouping transformation

MaxMemoryUsage özellik

Fuzzy Lookup transformation

MaxMemoryUsage özellik

Lookup transformation

SqlCommand özellik

SqlCommandParam özellik

OLE DB Command transformation

SqlCommand özellik

Percentage Sampling transformation

SamplingValue özellik

Pivot transformation

PivotKeyValue özellik

Row Sampling transformation

SamplingValue özellik

Sort transformation

MaximumThreads özellik

Unpivot transformation

PivotKeyValue özellik

Data Flow Destinations

For more information about these custom properties, see Hedef özel özellikleri.

Data Flow object


ADO NET hedef

TableOrViewName özellik

BatchSize özellik

CommandTimeout özellik

Flat File destination

Header özellik

SQL Server Compact destination

TableName özellik

SQL Server Hedef

BulkInsertTableName özellik

BulkInsertFirstRow özellik

BulkInsertLastRow özellik

BulkInsertOrder özellik

Timeout özellik