Summary and knowledge check


In this module, you learned about the first phase of the service adoption framework - Start. You learned about the key roles in any change project. You reviewed the change curve and the different stages we all go through when faced with a change. Finally, you learned about the organizational resources you can use, like stakeholders and champions, to ensure a successful rollout.

Check your knowledge


When you are assigned to manage the Champions program, you are primarily responsible for which of the following?


When should your helpdesk support team start using the new experience?


True or false: Your helpdesk support leaders should be involved in your regular program management meetings.


To ensure sustained change and transformation your executive sponsor should do which of the following?


What are the four phases of the Change Curve?


When crafting the key messages in your service adoption plan, you should write them down from the perspective of the __________.


True or false: Technology service should melt into the background behind the end-user business objective?


Assessing the organizational readiness will allow you to do which of the following?


Stakeholders are defined as which of the following?


Which of the following is NOT a benefit for employees moving to cloud-based services?

Check your answers