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Access analytics data using Store services

Use the Microsoft Store analytics API to programmatically retrieve analytics data for apps that are registered to your or your organization's Windows Partner Center account. This API enables you to retrieve data for app and add-on (also known as in-app product or IAP) acquisitions, errors, app ratings and reviews. This API uses Microsoft Entra to authenticate the calls from your app or service.

The following steps describe the end-to-end process:

  1. Make sure that you have completed all the prerequisites.
  2. Before you call a method in the Microsoft Store analytics API, obtain a Microsoft Entra access token. After you obtain a token, you have 60 minutes to use this token in calls to the Microsoft Store analytics API before the token expires. After the token expires, you can generate a new token.
  3. Call the Microsoft Store analytics API.

Step 1: Complete prerequisites for using the Microsoft Store analytics API

Before you start writing code to call the Microsoft Store analytics API, make sure that you have completed the following prerequisites.

  • You (or your organization) must have a Microsoft Entra directory and you must have Global administrator permission for the directory. If you already use Microsoft 365 or other business services from Microsoft, you already have a Microsoft Entra directory. Otherwise, you can create a new one in Partner Center for no additional charge.

  • You must associate a Microsoft Entra application with your Partner Center account, retrieve the tenant ID and client ID for the application and generate a key. The Microsoft Entra application represents the app or service from which you want to call the Microsoft Store analytics API. You need the tenant ID, client ID and key to obtain a Microsoft Entra access token that you pass to the API.


    You only need to perform this task one time. After you have the tenant ID, client ID and key, you can reuse them any time you need to create a new Microsoft Entra access token.

To associate a Microsoft Entra application with your Partner Center account and retrieve the required values:

  1. In Partner Center, associate your organization's Partner Center account with your organization's Microsoft Entra directory.
  2. Next, from the Users page in the Account settings section of Partner Center, add the Microsoft Entra application that represents the app or service that you will use to access analytics data for your Partner Center account. Make sure you assign this application the Manager role. If the application doesn't exist yet in your Microsoft Entra directory, you can create a new Microsoft Entra application in Partner Center.
  3. Return to the Users Management page and navigate to Microsoft Entra applications tab, click the name of your Microsoft Entra application to go to the application settings, and copy down the Tenant ID and Client ID values.
  4. Click Add new key. On the following screen, copy down the Key value. You won't be able to access this info again after you leave this page. For more information, see Manage keys for a Microsoft Entra application.

Step 2: Obtain a Microsoft Entra access token

Before you call any of the methods in the Microsoft Store analytics API, you must first obtain a Microsoft Entra access token that you pass to the Authorization header of each method in the API. After you obtain an access token, you have 60 minutes to use it before it expires. After the token expires, you can refresh the token so you can continue to use it in further calls to the API.

To obtain the access token, follow the instructions in Service to Service Calls Using Client Credentials to send an HTTP POST to the https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant_id>/oauth2/token endpoint. Here is a sample request.

POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant_id>/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Host: login.microsoftonline.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8


For the tenant_id value in the POST URI and the client_id and client_secret parameters, specify the tenant ID, client ID and the key for your application that you retrieved from Partner Center in the previous section. For the resource parameter, you must specify https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com.

After your access token expires, you can refresh it by following the instructions here.


ResourceType=Graph.windows.net was deprecated in September 2023. Please migrate to ResourceType =Graph.microsoft.com.

Step 3: Call the Microsoft Store analytics API

After you have a Microsoft Entra access token, you are ready to call the Microsoft Store analytics API. You must pass the access token to the Authorization header of each method.

Methods for UWP apps and games

The following methods are available for apps and games acquisitions and add-on acquisitions:

Methods for UWP apps

The following analytics methods are available for UWP apps in Partner Center.

Scenario Methods
Acquisitions, conversions, installs, and usage
App errors
Ratings and reviews
In-app ads and ad campaigns

Methods for desktop applications

The following analytics methods are available for use by developer accounts that belong to the Windows Desktop Application program.

Scenario Methods
Application errors

Methods for Xbox Live services

The following additional methods are available for use by developer accounts with games that use Xbox Live services. The Microsoft Store Analytics API for Xbox is no longer available. gaming/xbox-live/get-started/join-dev-program/join-dev-program_nav

Scenario Methods
General analytics

Methods for hardware and drivers

Developer accounts that belong to the Windows hardware dashboard program have access to an additional set of methods for retrieving analytics data for hardware and drivers. For more information, see Hardware dashboard API.

Code example

The following code example demonstrates how to obtain a Microsoft Entra access token and call the Microsoft Store analytics API from a C# console app. To use this code example, assign the tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, and appID variables to the appropriate values for your scenario. This example requires the Json.NET package from Newtonsoft to deserialize the JSON data returned by the Microsoft Store analytics API.

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TestAnalyticsAPI
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string tenantId = "<your tenant ID>";
            string clientId = "<your client ID>";
            string clientSecret = "<your secret>";

            string scope = "https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com";

            // Retrieve an Azure AD access token
            string accessToken = GetClientCredentialAccessToken(

            // This is your app's Store ID. This ID is available on
            // the App identity page of the Dev Center dashboard.
            string appID = "<your app's Store ID>";

            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse("08-01-2015");
            DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse("11-01-2015");
            int pageSize = 1000;
            int startPageIndex = 0;

            // Call the Windows Store analytics API
            CallAnalyticsAPI(accessToken, appID, startDate, endDate, pageSize, startPageIndex);


        private static void CallAnalyticsAPI(string accessToken, string appID, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int top, int skip)
            string requestURI;

            // Get app acquisitions
            requestURI = string.Format(
                appID, startDate, endDate, top, skip);

            //// Get add-on acquisitions
            //requestURI = string.Format(
            //    "https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/inappacquisitions?applicationId={0}&startDate={1}&endDate={2}&top={3}&skip={4}",
            //    appID, startDate, endDate, top, skip);

            //// Get app failures
            //requestURI = string.Format(
            //    "https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/failurehits?applicationId={0}&startDate={1}&endDate={2}&top={3}&skip={4}",
            //    appID, startDate, endDate, top, skip);

            //// Get app ratings
            //requestURI = string.Format(
            //    "https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/ratings?applicationId={0}&startDate={1}&endDate={2}top={3}&skip={4}",
            //    appID, startDate, endDate, top, skip);

            //// Get app reviews
            //requestURI = string.Format(
            //    "https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/reviews?applicationId={0}&startDate={1}&endDate={2}&top={3}&skip={4}",
            //    appID, startDate, endDate, top, skip);

            HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestURI);
            requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);

            WebRequestHandler handler = new WebRequestHandler();
            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(handler);

            HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage).Result;



        public static async Task<string> GetClientCredentialAccessToken(string tenantId, string clientId, string clientSecret, string scope)
            string tokenEndpointFormat = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{0}/oauth2/token";
            string tokenEndpoint = string.Format(tokenEndpointFormat, tenantId);

            dynamic result;
            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                string tokenUrl = tokenEndpoint;
                using (
                    HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(
                    string content =

                    request.Content = new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

                    using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request))
                        string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                        result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseContent);

            return result.access_token;

Error responses

The Microsoft Store analytics API returns error responses in a JSON object that contains error codes and messages. The following example demonstrates an error response caused by an invalid parameter.

            "top parameter cannot be more than 10000"
        "message":"One or More Query Parameters has invalid values.",
    "message":"The calling client sent a bad request to the service.",