Exercise - Deploy KEDA on an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster


Install the aks-preview Azure CLI extension

  1. Open the Azure Cloud Shell in your browser and select Bash.

  2. Install the aks-preview extension using the az extension add command:

    az extension add --name aks-preview --allow-preview true
  3. Update to the latest version of the aks-preview extension using the az extension update command:

    az extension update --name aks-preview --allow-preview true

Register the AKS-KedaPreview feature flag

  1. Register the AKS-KedaPreview feature flag using the az feature register command:

    az feature register --name AKS-KedaPreview --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

    It can take few minutes for the status to show as Registered.

  2. Verify the registration status using the az feature show command:

    az feature show --name AKS-KedaPreview --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
  3. When the status reflects as Registered, refresh the Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider's registration using the az provider register command:

    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

Enable the KEDA add-on on an AKS cluster

  1. Use the following commands to create environment variables for the resource group name, location, and cluster name for use throughout this module. If you want to use your own names or location, replace the values in the following commands with your own.

  2. Create an Azure resource group using the az group create command:

    az group create -n $RESOURCE_GROUP -l $LOCATION
  3. Create an AKS cluster with the KEDA add-on enabled using the az aks create command and the --enable-keda flag:

    az aks create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $CLUSTER_NAME --enable-keda --generate-ssh-keys

    This command can take a few minutes to run.

  4. Connect to your AKS cluster using the az aks get-credentials command:

    az aks get-credentials -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP
  5. Verify the KEDA add-on is installed on your cluster using the az aks show command and set the --query flag to workloadAutoScalerProfile.keda.enabled:

    az aks show -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --query "workloadAutoScalerProfile.keda.enabled"

    Your output should look like the following example output, which shows the KEDA add-on is installed on the cluster:


Create an Azure Cache for Redis instance

  1. Use the following command to create an environment variable for the Redis name for use throughout this module:

  2. Create an Azure Cache for Redis instance using the az redis create command:

    az redis create --location $LOCATION --name $REDIS_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --sku Basic --vm-size c0 --enable-non-ssl-port

    This command can take several minutes to run.

  3. Create environment variables for the Redis host and key for use throughout this module using the az redis show and az redis list-keys commands:

    REDIS_HOST=$(az redis show -n $REDIS_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -o tsv --query "hostName")
    REDIS_KEY=$(az redis list-keys --name $REDIS_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP -o tsv --query "primaryKey")