Exercise: Use the .NET IoT Libraries


In this unit, you'll use the .NET IoT Libraries to write code that interacts with your cave-monitor device. Although the .NET SDK is supported on Raspberry Pi and other IoT boards, we recommend using a computer. Using a computer lets you use fully featured IDEs and editors like Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

Create the app

Complete the following steps from a command shell on your development machine.

  1. Create a new console app named cheesecave.net.

    dotnet new console -o cheesecave.net
    cd ./cheesecave.net

    The preceding commands:

    • Create a new .NET console app in a folder named cheesecave.net.
    • Set the current location to the cheesecave.net folder.
  2. Add the .NET IoT Libraries to the project.

    dotnet add package System.Device.Gpio --version 2.1.0
    dotnet add package IoT.Device.Bindings --version 2.1.0

    The preceding commands:

    • Add the System.Device.Gpio and Iot.Device.Bindings packages to the project.
    • Specifies version 2.1.0 is added for both packages.

Add code

  1. Using your preferred IDE or editor, replace the contents of Program.cs with the following code:

    using System;
    using System.Device.Gpio;
    using System.Device.Gpio.Drivers;
    using System.Device.I2c;
    using Iot.Device.Bmxx80;
    using Iot.Device.Bmxx80.ReadResult;
    bool _fanOn = false;
    bool _exit = false;
    int _pin = 21;
    // Initialize the GPIO controller
    using GpioController gpio = new GpioController();
    // Open the GPIO pin for output
    gpio.OpenPin(_pin, PinMode.Output);
    gpio.Write(_pin, PinValue.Low);
    // Get a reference to a device on the I2C bus
    var i2cSettings = new I2cConnectionSettings(1, Bme280.DefaultI2cAddress);
    using I2cDevice i2cDevice = I2cDevice.Create(i2cSettings);
    // Create a reference to the BME280
    using var bme280 = new Bme280(i2cDevice);
    // Write the fan, temperature, and humidity statuses to the console
    // Main control loop
    while (!_exit)
        string commandText = Console.ReadLine() ?? string.Empty;
    // Close the pin before exit
    // Exit
    void DoCommand(string commandText)
        switch (commandText)
            case "exit":
                _exit = true;
            case "fan":
                if (!_fanOn)
                    // Turn on the fan
                    gpio.Write(_pin, PinValue.High);
                    Console.WriteLine("Turned fan on!");
                    // Turn off the fan
                    gpio.Write(_pin, PinValue.Low);
                    Console.WriteLine("Turned fan off!");
                _fanOn = !_fanOn;
            case "status":
                Console.WriteLine("Command not recognized! Try again.");
    void WriteStatus()
        // Read the BME280
        Bme280ReadResult output = bme280.Read();
        double temperatureF = output.Temperature?.DegreesFahrenheit ?? double.NaN;
        double humidityPercent = output.Humidity?.Percent ?? double.NaN;
        // Print statuses
        Console.WriteLine("DEVICE STATUS");
        Console.WriteLine($"Fan: {(_fanOn ? "ON" : "OFF")}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {temperatureF:0.#}°F");
        Console.WriteLine($"Relative humidity: {humidityPercent:#.##}%");
        Console.WriteLine("Enter command (status/fan/exit):");
  2. Examine the code to understand how it interacts with the GPIO pin. In the preceding code:

    • An instance of GpioController is created for use in GPIO operations.

    • Pin 21 is opened with gpio.OpenPin(). The pin is opened for output with PinMode.Output.

    • The value of Pin 21 is set to PinValue.Low. This value represents the lowest amount of voltage the pin can emit. For purposes of illuminating the LED, PinValue.Low represents off, and PinValue.High represents on. As a result, the LED representing the fan is turned off.

    • The code toggles the fan/LED on and off by writing PinValue.Low and PinValue.High.


      Many real-world relays use PinValue.High for off and PinValue.Low for on. That's the opposite of what you're implementing for the LED that's representing the fan relay in this exercise.

    • Before the code exits, Pin 21 is closed with gpio.ClosePin().

  3. Examine the code to understand how it interacts with the BME280. In the preceding code:

    • An instance of I2cConnectionSettings is created. The first constructor parameter, busId, is set to 1, the I2C bus ID on the Raspberry Pi. The second constructor parameter, deviceAddress, is set to Bme280.DefaultI2cAddress.


      Some BME280 breakouts use Bme280.SecondaryI2cAddress for the device address. If your app throws System.IO.IOException: Error 121 performing I2C data transfer., try this value instead.

    • An instance of I2cDevice is created using the I2cConnectionSettings object.

    • An instance of Bme280 is created using the I2cDevice object. This object represents the physical BME280.

    • In the WriteStatus() method, a Bme280ReadResult object is created by calling Bme280.Read().

    • The Bme280ReadResult object contains Temperature and Humidity properties.

      • The Temperature and Humidity properties are both nullable, which means they might contain null. Accordingly, the null-conditional operator ?. is used to access their members.
      • The properties themselves expose properties that do automatic unit conversions, such as DegreesFahrenheit and Percent.
      • In both cases, the null-coalescing operator ?? checks the return value, and if it's null, replaces it with double.NaN.


    If you need help understanding null safety, see Null safety in C#.

Build the app

Run the following command to build the app.

dotnet build

The build completes with no errors or warnings.

In the next unit, you'll deploy your app to the Raspberry Pi and test it.