In an emergency


Sponsors should plan for and be prepared for unexpected events and minor emergencies. A first aid kit is handy to have on-site for minor scrapes, etc. Keep contact information for all parents or guardians on file and up to date so that it can be accessed in the event that it's needed. It may also be necessary to collect allergy or dietary restrictions information ahead of each sponsored event. A few key items to pack are QR codes to sign in and out, contact info with allergy info, name tags, photo roster, extra t-shirts on hand, and a first aid kit.

MSAs should be given a name tag so they're easily identified as being a part of your program. Sponsors can organize name tags and give them out at each event or allow MSAs to be responsible for keeping up with their own name tag. Either way, plan to have extras on hand in case they're lost. It's also a good idea to have an extra t-shirt in case an Ambassador forgets one.

It may be necessary to identify an ambassador quickly. A photo roster is a tool to quickly establish what each student looks like. At the start of your program, ask each parent or guardian to send in a digital photo of their MSA. Sponsors can also take a photo of each MSA at the first meeting. These photos are compiled into a photo roster for your program. A photo roster includes the photo of each student with their whole name and contact information for a parent or guardian. This digital roster should be housed in a shared space and shared with all of the MSA sponsors.

These key items, name tag, t-shirt, and photo roster make it easier to identify your MSAs at a busy event.

The photo roster with contact info is found in the Minecraft Student Ambassador program OneNote notebook. Feel free to download a copy and edit as needed.  An editable version of the photo roster can also be found at this link

Illustration of a photo roster with example photo icons and spaces for student names.

Illustration of a contact info slide.

One last item to gather from each parent and guardian is a photo release. MSA events are exciting times and you'll want to memorialize them with photos and videos. It's useful to have the photo release on file so that you can document your program as you go. With just a little advanced planning, you can ensure a safe and fun event for all of your Minecraft Student Ambassadors.

Illustration of a student safety building blocks poster that repeats the responsibilities listed in this unit.