Projects versus Projects Classic


Before we dive into learning how to utilize the new and improved Projects, let's take a moment to walk through what has changed from Projects (Classic).

Let's first go over some of the enhancements in a side-by-side glance and then dive deeper into each section of updates.

Projects vs Projects (Classic)

Projects Projects (Classic)
Tables and Boards Boards, Lists, Timeline Layout Boards
Data Sort, rank, and group items by custom fields such as text, number, date, iteration and single select Columns and Cards
Insights Create visuals to help understand your work through historical and current charts with Projects Progress bar
Automation Use GraphQL API, Actions, and Column presets to manage your Project Configure Column presets for when issues and pull requests are added, edited, or closed

The new GitHub Projects provides a richer experience that enables you to keep track of your work, where you work. Let's dive a bit deeper into the changes that have been made.

Comprehensive lists of Project enhancements

Tables and boards

  • Plan and track work in a table or board view
  • Rank, sort, and group within a table by any custom field
  • Create draft issues with detailed descriptions and metadata
  • Materialize any perspective with tokenized filtering and saved views
  • Customize cards and group-by in Project boards
  • Real-time Project updates and user presence indicators


  • Define custom fields of type: text, number, date, iteration, and single select
  • Configure iterations with flexible date ranges and breaks to represent your sprints, cycles, or quarterly roadmap
  • View linked pull requests and reviewers in both table and board views


  • Create and configure custom bar, column, line, and stacked area charts
  • Use aggregation functions like sum, count, average, min, and max to get the proper insight
  • Persist charts and share them with a URL to keep everyone in the know


  • GraphQL ProjectsV2 API
  • GitHub app Project scopes
  • Webhooks events for Project item metadata updates
  • GitHub Action to automate adding issues to Projects

Now let's dive into how to create a Project!