Deploy Azure Spring Apps in a virtual network


Now that all the networking resources are available, you'll need to recreate your Azure Spring Apps service within the virtual network. Additionally, you'll need delete your previous Azure Spring Apps instance.

When you recreate your Spring Apps instance in the virtual network, you'll also need to update some of the steps from the previous exercise:

  • Recreate the config server setup.
  • Recreate and redeploy all apps.
    • In the previous exercise, you assigned an endpoint to the api-gateway and admin service apps. At this point in this challenge, you won't yet assign an endpoint to them, you'll do so in the next step after configuring your internal DNS.
  • Reassign a managed identity to each of the apps and give them access to your Key Vault so they can access the username and password info needed for connecting to the database.
  1. Delete the existing Azure Spring Apps instance by running the following command from the Git Bash shell prompt.

    az spring delete \
        --name $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP
  2. Next, recreate your Azure Spring Apps instance by specifying the virtual network and subnets you created.

    az config set$RESOURCE_GROUP defaults.spring=$SPRING_APPS_SERVICE
    az spring create \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --vnet $VIRTUAL_NETWORK_NAME \
        --service-runtime-subnet service-runtime-subnet \
        --app-subnet apps-subnet \
        --sku standard \
        --location $LOCATION


    Provisioning will take approximately 15 minutes.

  3. Set up the config server.

    az spring config-server git set
        --name $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --uri $GIT_REPO \
        --label main \
        --password $GIT_PASSWORD \
        --username $GIT_USERNAME
  4. Recreate each of the apps in Spring Apps, including managed identities for the customers-service,visits-service, and vets-service app.

    az spring app create \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name api-gateway
    az spring app create \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name admin-service
    az spring app create \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name customers-service \
        --assign-identity true
    az spring app create \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name visits-service \
        --assign-identity true
    az spring app create \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name vets-service \
        --assign-identity true
  5. Retrieve the managed identities of the customers, visitsand vetsapps, and grant them access to the Key Vault instance.

    CUSTOMERS_SERVICE_ID=$(az spring app identity show \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name customers-service \
        --output tsv \
        --query principalId)
    az keyvault set-policy \
        --name $KEYVAULT_NAME \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --secret-permissions get list  \
        --object-id $CUSTOMERS_SERVICE_ID
    VISITS_SERVICE_ID=$(az spring app identity show \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name visits-service \
        --output tsv \
        --query principalId)
    az keyvault set-policy \
        --name $KEYVAULT_NAME \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --secret-permissions get list  \
        --object-id $VISITS_SERVICE_ID
    VNETS_SERVICE_ID=$(az spring app identity show \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name vets-service \
        --output tsv \
        --query principalId)
    az keyvault set-policy \
        --name $KEYVAULT_NAME \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --secret-permissions get list  \
        --object-id $VNETS_SERVICE_ID
  6. Redeploy each of the apps.

    az spring app deploy \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name api-gateway \
        --no-wait \
        --artifact-path spring-petclinic-api-gateway/target/spring-petclinic-api-gateway-$VERSION.jar
    az spring app deploy \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name admin-service \
        --no-wait \
        --artifact-path spring-petclinic-admin-server/target/spring-petclinic-admin-server-$VERSION.jar
    az spring app deploy \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name customers-service \
        --no-wait \
        --artifact-path spring-petclinic-customers-service/target/spring-petclinic-customers-service-$VERSION.jar \
        --env SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=mysql
    az spring app deploy \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name visits-service \
        --no-wait \
        --artifact-path spring-petclinic-visits-service/target/spring-petclinic-visits-service-$VERSION.jar \
        --env SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=mysql
    az spring app deploy \
        --service $SPRING_APPS_SERVICE \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name vets-service \
        --no-wait \
        --artifact-path spring-petclinic-vets-service/target/spring-petclinic-vets-service-$VERSION.jar \
        --env SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=mysql