Exercise - List your accounts


In this exercise, you'll apply your knowledge to create a view for accounts that you manage. Additionally, you'll ensure that the view shows the records as sorted from the highest annual revenue to the lowest.

Go to a Dataverse environment where you can modify the tables, such as dedicated training or development environment. Then, follow these steps to complete the exercise:

  1. Sign in to Power Apps portals.

  2. In the left pane, expand Dataverse and then select Tables.

    Screenshot of Power Apps portals showing the Dataverse option expanded and Tables selected.

  3. In the list of tables, select Account.

    Screenshot of the list of Tables in Power Apps portals, showing the Account table selected.

  4. In Power Apps portals, for the Account table, select Views.

    Screenshot of the Account table designer, showing the Views option.

  5. Select the New view option.

    Partial screenshot of the list of views for the Account table, showing the New view option.

  6. Define a Name and a Description for the new view. Select Create to proceed to the view designer.

    Screenshot of the Create a view form. The Name and Description fields are filled in and the Create option is highlighted.

  7. Add columns to the view, including Annual Revenue and Owner.

    Partial screenshot of the view designer. Focus is on the Actual Revenue column being selected from the flyout menu of add View column.

    Partial screenshot of the view designer. Focus is on the Owner column being selected from the flyout menu of add View column.

  8. Set the order of the records to display in order of revenue. Select Annual Revenue and then select Larger to smaller.

    Partial screenshot of the view designer. Focus is on the Actual Revenue column heading and the Larger to smaller option from the flyout menu.

  9. Filter the accounts to be displayed so that only the records that you manage are listed. Select the Owner column heading and then select Filter by.

    Partial screenshot of the view designer. Focus is on the Owner column heading and the Filter by option from the flyout menu.

  10. In the list of users, select your name and then select Apply.

    Screenshot of the Filter by flyout menu. Focus is on the selected user and the Apply option.

  11. To apply changes and make them available to Power Apps users, select Save > Publish.

    Partial screenshot of the view designer, showing the Save and Publish options being selected.

Exercise steps (video)

Watch the following video for a demonstration of the steps that you've completed for this exercise.

Next steps

Now, you've learned how to add filter and sort criteria to a Dataverse table view. Next, you'll validate the learned concepts for this module.