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Telephone Number Services (TNS) - Service Desk


As of July 22, 2021, the previous email system to reach out to the TNS service desk has been retired.

There is a new process to interact with the Telephone Number Services (TNS) service desk from our new Phone Number Service Center. You can now open tickets, view tickets, and track communication in a single place that is integrated with the Teams Admin Center. These tasks are described in more detail in the following sections.

Create a new case


Only someone from the same tenant is allowed to create a case. For example, someone from @fabrikam.com can't create a case on behalf of @contoso.com.

To create a new case, follow these steps:

  1. Select Create a new case from one of the following places:
  • From the Phone Number Service Center home page, at the top of the page or at the bottom tile.

  • From the View my existing cases page.

  • From the View my company cases page.

  1. Provide your case details as described in detail in the next section.

  2. After entering all values, select Submit. You'll see a new screen where you can see your case number.

Provide case details

To understand case details, Microsoft needs the following information:

Case category

A case can have one of two categories:

  • Submit a new request- Choose this option if you want to submit a new request. For example, you want to submit a port request or you want to acquire new phone numbers from Microsoft.

  • General inquiry - Choose this option if you have questions that will help you determine your request. For example, you need to know if you can port your wireless numbers to Microsoft, or you need to know if Microsoft supports vanity toll-free numbers.

Country or region

Select the country/region for which the phone number you are submitting this case for. If you have requests for multiple countries, you must open one case per country/region.

Case type

Case type can be one of the following:

  • Custom Calling Name (US Only) - Set a custom calling name on your Microsoft phone numbers. This is applicable to United States phone numbers only.

    • Custom calling name to set (15 chars only) - The custom calling name that you want to set. Name has a maximum limit of 15 characters.

    • List of phone numbers - The list of phone numbers for which you want to set a custom calling name value. Upload a csv file with the list of phone numbers.

  • Inter tenant port – Move phone numbers from one tenant to another. For example, you have two different tenants within Microsoft, and you want to move your phone numbers from one tenant to the other. Find your tenant details.

    • Source tenant unique identifier - The tenant ID for the source tenant, from which you want to move phone numbers to a different tenant. The ticket has to be created from the source tenant.

    • Source tenant domain name - The name of the source tenant, from which you want to move phone numbers to a different tenant.

    • Destination tenant unique identifier - The tenant ID for the destination tenant where you would like to move the phone numbers.

    • Destination tenant domain name - The name of the destination tenant where you would like to move the phone numbers.

    • Requested Date time* - The date and time on which you want your numbers moved from the source tenant to the destination tenant, at least one working day from the day the ticket is created. See Date and time.

    • List of phone numbers - The list of phone numbers that you want to move from the source tenant to the destination tenant. Upload a csv file with the list of phone numbers.

    • Emergency Address - Add the emergency addresses associated to the phome numbers in the destination tenant.

  • Inventory Type Change – Change the type of phone number(s). For example, you want to change your Microsoft subscriber numbers to service numbers. For more information about the types of phone numbers Microsoft supports, see Types of phone numbers.

    • Convert to - Select to convert your numbers to user numbers or to service numbers.

    • Preferred Datetime* - The date and time on which you want the inventory type of your numbers to be changed. See Date and time for more information.

    • Checkbox – I understand that to be able to update the inventory type, my phone numbers need to be unassigned - Microsoft can't process phone number type change requests unless the phone numbers within your tenant are not assigned. If you are requesting this change for a future date, then you will need to ensure that the numbers are unassigned before your requested date and time.

    • List of phone numbers - The list of phone numbers whose type you want to change. Upload a csv file with the list of phone numbers.

    • Unassign number - phone number must be unassigned from user or resource account for conversion execution.

  • New TN Acquisition – Acquire new phone numbers from Microsoft. Before creating a ticket, check phone availability in different countries

    • Number Type - Select the type for your numbers. See Types of phone numbers.

    • Tried to get phone numbers from the Teams Admin Center Portal - Have you tried acquiring these phone numbers from the Microsoft Teams Admin Center?

    • Quantity of phone numbers required - The count of phone numbers that you want to acquire.

    • State/Province - The state/province within your country/region for which you want phone numbers.

    • City - The city within the state/province for which you want phone numbers.

    • Office address - This is specific to certain countries only. This is the site address of your office.

    • Directory listing - This is specific to certain countries only. Do you want to publish your company information with the phone numbers?

  • Port in – Port existing phone numbers from your current service provider to Microsoft.

    • Name your port order - Provide an easy-to-remember name for your port request.

    • Requested porting date/time* - The on which you want the numbers to port to Microsoft. This is not a guaranteed porting date because the current number owner has to approve our port request first.

    • List of porting numbers - The list of phone numbers that you would like to port to Microsoft. Upload a csv file with the list of phone numbers.

    • Letter of authorization (LOA) - Attach a signed and filled out LOA here. Microsoft cannot process a port request without an LOA.


For more information about lead time and LOAs to port/transfer existing phone numbers and additional documentation requirements, see Manage phone numbers for Calling Plan.

To port/transfer 999 or fewer phone numbers for your users, upload the completed and signed LOAs in the Microsoft Teams admin center for further processing.

To port/transfer more than 999 phone numbers or if you experience issues with the porting process in the Microsoft Teams admin center, you can manually submit a port order to the TNS Service Desk for your region.

  • Address Update – Update emergency calling address. Note that this field applies to select countries only. Contact the operator for Operator Connect numbers.

    • Location id - The location ID for your emergency address.

    • List of phone numbers - The list of phone numbers for which you want to change the emergency address (enter your desired address in the Description field). Upload a csv file with the list of phone numbers.

Date and time

The date and time you specify while creating a case is with respect to the country you select when creating the case. For example, if you select France as the country (country of the phone numbers) with date = 8/14/2021 (August 14, 2021) and time = 10 AM, then the request will be executed on 8/14/2021 (August 14, 2021) at 10 a.m. French time.

Case title

Enter a title that summarizes your ask.

Additional contacts for notifications

Enter the list of people who will receive automated status notifications from Microsoft. For example, you want to place a port-in order and you want two other colleagues in addition to yourself to receive automated status notifications. Provide the email addresses of your colleagues in the Notification emails section. This information is optional.


Describe what you are trying to achieve and list your questions for the Microsoft Telephone Number Services (TNS) Service desk.

Additional supporting documents

Upload any additional documents for your case.

View and manage existing cases

You can view your cases by selecting View my existing cases and selecting the case number. Selecting a case number will redirect you to the case details. (You can also view company cases by selecting View company cases.) You can also:

  • Filter your cases by selecting Open cases, All cases, or Closed cases.

  • Communicate with the TNS service desk regarding your case by opening an existing case, scrolling down, and selecting Add comment. A new window will appear. Enter your message in the comment box. Attach any supporting documents (if available), and then select Submit.

    Responses from the TNS service desk will be displayed under the same timeline. When there is an update on your case, you will receive an automated email notification of the update.

  • Add a responsible contact that will allow a specified member of your company to request to cancel a case on your behalf. You can do this by navigating to a case you created and selecting the search button next to the Responsible Contact field. A new window will appear where you can search for the contact you would like to add. After selecting the contact, scroll down to the bottom of the case, and then select Submit.

  • Cancel a case by navigating to an existing case, scrolling down, and selecting Cancel case. Select a reason for the cancellation from the drop-down list and then select Cancel. Only case creators and designated responsible contacts can request to cancel a case.