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Storage Configuration

Kubernetes storage concepts

Kubernetes provides an infrastructure abstraction layer over the underlying virtualization tech stack (optional) and hardware. The way that Kubernetes abstracts away storage is through Storage Classes. When you provision a pod, you can specify a storage class for each volume. At the time the pod is provisioned, the storage class provisioner is called to provision the storage, and then a persistent volume is created on that provisioned storage and then the pod is mounted to the persistent volume by a persistent volume claim.

Kubernetes provides a way for storage infrastructure providers to plug in drivers (also called "Addons") that extend Kubernetes. Storage addons must comply with the Container Storage Interface standard. There are dozens of addons that can be found in this non-definitive list of CSI drivers. The specific CSI driver you use depends on factors such as whether you're running in a cloud-hosted, managed Kubernetes service or which OEM provider you use for your hardware.

To view the storage classes configured in your Kubernetes cluster, run this command:

kubectl get storageclass

Example output from an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster:

NAME                PROVISIONER                AGE
azurefile           kubernetes.io/azure-file   15d
azurefile-premium   kubernetes.io/azure-file   15d
default (default)   kubernetes.io/azure-disk   4d3h
managed-premium     kubernetes.io/azure-disk   4d3h

You can get details about a storage class by running this command:

kubectl describe storageclass/<storage class name>


kubectl describe storageclass/azurefile

Name:            azurefile
IsDefaultClass:  No
Annotations:     kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"allowVolumeExpansion":true,"apiVersion":"storage.k8s.io/v1beta1","kind":"StorageClass","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"kubernetes.io/cluster-service":"true"},"name":"azurefile"},"parameters":{"sku

Provisioner:           kubernetes.io/azure-file
Parameters:            skuName=Standard_LRS
AllowVolumeExpansion:  True
MountOptions:          <none>
ReclaimPolicy:         Delete
VolumeBindingMode:     Immediate
Events:                <none>

You can see the currently provisioned persistent volumes and persistent volume claims by running the following commands:

kubectl get persistentvolumes -n <namespace>

kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims -n <namespace>

Example of showing persistent volumes:

kubectl get persistentvolumes -n arc

NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                      STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-07fc7b9f-9a37-4796-9442-4405147120da   15Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/sqldemo11-data-claim   default                 7d3h
pvc-3e772f20-ed89-4642-b34d-8bb11b088afa   15Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/data-metricsdb-0       default                 7d14h
pvc-41b33bbd-debb-4153-9a41-02ce2bf9c665   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/sqldemo11-logs-claim   default                 7d3h
pvc-4ccda3e4-fee3-4a89-b92d-655c04fa62ad   15Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/data-controller        default                 7d14h
pvc-63e6bb4c-7240-4de5-877e-7e9ea4e49c91   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/logs-controller        default                 7d14h
pvc-8a1467fe-5eeb-4d73-b99a-f5baf41eb493   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/logs-metricsdb-0       default                 7d14h
pvc-8e2cacbc-e953-4901-8591-e77df9af309c   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/sqldemo10-logs-claim   default                 7d14h
pvc-9fb79ba3-bd3e-42aa-aa09-3090135d4513   15Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/sqldemo10-data-claim   default                 7d14h
pvc-a39c85d4-5cd9-4249-9915-68a70a9bb5e5   15Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/data-controldb         default                 7d14h
pvc-c9cbd74a-76ca-4be5-b598-0c7a45749bfb   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/logs-controldb         default                 7d14h
pvc-d576e9d4-0a09-4dd7-b806-be8ed461f8a4   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/logs-logsdb-0          default                 7d14h
pvc-ecd7d07f-2c2c-421d-98d7-711ec5d4a0cd   15Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    arc/data-logsdb-0          default                 7d14h

Example of showing persistent volume claims:

kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims -n arc

NAME                   STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
data-controldb         Bound    pvc-a39c85d4-5cd9-4249-9915-68a70a9bb5e5   15Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
data-controller        Bound    pvc-4ccda3e4-fee3-4a89-b92d-655c04fa62ad   15Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
data-logsdb-0          Bound    pvc-ecd7d07f-2c2c-421d-98d7-711ec5d4a0cd   15Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
data-metricsdb-0       Bound    pvc-3e772f20-ed89-4642-b34d-8bb11b088afa   15Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
logs-controldb         Bound    pvc-c9cbd74a-76ca-4be5-b598-0c7a45749bfb   10Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
logs-controller        Bound    pvc-63e6bb4c-7240-4de5-877e-7e9ea4e49c91   10Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
logs-logsdb-0          Bound    pvc-d576e9d4-0a09-4dd7-b806-be8ed461f8a4   10Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
logs-metricsdb-0       Bound    pvc-8a1467fe-5eeb-4d73-b99a-f5baf41eb493   10Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
sqldemo10-data-claim   Bound    pvc-9fb79ba3-bd3e-42aa-aa09-3090135d4513   15Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
sqldemo10-logs-claim   Bound    pvc-8e2cacbc-e953-4901-8591-e77df9af309c   10Gi       RWO            default        7d14h
sqldemo11-data-claim   Bound    pvc-07fc7b9f-9a37-4796-9442-4405147120da   15Gi       RWO            default        7d4h
sqldemo11-logs-claim   Bound    pvc-41b33bbd-debb-4153-9a41-02ce2bf9c665   10Gi       RWO            default        7d4h

Factors to consider when choosing your storage configuration

Selecting the right storage class is important to data resiliency and performance. Choosing the wrong storage class can put your data at risk of total data loss in the event of a hardware failure or could result in less optimal performance.

There are generally two types of storage:

  • Local storage - storage provisioned on local hard drives on a given node. This kind of storage can be ideal in terms of performance, but requires specifically designing for data redundancy by replicating the data across multiple nodes.
  • Remote, shared storage - storage provisioned on some remote storage device - for example, a SAN, NAS, or cloud storage service like EBS or Azure Files. This kind of storage generally provides for data redundancy automatically, but is not as fast as local storage can be.

NFS based storage classes

Depending on the configuration of your NFS server and storage class provisioner, you may need to set the supplementalGroups in the pod configurations for database instances, and you may need to change the NFS server configuration to use the group IDs passed in by the client (as opposed to looking group IDs up on the server using the passed-in user ID). Consult your NFS administrator to determine if this is the case.

The supplementalGroups property takes an array of values you can set at deployment. Azure Arc data controller applies these to any database instances it creates.

To set this property, run the following command:

az arcdata dc config add --path custom/control.json --json-values 'spec.security.supplementalGroups="1234556"'

Data controller storage configuration

Some services in Azure Arc for data services depend upon being configured to use remote, shared storage because the services don't have an ability to replicate the data. These services are found in the collection of data controller pods:

Service Persistent Volume Claims
OpenSearch <namespace>/logs-logsdb-0, <namespace>/data-logsdb-0
InfluxDB <namespace>/logs-metricsdb-0, <namespace>/data-metricsdb-0
Controller SQL instance <namespace>/logs-controldb, <namespace>/data-controldb
Controller API service <namespace>/data-controller

At the time the data controller is provisioned, the storage class to be used for each of these persistent volumes is specified by either passing the --storage-class | -sc parameter to the az arcdata dc create command or by setting the storage classes in the control.json deployment template file that is used. If you're using the Azure portal to create the data controller in the directly connected mode, the deployment template that you choose either has the storage class predefined in the template or you can select a template that does not have a predefined storage class. If your template does not define a storage class, the portal prompts you for one. If you use a custom deployment template, then you can specify the storage class.

The deployment templates that are provided out of the box have a default storage class specified that is appropriate for the target environment, but it can be overridden during deployment. See the detailed steps to create custom configuration templates to change the storage class configuration for the data controller pods at deployment time.

If you set the storage class using the --storage-class or -scparameter, that storage class is used for both log and data storage classes. If you set the storage classes in the deployment template file, you can specify different storage classes for logs and data.

Important factors to consider when choosing a storage class for the data controller pods:

  • You must use a remote, shared storage class in order to ensure data durability and so that if a pod or node dies that when the pod is brought back up it can connect again to the persistent volume.
  • The data being written to the controller SQL instance, metrics DB, and logs DB is typically fairly low volume and not sensitive to latency so ultra-fast performance storage is not critical. If you have users that are frequently using the Grafana and Kibana interfaces and you have a large number of database instances, then your users might benefit from faster performing storage.
  • The storage capacity required is variable with the number of database instances that you have deployed because logs and metrics are collected for each database instance. Data is retained in the logs and metrics DB for two (2) weeks before it is purged.
  • Changing the storage class post deployment is difficult, not documented, and not supported. Be sure to choose the storage class correctly at deployment time.


If no storage class is specified, the default storage class is used. There can be only one default storage class per Kubernetes cluster. You can change the default storage class.

Database instance storage configuration

Each database instance has data, logs, and backup persistent volumes. The storage classes for these persistent volumes can be specified at deployment time. If no storage class is specified the default storage class is used.

When you create an instance using either az sql mi-arc create or az postgres server-arc create, there are four parameters that you can use to set the storage classes:

Parameter name, short name Used for
--storage-class-data, -d Storage class for all data files (.mdf, ndf). If not specified, defaults to storage class for data controller.
--storage-class-logs, -g Storage class for all log files. If not specified, defaults to storage class for data controller.
--storage-class-data-logs Storage class for the database transaction log files. If not specified, defaults to storage class for data controller.
--storage-class-backups Storage class for all backup files. If not specified, defaults to storage class for data (--storage-class-data).

Use a ReadWriteMany (RWX) capable storage class for backups. Learn more about access modes.


If you don't specify a storage class for backups, the deployment uses the storage class specified for data. If this storage class isn't RWX capable, the point-in-time restore may not work as desired.

The table below lists the paths inside the Azure SQL Managed Instance container that is mapped to the persistent volume for data and logs:

Parameter name, short name Path inside mssql-miaa container Description
--storage-class-data, -d /var/opt Contains directories for the mssql installation and other system processes. The mssql directory contains default data (including transaction logs), error log & backup directories
--storage-class-logs, -g /var/log Contains directories that store console output (stderr, stdout), other logging information of processes inside the container

The table below lists the paths inside the PostgreSQL instance container that is mapped to the persistent volume for data and logs:

Parameter name, short name Path inside postgres container Description
--storage-class-data, -d /var/opt/postgresql Contains data and log directories for the postgres installation
--storage-class-logs, -g /var/log Contains directories that store console output (stderr, stdout), other logging information of processes inside the container

Each database instance has a separate persistent volume for data files, logs, and backups. This means that there is separation of the I/O for each of these types of files subject to how the volume provisioner provisions storage. Each database instance has its own persistent volume claims and persistent volumes.

If there are multiple databases on a given database instance, all of the databases use the same persistent volume claim, persistent volume, and storage class. All backups - both differential log backups and full backups use the same persistent volume claim and persistent volume. The persistent volume claims for the database instance pods are shown below:

Instance Persistent Volume Claims
Azure SQL Managed Instance <namespace>/logs-<instance name>-0, <namespace>/data-<instance name>-0
Azure database for PostgreSQL instance <namespace>/logs--<instance name>-0, <namespace>/data--<instance name>-0
Azure PostgreSQL <namespace>/logs-<instance name>-<ordinal>, <namespace>/data-<instance name>-0

Important factors to consider when choosing a storage class for the database instance pods:

  • Starting with the February, 2022 release of Azure Arc data services, you need to specify a ReadWriteMany (RWX) capable storage class for backups. Learn more about access modes. If no storage class is specified for backups, the default storage class in kubernetes is used and if this is not RWX capable, an Azure SQL managed instance deployment may not succeed.
  • Database instances can be deployed in either a single pod pattern or a multiple pod pattern. An example of a single pod pattern is a General Purpose pricing tier Azure SQL managed instance. An example of a multiple pod pattern is a highly available Business Critical pricing tier Azure SQL managed instance. Database instances deployed with the single pod pattern must use a remote, shared storage class in order to ensure data durability and so that if a pod or node dies that when the pod is brought back up it can connect again to the persistent volume. In contrast, a highly available Azure SQL managed instance uses Always On Availability Groups to replicate the data from one instance to another either synchronously or asynchronously. Especially in the case where the data is replicated synchronously, there is always multiple copies of the data - typically three copies. Because of this, it is possible to use local storage or remote, shared storage classes for data and log files. If utilizing local storage, the data is still preserved even in the case of a failed pod, node, or storage hardware because there are multiple copies of the data. Given this flexibility, you might choose to use local storage for better performance.
  • Database performance is largely a function of the I/O throughput of a given storage device. If your database is heavy on reads or heavy on writes, then you should choose a storage class with hardware designed for that type of workload. For example, if your database is mostly used for writes, you might choose local storage with RAID 0. If your database is mostly used for reads of a small amount of "hot data", but there is a large overall storage volume of cold data, then you might choose a SAN device capable of tiered storage. Choosing the right storage class is not any different than choosing the type of storage you would use for any database.
  • If you're using a local storage volume provisioner, ensure that the local volumes that are provisioned for data, logs, and backups are each landing on different underlying storage devices to avoid contention on disk I/O. The OS should also be on a volume that is mounted to a separate disk(s). This is essentially the same guidance as would be followed for a database instance on physical hardware.
  • Because all databases on a given instance share a persistent volume claim and persistent volume, be sure not to colocate busy database instances on the same database instance. If possible, separate busy databases on to their own database instances to avoid I/O contention. Further, use node label targeting to land database instances onto separate nodes so as to distribute overall I/O traffic across multiple nodes. If you're using virtualization, be sure to consider distributing I/O traffic not just at the node level but also the combined I/O activity happening by all the node VMs on a given physical host.

Estimating storage requirements

Every pod that contains stateful data uses at least two persistent volumes - one persistent volume for data and another persistent volume for logs. The table below lists the number of persistent volumes required for a single Data Controller, Azure SQL Managed instance, Azure Database for PostgreSQL instance and Azure PostgreSQL HyperScale instance:

Resource Type Number of stateful pods Required number of persistent volumes
Data Controller 4 (control, controldb, logsdb, metricsdb) 4 * 2 = 8
Azure SQL Managed Instance 1 2
Azure PostgreSQL 1 2

The table below shows the total number of persistent volumes required for a sample deployment:

Resource Type Number of instances Required number of persistent volumes
Data Controller 1 4 * 2 = 8
Azure SQL Managed Instance 5 5 * 2 = 10
Azure PostgreSQL 5 5 * 2 = 10
Total Number of persistent volumes 8 + 10 + 10 = 28

This calculation can be used to plan the storage for your Kubernetes cluster based on the storage provisioner or environment. For example, if local storage provisioner is used for a Kubernetes cluster with five (5) nodes then for the sample deployment above every node requires at least storage for 10 persistent volumes. Similarly, when provisioning an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster with five (5) nodes picking an appropriate VM size for the node pool such that 10 data disks can be attached is critical. More details on how to size the nodes for storage needs for AKS nodes can be found here.

Choosing the right storage class

On-premises and edge sites

Microsoft and its OEM, OS, and Kubernetes partners have a validation program for Azure Arc data services. This program provides comparable test results from a certification testing toolkit. The tests evaluate feature compatibility, stress testing results, and performance and scalability. The test results indicate the OS used, Kubernetes distribution used, HW used, the CSI add-on used, and the storage classes used. This helps customers choose the best storage class, OS, Kubernetes distribution, and hardware for their requirements. More information on this program and test results can be found here.

Public cloud, managed Kubernetes services

For public cloud-based, managed Kubernetes services we can make the following recommendations:

Public cloud service Recommendation
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) has two types of storage - Azure Files and Azure Managed Disks. Each type of storage has two pricing/performance tiers - standard (HDD) and premium (SSD). Thus, the four storage classes provided in AKS are azurefile (Azure Files standard tier), azurefile-premium (Azure Files premium tier), default (Azure Disks standard tier), and managed-premium (Azure Disks premium tier). The default storage class is default (Azure Disks standard tier). There are substantial pricing differences between the types and tiers that you should consider. For production workloads with high-performance requirements, we recommend using managed-premium for all storage classes. For dev/test workloads, proofs of concept, etc. where cost is a consideration, then azurefile is the least expensive option. All four of the options can be used for situations requiring remote, shared storage as they are all network-attached storage devices in Azure. Read more about AKS Storage.
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Amazon's Elastic Kubernetes Service has one primary storage class - based on the EBS CSI storage driver. This is recommended for production workloads. There is a new storage driver - EFS CSI storage driver - that can be added to an EKS cluster, but it is currently in a beta stage and subject to change. Although AWS says that this storage driver is supported for production, we don't recommend using it because it is still in beta and subject to change. The EBS storage class is the default and is called gp2. Read more about EKS Storage.
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) has just one storage class called standard. This class is used for GCE persistent disks. Being the only one, it is also the default. Although there is a local, static volume provisioner for GKE that you can use with direct-attached SSDs, we don't recommend using it as it is not maintained or supported by Google. Read more about GKE storage.