
Поділитися через

Business Central Admin Center API - Environments

Environments are the instances of the application that have been set up for the tenant. An instance can be of either a production type or a sandbox type. The environment APIs can be used to:

  • Get information about the environments currently set up for the tenant
  • Get information about the used storage and allowed quotas
  • Create a new environment using sample data or as a sandbox copy of the production environment
  • Delete an environment.


Special care should be taken when deleting a production environment as the data will not be recoverable

Get environments and Get environments by application family

Returns a list of all the environments for the tenant.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/environments

Returns a list of the environments for the specified application family.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application as is. (for example, "BusinessCentral)


Returns a wrapped array of environments.

      "friendlyName": string, // Display name of the environment
      "type": string, // Environment type (for example, "Sandbox", "Production")
      "name": string, // Environment name, unique within an application family
      "countryCode": string, // Country/Region that the environment is deployed in
      "applicationFamily": string, // Family of the environment (for example, "BusinessCentral")
      "aadTenantId": Guid, // Id of the Microsoft Entra tenant that owns the environment 
      "applicationVersion": string, // The version of the environment's application
      "status": string, // (enum | "NotReady", "Removing", "Preparing", "Active")
      "webClientLoginUrl": string, // Url to use to log into the environment,
      "webServiceUrl": string, // Url to use to access the environment's service API
      "locationName": string, // The Azure location where the environment's data is stored
      "platformVersion": string, // The version of the environment's Business Central platform
      "ringName": string, // Name of the environment's logical ring group (such as  Prod, Preview) 
      "appInsightsKey": string // The environment's key for Azure Application Insights
      "SoftDeletedOn": datetime // The time at which the environment was soft deleted
      "HardDeletePendingOn": datetime // The time at which the environment will be permanently deleted
      "DeleteReason": string // The reason why the environment was deleted
      "AppSourceAppsUpdateCadence": string // The cadence at which installed AppSource Apps are automatically updated with environment updates

Expected Error Codes

applicationTypeDoesNotExist - the provided value for the application family wasn't found

Get environment by application family and name

Returns the properties for the provided environment name if it exists.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


Returns a single environment if exists.

  "friendlyName": string, // Display name of the environment
  "type": string, // Environment type (for example, "Sandbox", "Production")
  "name": string, // Environment name, unique within an application family
  "countryCode": string, // Country/Region that the environment is deployed in
  "applicationFamily": string, // Family of the environment (for example, "BusinessCentral")
  "aadTenantId": Guid, // Id of the Microsoft Entra tenant that owns the environment 
  "applicationVersion": string, // The version of the environment's application
  "status": string, // (enum | "NotReady", "Removing", "Preparing", "Active")
  "webClientLoginUrl": string, // Url to use to log into the environment,
  "webServiceUrl": string, // Url to use to access the environment's service API
  "locationName": string, // The Azure location where the environment's data is stored
  "platformVersion": string, // The version of the environment's Business Central platform
  "ringName": string, // Name of the environment's logical ring group (such as  Prod, Preview) 
  "appInsightsKey": string // The environment's key for Azure Application Insights
  "SoftDeletedOn": datetime // The time at which the environment was soft deleted
  "HardDeletePendingOn": datetime // The time at which the environment will be permanently deleted
  "DeleteReason": string // The reason why the environment was deleted
  "AppSourceAppsUpdateCadence": string // The cadence at which installed AppSource Apps are automatically updated with environment updates

Expected Error Codes

environmentNotFound - the targeted environment couldn't be found

  • target: {applicationFamily}/{environmentName}

Create new environment

Creates a new environment with sample data.

Content-Type: application/json
PUT /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family to create the new environment within (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - The name of the new environment. See the section below about valid environment names to see what values are allowed.


The Create, Copy, and Delete operations are asynchronous.

With API v2.8 and earlier, the response objects are returned before the underlying operation has completed. The final results of the operation are reflected in the status field of the environment that the operations affect. In practice this means that polling of the Get Environmentsendpoints must be done to determine if the given operation was successful.

With API v2.9 and later, consumers should rely on the status field of the corresponding EnvironmentOperation response to monitor the status of the underlying operation. So, to get the updated status of the operation, consumers should poll the Get environment operations for all environments endpoint rather than Get Environments and inspect the status of the relevant operation.


  "environmentType": string, // The type of environment to create (enum | "Production", "Sandbox")
  "countryCode": string, // The country to create the environment within 
  ("ringName": string), // Optional - The logical ring group to create the environment within. Currently only Sandbox type environments may be created in a 'Preview' ring. If not provided then the production ring will be used.
  ("applicationVersion": Version), // Optional - The version of the application the environment should be created on. If not provided then the latest available version will be used.


The values for the countryCode, ringName, and applicationVersion properties should be derived from the API endpoints described in the Available Applications section below.


API v2.9 and later

EnvironmentOperation response with HTTP status code 202 (Accepted) with the following format:

  "id": "00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444",
  "type": "create",
  "status": "scheduled", // Will eventually switch to running and then one between succeeded/failed
  "aadTenantId": "",
  "createdOn": "2021-09-27T08:13:46.65Z",
  "startedOn": "2021-09-27T08:13:47.3Z",
  "completedOn": "2021-09-27T08:15:02.073Z",
  "createdBy": "",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "parameters": {
    "sourceEnvironmentName": "",
    "sourceEnvironmentType": "",
    "destinationEnvironmentName": "NewEnvironment",
    "destinationEnvironmentType": "Production",
    "applicationVersion": "19.0.28719.0",
    "countryCode": "US"
  "environmentName": "NewEnvironment",
  "environmentType": "Production",
  "productFamily": "BusinessCentral"

API v2.8 and earlier

Returns HTTP status code 201 (Created) with newly created environment.

  "friendlyName": string, // Display name of the environment
  "type": string, // Environment type (for example, "Sandbox", "Production")
  "name": string, // Environment name, unique within an application family
  "countryCode": string, // Country/Region that the environment is deployed in
  "applicationFamily": string, // Family of the environment (for example, "BusinessCentral")
  "aadTenantId": Guid, // Id of the Microsoft Entra tenant that owns the environment 
  "applicationVersion": string, // The version of the environment's application
  "status": string, // (enum | "NotReady", "Removing", "Preparing", "Active")
  "webClientLoginUrl": string, // Url to use to log into the environment,
  "webServiceUrl": string, // Url to use to access the environment's service API
  "locationName": string, // The Azure location where the environment's data is stored
  "platformVersion": string, // The version of the environment's Business Central platform
  "ringName": string, // Name of the environment's logical ring group (such as  Prod, Preview) 
  "appInsightsKey": string // The environment's key for Azure Application Insights

Expected Error Codes

DoesNotExist - the provided value for the application family wasn't found

destinationApplicationServiceNotFound - a suitable destination service couldn't be found to put the environment. Occurs if missing or if the tenant doesn't have access to the target application.

invalidInput - the targeted property is invalid in some way

  • target: {countryCode} - the country code property can't be null or whitespace

  • target: {environmentName} - the environment name property can't be null or whitespace

  • target: {environmentType} - the environment type property can't be null or whitespace, and must be a valid value (Production or Sandbox)

  • target: {ringName} - attempt to create a production environment on a non-production ring

  • target: {applicationVersion} - the version property must be a valid version string (major.minor.build.revision)

requestBodyRequired - the request body must be provided

resourceDoesNotExist - the targeted property doesn't exist

  • target: {ringName} - a ring with the provided name wasn't found

resourceExists an environment with the same name already exists

environmentNameNotValid - the environment name can't be a reserved value, must be fewer than 30 characters, must start with an alpha character and consist only of alpha, numerical, underscore (_), or dash (-) characters

cannotCreateNamedEnvironment - environments with names other than 'Production' or 'Sandbox' aren't supported on the targeted version.

tenantAlreadyProvisioning - can't create a new environment because another environment is currently in the process of being created.

applicationFamilyNotAccessible - the calling tenant doesn't have access to the targeted application family and country code

environmentReservationFailed - another environment within the same application family already has this name

maximumNumberOfEnvironmentsAllowedReached - the limit on the number of allowed environments of the provided type has been reached

maximumStorageCapacityUsageReached - the limit of the storage capacity usage has been reached

Copy environment

Creates a new environment with a copy of another environment's data.

Content-Type: application/json
POST /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{sourceEnvironmentName}/copy

API v2.8 and earlier:

Content-Type: application/json
POST /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{sourceEnvironmentName}

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the source environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

sourceEnvironmentName - Name of the environment to copy from.


The Create, Copy, and Delete operations are asynchronous.

With API v2.8 and earlier, the response objects are returned before the underlying operation has completed. The final results of the operation are reflected in the status field of the environment that the operations affect. In practice this means that polling of the Get Environmentsendpoints must be done to determine if the given operation was successful.

With API v2.9 and later, consumers should rely on the status field of the corresponding EnvironmentOperation response to monitor the status of the underlying operation. So, to get the updated status of the operation, consumers should poll the Get environment operations for all environments endpoint rather than Get Environments and inspect the status of the relevant operation.


  "environmentName": string, // The name of the new environment.
  "type": string // The type of environment to create. With API v2.8 and earlier, only the value "Sandbox" is supported.  


API v2.9 and later

EnvironmentOperation response with HTTP status code 202 (Accepted) with the following format:

  "id": "00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444",
  "type": "copy",
  "status": "scheduled", // Will eventually switch to running and then one between succeeded/failed
  "aadTenantId": "",
  "createdOn": "2021-09-27T08:13:46.65Z",
  "startedOn": "2021-09-27T08:13:47.3Z",
  "completedOn": "2021-09-27T08:15:02.073Z",
  "createdBy": "",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "parameters": {
    "sourceEnvironmentName": "SourceEnvironment",
    "sourceEnvironmentType": "Production",
    "destinationEnvironmentName": "NewEnvironment",
    "destinationEnvironmentType": "Sandbox",
    "applicationVersion": "19.0.28719.0",
    "countryCode": "US"
  "environmentName": "NewEnvironment",
  "environmentType": "sandbox",
  "productFamily": "BusinessCentral"

API v2.8 and earlier

Returns HTTP status code 201 (Created) with newly copied environment.

  "friendlyName": string, // Display name of the environment
  "type": string, // Environment type (for example, "Sandbox", "Production")
  "name": string, // Environment name, unique within an application family
  "countryCode": string, // Country/Region that the environment is deployed in
  "applicationFamily": string, // Family of the environment (for example, "BusinessCentral")
  "aadTenantId": Guid, // Id of the Microsoft Entra tenant that owns the environment 
  "applicationVersion": string, // The version of the environment's application
  "status": string, // (enum | "NotReady", "Removing", "Preparing", "Active")
  "webClientLoginUrl": string, // Url to use to log into the environment,
  "webServiceUrl": string, // Url to use to access the environment's service API
  "locationName": string, // The Azure location where the environment's data is stored
  "platformVersion": string, // The version of the environment's Business Central platform
  "ringName": string, // Name of the environment's logical ring group (such as  Prod, Preview) 
  "appInsightsKey": string // The environment's key for Azure Application Insights

Expected Error Codes

applicationTypeDoesNotExist - the provided value for the application family wasn't found

destinationApplicationServiceNotFound - a suitable destination service couldn't be found to put the environment. Occurs if missing or if tenant doesn't have access rights to the target application.

environmentNotFound - the targeted environment couldn't be found

  • target: {applicationFamily}/{sourceEnvironmentName}```

invalidInput - the targeted property is invalid in some way

  • target: {environmentName} - the environment name property can't be null or whitespace```

  • target: {type} - the type property can't be null or whitespace, and must be a valid value (Currently only Sandbox)```

requestBodyRequired - the request body must be provided

resourceExists an environment with the same name already exists

environmentNameNotValid - the environment name can't be a reserved value, must be fewer than 30 characters, must start with an alpha character and consist only of alpha, numerical, underscore (_), or dash (-) characters

cannotCreateNamedEnvironment - environments with names other than 'Production' or 'Sandbox' aren't supported on the targeted version.

tenantAlreadyProvisioning - can't create a copy of an environment because another environment is currently in the process of being created.

conflictingDeveloperExtensions - The source environment contains 'uploaded' extensions that are already published to the destination service as 'developer' extensions. This condition will cause conflicts.

    "conflictingExtensions": [{
        "appId": guid, // The id of the conflicting extension
        "name": string, // The name of the conflicting extension
        "publisher": string, // The name of the person or group who published the conflicting extension
        "version": string, // The version of the conflicting extension
        "developerEnvironmentName": string // The name of the environment if the conflicting extension exists in another environment owned by the tenant requesting the copy operation
    "sameAadTenant": bool, // Indicates if the conflicts occur on an environment that is owned by the same tenant that is requesting the copy operation

environmentReservationFailed - another environment within the same application family already has the same name

maximumNumberOfEnvironmentsAllowedReached - the limit on the number of allowed environments of the provided type has been reached

maximumStorageCapacityUsageReached - the limit of the storage capacity usage has been reached

Delete environment

Deletes the specified environment. This operation soft deletes the environment, which means it's retained for fourteen days during which time it can be recovered. For more information, about environment deletion and recovery, go to Delete and recover environments. If the specified environment has the status Creating Failed or Removing Failed, the environment won't be retained and will be permanently deleted immediately (hard delete).

DELETE /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application. (for example "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the environment to delete.


The Create, Copy, and Delete operations are asynchronous.

With API v2.8 and earlier, the response objects are returned before the underlying operation has completed. The final results of the operation are reflected in the status field of the environment that the operations affect. In practice this means that polling of the Get Environmentsendpoints must be done to determine if the given operation was successful.

With API v2.9 and later, consumers should rely on the status field of the corresponding EnvironmentOperation response to monitor the status of the underlying operation. So, to get the updated status of the operation, consumers should poll the Get environment operations for all environments endpoint rather than Get Environments and inspect the status of the relevant operation.


For soft delete in API v2.18 and later

EnvironmentOperation response with HTTP status code 202 (Accepted) with the following format:

  "id": "8924140b-0da8-4bbb-8a4f-dac047944e72",
  "type": "softDelete",
  "status": "scheduled", // Will eventually switch to running and then one between succeeded/failed
  "aadTenantId": "",
  "createdOn": "2021-09-27T08:13:46.65Z",
  "startedOn": "2021-09-27T08:13:47.3Z",
  "completedOn": "2021-09-27T08:15:02.073Z",
  "createdBy": "",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "parameters": {
    "softDeletedOn": "timestamp",
    "hardDeletePendingOn": "timestamp",
    "deleteReason": "requestedByAdmin"
  "environmentName": " EnvironmentToDelete",
  "environmentType": "sandbox",
  "productFamily": "BusinessCentral"

For delete in API v2.9 to v2.17 and for hard delete in v2.18 and later

EnvironmentOperation response with HTTP status code 202 (Accepted) with the following format:

  "id": "8924140b-0da8-4bbb-8a4f-dac047944e72",
  "type": "delete",
  "status": "scheduled", // Will eventually switch to running and then one between succeeded/failed
  "aadTenantId": "",
  "createdOn": "2021-09-27T08:13:46.65Z",
  "startedOn": "2021-09-27T08:13:47.3Z",
  "completedOn": "2021-09-27T08:15:02.073Z",
  "createdBy": "",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "parameters": {
    "environmentName": "EnvironmentToDelete",
    "environmentType": "sandbox",
    "productFamily": "BusinessCentral",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "applicationVersion": "19.0.28719.0"
  "environmentName": " EnvironmentToDelete",
  "environmentType": "sandbox",
  "productFamily": "BusinessCentral"

API v2.8 and earlier

Returns empty HTTP status code 202 (Accepted).

Expected Error Codes

invalidStatusCannotDeleteTenant - can't delete the environment in its current state

tenantDeletionInProgress - environment is already in the process of being deleted

ambiguousRequest - multiple environments with the same name were found

environmentNotFound - the targeted environment couldn't be found

  • target: {applicationFamily}/{environmentName}

Recover environment

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.18

Recovers a soft-deleted environment. For more information, about environment deletion and recovery, go to Delete and recover environments.

POST /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/recover

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application. (for example "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the environment to recover.


EnvironmentOperation response with HTTP status code 202 (Accepted) with the following format:

  "id": "8924140b-0da8-4bbb-8a4f-dac047944e72",
  "type": "recover",
  "status": "scheduled", // Will eventually switch to running and then one between succeeded/failed
  "aadTenantId": "",
  "createdOn": "2023-02-10T08:13:46.65Z",
  "startedOn": "2023-02-10T08:13:47.3Z",
  "completedOn": "2023-02-10T08:15:02.073Z",
  "createdBy": "",
  "errorMessage": "",
  "parameters": {
    "recoveryReason": "requestedByAdmin"
  "environmentName": " EnvironmentToRecover",
  "environmentType": "sandbox",
  "productFamily": "BusinessCentral"

Expected Error Codes

deletedEnvironmentRecoveryInProgress - the environment is already being recovered.

invalidStatusCannotRecoverDeletedEnvironment- can't recover the environment in its current state.

Rename environment

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.3

Schedules a rename operation on an environment.

Content-Type: application/json
POST /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/rename

Routing parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral").

environmentName - Name of the environment to rename.


  "NewEnvironmentName": "sandbox" 


202 Accepted with body. Follows the general "Operations" format, but with specific operation parameters

  "id": "00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444", 
  "type": "environmentRename", // Operation type 
  "status": "scheduled", 
  "aadTenantId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee", 
  "createdOn": "2021-04-22T12:29:06.668254Z", 
  "createdBy": "greg.chapman@contoso.com", 
  "errorMessage": "", 
  "parameters": { // Operation-specific parameters 
    "oldEnvironmentName": "prod-1", // The old name of the environment 
    "newEnvironmentName": "prod-2"  // The new name of the environment (the target name) 

Expected Error Codes

Follows the general "Error response" format with no operation-specific error codes.

Restore environment

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.4

Schedules a restore operation an existing environment from a time in the past.

Content-Type: application/json
POST /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/restore

Routing parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral").

environmentName - Name of the environment to restore.


  "EnvironmentName": "x-restored", // Mandatory. The name of the new environment that will be created as the result of the resore operation. 
  "EnvironmentType": "production", // Mandatory. The type of the new environment. 
  "PointInTime": "2021-04-22T20:00:00Z", // Mandatory. The point in time to which to restore the environment. Must be in ISO 8601 format in UTC. 
  "SkipInstallingPTEs": true, // Optional, default is false. Used to uninstall PTEs on the environment created as part of the restore.
  "SkipInstallingThirdPartyGlobalApps": true, // Optional, default is false. Used to uninstall all third-party AppSource apps from the created environment as part of the restore.
  "SkipEnvironmentCleanup": true // Optional, default is false. Used to skip execution of codeunits that clear up selected tables and disable selected setups to avoid unexpected behavior of integrations with external systems.


202 Accepted with body. Follows the general "Operations" format, but with specific operation parameters.

  "id": "00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444", // Operation ID 
  "type": "pitRestore",  // Operation type 
  "status": "queued", // Status 
  "aadTenantId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee",         
  "createdOn": "2021-04-23T09:41:28.8300669Z", 
  "createdBy": "greg.chapman@contoso.com", 
  "errorMessage": "", 
  "parameters": { // Parameters mimic the same from the request body 
    "environmentName": "x-restored",                        
    "environmentType": "Production", 
    "restorePointInTime": "2021-04-22T20:00:00Z" 

Expected Error Codes

Follows the general "Error response" format, but with specific error codes.

Operation-specific error codes:

PitRestoreFailed - the restore operation failed

Get available restore periods

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.4

Returns an ordered list of available restore periods.

GET applications/{applicationType}/environments/{environmentName}/availableRestorePeriods 


200 OK with body. Body represents an ordered list of available restore periods that are non-overlapping and sorted in ascending order by period start date-time. If there are no available restore periods, the list will be empty. correspondingApplicationPackageVersion indicates the Application version that the environment will be restored to.

  "value": [ 
      "from": "2021-01-25T14:57:04.967Z", 
      "to": "2021-01-25T21:06:17.737Z",
      "correspondingApplicationPackageVersion": ""
      "from": "2021-01-25T21:14:48Z", 
      "to": "2021-01-27T14:33:15.0007416Z",
      "correspondingApplicationPackageVersion": ""

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.21

Links the Business Central environment to a Power Platform environment. The Business Central environment must be linked to a Power Platform environment of the same type (i.e. Production or Sandbox) and in the same Azure Geo.


This API endpoint is not supported for service-to-service authentication using Microsoft Entra apps.

POST /admin/v2.21/bap/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/linkEnvironment?powerPlatformEnvironmentId={id} 

Routing parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral").

environmentName - Name of the Business Central environment to link.

id - ID of the Power Platform environment to link the Business Central environment to.


200 OK.

Expected Error Codes

BadArgument - Occurs when the environments can not be linked, for example when either environment is in an inactive state or already linked to another environment, when the environment type or Azure Geo do not match, or when the environment does not exist. Forbidden - Occurs when the user or application used to authenticate does not have the required permissions.

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.21

Unlinks the Business Central environment from a linked Power Platform environment.


This API endpoint is not supported for service-to-service authentication using Microsoft Entra apps.

POST /admin/v2.21/bap/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/unlinkEnvironment?powerPlatformEnvironmentId={id} 

Routing parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral").

environmentName - Name of the Business Central environment to unlink.

id - ID of the Power Platform environment to unlink the Business Central environment from.


200 OK.


BadArgument - Occurs when the Business Central environment is not linked to a Power Platform environment.

Get used storage of an environment by application family and name

Returns used storage properties for the provided environment name if it exists.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/usedstorage

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


Returns used storage information of a single environment if exists.

  "environmentType": string, // Environment type (for example, "Sandbox", "Production")
  "environmentName": string, // Environment name, unique within an application family
  "applicationFamily": string, // Family of the environment (for example, "BusinessCentral")
  "databaseStorageInKilobytes": int // Used database storage in kilobytes


If an error occurs when calculating database storage, the corresponding property will be -1.

Expected Error Codes

environmentNotFound - the targeted environment couldn't be found

  • target: {applicationFamily}/{environmentName}

Get used storage for all environments

Returns a list of used storage objects for all the environments.

GET /admin/v2.21/environments/usedstorage


Returns a wrapped array of used storage objects.

       "environmentType": string, // Environment type (for example, "Sandbox", "Production")
       "environmentName": string, // Environment name, unique within an application family
       "applicationFamily": string, // Family of the environment (for example, "BusinessCentral")
       "databaseStorageInKilobytes": int // Used database storage in kilobytes

Get allowed quotas

Returns different types of quotas and their limits.

GET /admin/v2.21/environments/quotas


Returns quotas object.

    "production": int, // Maximum allowed number of production environments
    "sandbox": int // Maximum allowed number of sandbox environments
    "default": int, // Amount of storage allowed by default
    "userLicenses": int, // Amount of storage allowed based on the number of user licenses
    "additionalCapacity": int, // Amount of storage allowed based on purchased capacity add-ons
    "total": int // Total amount of allowed storage

Get environment operations

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.6

Gets the following operations that occurred on an environment.

GET /admin/v2.21/environments/{environmentName}/operations 

Operation types

Data is returned for the following operation types:

Type Description More information
Copy3 An environment was created from a copy of another environment. Copy a Production or Sandbox Environment in the Admin Center

Copy Endpoint
Create3 A new environment was created Create Environment in Admin Center

Create Endpoint
Delete2 An environment was permanently deleted. Delete and Recover Environments in Admin Center

Delete Endpoint
EnvironmentAppHotfix1 App was hotfixed by using the App Management API. App Management API
EnvironmentAppUpdate1 App was updated either by the Admin Center or API update endpoint. Update an App in Admin Center

Update Endpoint
EnvironmentAppInstall1 App was installed by using the tenant's Extension Management page or the API install endpoint. Extension Management Page

Install Endpoint
EnvironmentAppUninstall1 App was uninstalled by using the tenant's Extension Management page or the API uninstall endpoint. Extension Management Page

Uninstall Endpoint
EnvironmentRename Environment was renamed by using the Admin Center Rename an Environment

Rename Endpoint
Modify5 Records the following operations:
Set update window
Set Application Insights key
Set security group
Clear security group
Reschedule update
Set access with Microsoft 365 licenses6
Manage updates in Admin Center
Manage access using Microsoft Entra groups in Admin Center
Manage access with Microsoft 365 licenses in Admin Center
MoveToAnotherAadTenant An environment was moved to another Microsoft Entra organization by using the Admin Center Move an Environment
PitRestore Environment was restored by using the Admin Center Restoring an Environment
Recover7 A deleted environment was recovered. Delete and Recover Environments in Admin Center

Delete Endpoint
Restart4 An environment was restarted. Restart Environment
SoftDelete7 An environment was soft deleted. Delete and Recover Environments in Admin Center

Delete Endpoint
Update5 Records a long-running background operation that occurs when an environment is updated to a newer version.

1 These operations are only supported with API version 2.6 and later. For these operations, the data returned is the same as for Get App Operations, but in a different format.

2 These operations are only supported with API version 2.8 and later.

3 These operations are only supported with API version 2.9 and later.

4 These operations are only supported with API version 2.10 and later.

5 These operations are only supported with API version 2.11 and later.

6 These operations are only supported with API version 2.12 and later.

7 These operations are only supported with API version 2.17 and later.

Route Parameters

applicationType - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


Example 200 OK response:


  "value": [ 
      "id": "552d3cb2-144e-4195-9a92-1043c4f483e9", // Id of the operation used for tracking
      "type": "environmentAppInstall", // Type of operation 
      "status": "succeeded", // Status of operation (enum | "Queued", "Scheduled", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Canceled", "Skipped") 
      "aadTenantId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee", // AAD tenant ID for which the operation was executed 
      "createdOn": "2021-03-22T15:45:46.537Z", // Date and time the request was created 
      "errorMessage": "", // Error message for failed operations 
      "parameters": { // Additional parameters for the operation, specific to every operation type 
        "appId": "44445555-eeee-6666-ffff-7777aaaa8888", 
        "targetAppVersion": "", 
        "countryCode": "US", 
        "allowPreviewVersion": true, 
        "ignoreUpgradeWindow": true, 
        "acceptIsvEula": true, 
        "allowDependencyUpdate": true,
      "environmentName": "Production",
      "environmentType": "Production",
      "productFamily": "BusinessCentral" 
      "id": "5fe4ac38-a523-4c1f-80db-acd2cf848c09", 
      "type": "environmentRename", 
      "status": "succeeded", 
      "aadTenantId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee", 
      "createdOn": "2021-03-16T18:57:36.223Z", 
      "startedOn": "2021-03-16T18:57:39.053Z", 
      "completedOn": "2021-03-16T18:57:47.867Z", 
      "createdBy": "", 
      "errorMessage": "", 
      "parameters": { 
        "oldEnvironmentName": "Production", 
        "newEnvironmentName": "Production-deprecated",
      "environmentName": "Production",
      "environmentType": "Production",
      "productFamily": "BusinessCentral" 

"environmentName", "environmentType", and "productFamily" are only included in version 2.7 and later.

Get operations on all environments

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.7

Gets the operations that occurred on all environments.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationType}/environments/operations 

Operation types

See Operation Types.

Route Parameters

applicationType - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")


Example 200 OK response:


  "value": [ 
      "id": "552d3cb2-144e-4195-9a92-1043c4f483e9", // Id of the operation used for tracking
      "type": "environmentAppInstall", // Type of operation 
      "status": "succeeded", // Status of operation (enum | "Queued", "Scheduled", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Canceled", "Skipped") 
      "aadTenantId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee", // AAD tenant ID for which the operation was executed 
      "createdOn": "2021-03-22T15:45:46.537Z", // Date and time the request was created 
      "errorMessage": "", // Error message for failed operations 
      "parameters": { // Additional parameters for the operation, specific to every operation type 
        "appId": "44445555-eeee-6666-ffff-7777aaaa8888", 
        "targetAppVersion": "", 
        "countryCode": "US", 
        "allowPreviewVersion": true, 
        "ignoreUpgradeWindow": true, 
        "acceptIsvEula": true, 
        "allowDependencyUpdate": true,
      "environmentName": "Sandbox",
      "environmentType": "Sandbox",
      "productFamily": "BusinessCentral" 
      "id": "5fe4ac38-a523-4c1f-80db-acd2cf848c09", 
      "type": "environmentRename", 
      "status": "succeeded", 
      "aadTenantId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee", 
      "createdOn": "2021-03-16T18:57:36.223Z", 
      "startedOn": "2021-03-16T18:57:39.053Z", 
      "completedOn": "2021-03-16T18:57:47.867Z", 
      "createdBy": "", 
      "errorMessage": "", 
      "parameters": { 
        "oldEnvironmentName": "Production", 
        "newEnvironmentName": "Production-deprecated",
      "environmentName": "Production",
      "environmentType": "Production",
      "productFamily": "BusinessCentral"  

See Also

The Business Central Administration Center API
Manage Apps
Managing Production and Sandbox Environments in the Admin Center
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Server Administration Tool