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Install Sites and Create a Hierarchy for Configuration Manager


Updated: November 3, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1

You can use the Setup Wizard in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager to install and uninstall sites, create a Configuration Manager hierarchy, recover a site, and perform site maintenance. Use the following sections in this topic to help you to install sites, create a hierarchy, and learn more about the Setup options.

  • What’s New in Configuration Manager

  • Things to Consider Before You Run Setup

  • Pre-Installation Applications

    • Setup Downloader

    • Prerequisite Checker

  • Manual Steps to Prepare for Site Server Installation

  • System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Setup Wizard

  • Install a Configuration Manager Console

    • Manage Configuration Manager Console Languages
  • Install a Site Server

    • Install a Central Administration Site

    • Install a Primary Site Server

    • Install a Secondary Site

  • Upgrade an Evaluation Installation to a Full Installation

  • Using Command-Line Options with Setup

  • Configuration Manager Unattended Setup

  • Decommission Sites and Hierarchies

    • Remove a Secondary Site from a Hierarchy

    • Uninstall a Primary Site

    • Uninstall a Primary Site that is Configured with Distributed Views

    • Uninstall the Central Administration Site

  • Configuration Manager Site Naming

What’s New in Configuration Manager


The information in this section also appears in the Getting Started with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager guide.

The following options in Setup for site installation are new or have changed since Configuration Manager 2007.

  • Central administration site

    The top-level Configuration Manager 2007 site in a multi-primary site hierarchy was known as a central site. In System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, the central administration site replaces the central site. The central administration site is not a primary site at the top of the hierarchy, but rather a site that is used for reporting and to facilitate communication between primary sites in the hierarchy. A central administration site supports a limited selection of site system roles and does not directly support clients or process client data.

  • Installation of site system roles

    The following site system roles can be installed and configured for a primary site during Setup:

    • Management point

    • Distribution point

    You can install the site system roles locally on the site server or on a different computer. After installation, you can use the Configuration Manager console to install additional site system roles.

  • No secondary site installation option

    Secondary sites can only be installed from the Configuration Manager console. For more information about installing a secondary site, see the Install a Secondary Site section in the topic.

  • Optional Configuration Manager console installation

    You can choose to install the Configuration Manager console during setup or install the console after setup by using the Configuration Manager console installer (Consolesetup.exe).

  • Server and client language selections

    You are no longer required to install your site servers by using source files for a specific language or install International Client Packs when you want to support different languages on the client. From Setup, you can choose the server and client languages that are supported in your Configuration Manager hierarchy. Configuration Manager uses the display language of the server or client computer when you have configured support for the language. English is the default language that is used when Configuration Manager does not support the display language of the server or client computer.


    You cannot select specific languages for mobile device clients. Instead, you must enable all available client languages or use English only.

  • Unattended installation script

    Setup automatically creates the unattended installation script when you confirm the settings on the Summary page of the wizard. The unattended installation script contains the settings that you selected in the wizard. You can modify the script to install other sites in your hierarchy. Setup creates the script in %TEMP%\ConfigMgrAutoSave.ini.

  • Database replication

    When you have more than one System Center 2012 Configuration Manager site in your hierarchy, Configuration Manager uses database replication to transfer data and merge changes that are made to a site’s database with the information that is stored in the database at other sites in the hierarchy. This hierarchy enables all sites to share the same information. When you have a primary site without any other sites, database replication is not used. Database replication is enabled when you install a primary site that reports to a central administration site or when you connect a secondary site to a primary site.

  • Setup Downloader

    Setup Downloader (SetupDL.exe) is a stand-alone application that downloads the files that Setup requires. You can manually run Setup Downloader, or Setup can run it during site installation. You can see the progress of files that are downloaded and verified. Only the required files are downloaded while avoiding files and files that have been updated. For more information about Setup Downloader, see the Setup Downloader section in this topic.

  • Prerequisite Checker

    Prerequisite Checker (Prereqchk.exe) is a stand-alone application that verifies server readiness for a specific site system role. In addition to the site server, site database server, and provider computer, Prerequisite Checker now checks management point and distribution point site systems. You can run Prerequisite Checker manually, or Setup runs it automatically as part of the site installation. For more information about Prerequisite Checker, see the Prerequisite Checker section in this topic.

What’s New in System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager and System Center 2012 Configuratino Manager SP2


The information in this section also appears in the Getting Started with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager guide.

When you run Setup to install a new primary site or central administration site, you can select non-default locations for the site database files. The option to specify non-default file locations is not available when you specify a SQL Server cluster.

Things to Consider Before You Run Setup

There are many business and security decisions that you must consider before you run Setup and install your site. Base your System Center 2012 Configuration Manager hierarchy design on careful planning for your network infrastructure, business requirements, budget limitations, and so on. Ideally, read the entire Planning for Configuration Manager Sites and Hierarchy section in the Site Administration for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager guide, but for brevity, the following list provides several important planning steps from the guide that you must consider before you run Setup.


Installing System Center 2012 Configuration Manager in your production environment without thorough planning is unlikely to result in a fully functional site that meets your business and security requirements.



More information

Network infrastructure and Business requirements

Identify your network infrastructure and how it influences your Configuration Manager hierarchy, and what your business requirements are for using Configuration Manager.

Identify Your Network and Business Requirements to Plan a Configuration Manager Hierarchy

Supported configurations

Verify that your servers meet the supported configurations for installing Configuration Manager.

Supported Configurations for Configuration Manager

PKI certificates

Review the public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates that you might require for your Configuration Manager site system servers and clients.

PKI Certificate Requirements for Configuration Manager

Site hierarchy

Determine whether to install a central administration site, a child primary site, or a stand-alone primary site. When you create a hierarchy, you must install the central administration site first.

Planning a Hierarchy in Configuration Manager

Windows environment

Prepare the Windows environment for the site server and site system installation.

Prepare the Windows Environment for Configuration Manager

Site database

Plan for and configure your site database server.

Planning for Database Servers in Configuration Manager

Pre-Installation Applications

There are two applications, Setup Downloader and Prerequisite Checker, that you can optionally run before you install the site. They download updated files for Setup and verify server readiness for the site server or site system server.

Setup Downloader

Configuration Manager Setup Downloader is a stand-alone application that verifies and downloads required prerequisite redistributable files, language packs, and the latest product updates for Setup. When you install a Configuration Manager site, you can specify a folder that contains required files, or Setup can automatically start the Setup Downloader to download the latest files from the Internet. You might choose to run Setup Downloader before you run Setup and store the files on a network shared folder or removable hard drive. This approach is necessary when the planned site server computer does not have Internet access, or a firewall prevents the files from downloading. After you download the latest files, you can use the same path to the download folder to install multiple sites. When you install sites, always verify that the path to the download folder contains the most recent version of the files.

System_CAPS_security Security Note

To prevent an attacker from tampering with the files, use a local path to the folder that stores the files. If you use a network shared folder for the files, use Server Message Block (SMB) signing or Internet Protocol security (IPsec) to secure the location for the files.

You can open Setup Downloader and specify a path to the folder to host the downloaded files, or you can run Setup Downloader at a command prompt and specify command-line options. Use the following procedures to start Setup Downloader and download the latest Configuration Manager files that Setup requires.

To start Setup Downloader from Windows Explorer

  1. On a computer that has Internet access, open Windows Explorer, and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64.

  2. Double-click Setupdl.exe. The Setup Downloader opens.

  3. Specify the path for the folder that will host the updated installation files, and then click Download. Setup Downloader verifies the files that are currently in the download folder and downloads only the files that are missing or are newer than the existing files. Setup Downloader creates subfolders for the downloaded languages. Setup Downloader will create the folder if it does not exist.

    System_CAPS_security Security Note

    To run the Setup Downloader application, you must have Full Control NTFS file system permissions to the download folder.

  4. View the ConfigMgrSetup.log file in the root of the drive C to review the download results.

To start Setup Downloader at a command prompt

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64.

  2. Type setupdl.exe to open Setup Downloader. Optionally, you can use the following command-line options:

    - /VERIFY: Use this option to verify the files in the download folder, which include language files. Review the ConfigMgrSetup.log file in the root of the drive C for a list of files that are outdated. No files are downloaded when you use this option.
    - /VERIFYLANG: Use this option to verify the language files in the download folder. Review the ConfigMgrSetup.log file in the root of the drive C for a list of language files that are outdated.
    - /LANG: Use this option to download only the language files to the download folder.
    - /NOUI: Use this option to start Setup Downloader without displaying the user interface. When you use this option, you must specify the download path as part of the command line.
    - \<*DownloadPath*\>: You can specify the path to the download folder to automatically start the verification or download process. You must specify the download path when you use the /NOUI option. When you do not specify a download path, you must specify the path when Setup Downloader opens. Setup Downloader will create the folder if it does not exist.
      <div class="alert">
      <col style="width: 100%" />
      <tr class="header">
      <th><img src="images/Gg712320.s-e6f6a65cf14f462597b64ac058dbe1d0-system-media-system-caps-security(TechNet.10).jpeg" title="System_CAPS_security" alt="System_CAPS_security" /> Security Note</th>
      <tr class="odd">
      <td><p>To run the Setup Downloader application, you must have <strong>Full Control</strong> NTFS file system permissions to the download folder.</p></td>


    Usage examples:

    - **setupdl** \<*DownloadPath*\>
      Setup Downloader starts, verifies the files in the specified download folder, and downloads only the files that are missing or are newer than the existing files.
    - **setupdl /VERIFY** \<*DownloadPath*\>
      Setup Downloader starts and verifies the files in the specified download folder.
    - **setupdl /NOUI** \<*DownloadPath*\>
      Setup Downloader starts, verifies the files in the specified download folder, and downloads only the files that are missing or are newer than the existing files.
    - **setupdl /LANG** \<*DownloadPath*\>
      Setup Downloader starts, verifies the language files in the specified download folder, and downloads only the language files that are missing or are newer than the existing files.
    - **setupdl /VERIFY**
      Setup Downloader starts, and then you must specify the path to the download folder. Next, after you click **Verify**, Setup Downloader verifies the files in the download folder.
  3. View the ConfigMgrSetup.log file in the root of the drive C to review the download results.

Prerequisite Checker

Prerequisite Checker (Prereqchk.exe) is a stand-alone application that verifies server readiness for a site server or specific site system roles. Before site installation, Setup runs Prerequisite Checker. You might choose to manually run Prerequisite Checker on potential site servers or site systems to verify server readiness. This process lets you to remediate any issues that you find before you run Setup. When you run Prerequisite Checker without command-line options, the local computer is scanned for an existing site server, and only the checks that are applicable to the site are run. If no existing sites are detected, all prerequisite rules are run. You can run Prerequisite Checker at a command prompt and specify specific command-line options to perform only checks that are associated with the site server or site systems that you specified in the command line. When you specify another server to check, you must have administrative user rights on the server for Prerequisite Checker to complete the checks. For more information about the prerequisite checks that Prerequisite Checker performs, see Technical Reference for the Prerequisite Checker in Configuration Manager.

When you are planning to upgrade a Configuration Manager site to a new service pack, you can manually run the Prerequisite Checker on each site to verify that site’s readiness for upgrade. To do so, use the Prerequisite Checker files from the source media of that new version of Configuration Manager. When you run the Prerequisite Checker for upgrade, you do not specify command-line options.

Use the following procedures to run Prerequisite Checker on site servers or site system servers.

To move Prerequisite Checker files to another computer

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to one of the following locations:

    - \<*ConfigMgrInstallationMedia*\>\\SMSSETUP\\BIN\\X64.
    - \<*ConfigMgrInstallationPath*\>\\BIN\\X64.
  2. Copy the following files to the destination folder on the other computer:

    - Prereqchk.exe
    - Prereqcore.dll
    - Basesql.dll
    - Basesvr.dll
    - Baseutil.dll

To start Prerequisite Checker and run default checks

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64 or <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\BIN\X64.

  2. Open prereqchk.exe to start Prerequisite Checker.

    Prerequisite Checker detects existing sites, and if found, performs checks for upgrade readiness. If no sites are found, all checks are performed. The Site Type column provides information about the site server or site system with which the rule is associated.

To start Prerequisite Checker at a command prompt and run all checks

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64 or <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\BIN\X64.

  2. Type prereqchk.exe /LOCAL to start Prerequisite Checker and run all prerequisite checks on the server.

To start Prerequisite Checker at a command prompt and run primary site checks

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64 or <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\BIN\X64.

  2. Type prereqchk.exe and choose from the following command-line options to check requirements for a primary site installation.

    Command-line option





    Starts Prerequisite Checker without displaying the user interface. You must specify this option before any other option in the command line.



    Verifies that the local computer meets the requirements for the primary site.

    /SQL <FQDN of SQL Server>


    Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for SQL Server to host the Configuration Manager site database.

    /SDK <FQDN of SMS Provider>


    Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for the SMS Provider.

    /JOIN <FQDN of central administration site>


    Verifies that the local computer meets the requirements for connecting to the central administration site server.

    /MP <FQDN of management point>


    Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for the management point site system role. This option is only supported when you use the /PRI option.

    /DP <FQDN of distribution point>


    Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for the distribution point site system role. This option is only supported when you use the /PRI option.



    Verifies that a firewall exception is in effect to allow communication for the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port. The default is port number 4022.

    InstallDir <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>


    Verifies minimum disk space on requirements for site installation.


    Usage examples (optional options are displayed in brackets):

    - prereqchk.exe \[/NOUI\] /PRI /SQL \<*FQDN of SQL Server*\> /SDK \<*FQDN of SMS Provider*\> \[/JOIN \<*FQDN of central administration site*\>\] \[/MP \<*FQDN of management point*\>\] \[/DP \<*FQDN of distribution point*\>\]

    When you run the command, unless you use the NOUI option, Prerequisite Checker opens and starts scanning the specified servers by using prerequisite checks that are applicable to the specified command-line options. Prerequisite Checker creates a list in the Prerequisite result section for any detected problems.

  3. Click an item in the list for details about how to resolve the problem. You must resolve all items in the list that have an Error status before you install the site server, site system, or Configuration Manager console. You can also open the ConfigMgrPrereq.log file in the root of the system drive to review Prerequisite Checker results. The log file can contain additional information that are not displayed in the user interface.

To start Prerequisite Checker at a command prompt and run central administration site checks

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64 or <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\BIN\X64.

  2. Type prereqchk.exe and choose from the following command-line options to check requirements for a central administration site installation.

    Command-line option





    Starts Prerequisite Checker without displaying the user interface. You must specify this option before any other option in the command line.



    Verifies that the local computer meets the requirements for the central administration site.

    /SQL <FQDN of SQL Server>


    Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for SQL Server to host the Configuration Manager site database.

    /SDK <FQDN of SMS Provider>


    Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for the SMS Provider.



    Verifies that a firewall exception is in effect to allow communication on the SSB port. The default is port number 4022.

    InstallDir <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>


    Verifies minimum disk space on requirements for site installation.


    Usage examples (optional options are displayed in brackets):

    - prereqchk.exe /CAS /SQL \<*FQDN of SQL Server*\> /SDK \<*FQDN of SMS Provider*\> /Ssbport 4022
    - prereqchk.exe /NOUI /CAS /SQL \<*FQDN of SQL Server*\> /SDK \<*FQDN of SMS Provider*\>

    When you run the command, unless you use the NOUI option, Prerequisite Checker opens and starts scanning the specified servers by using prerequisite checks that are applicable to the specified command-line options. Prerequisite Checker creates a list in the Prerequisite result section for any problems that are found.

  3. Click an item in the list for details about how to resolve the problem. You must resolve all items in the list that have an Error status before you install the site server, site system, or Configuration Manager console. You can also open the ConfigMgrPrereq.log file in the root of the system drive to review the prerequisite checker results. The log file can contain additional information that are not displayed in the user interface.

To start Prerequisite Checker at a command prompt from a primary site and run secondary site checks

  1. On the primary site server from which you plan to install the secondary site, open a Command Prompt window and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64 or <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\BIN\X64.

  2. Type prereqchk.exe and choose from the following command-line options to check requirements for a secondary site installation on a remote server.

    Command-line option





    Starts Prerequisite Checker without displaying the user interface. You must specify this option before any other option in the command line.

    /SEC <FQDN of secondary site server>


    Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for the secondary site.



    Verifies that SQL Server Express can be installed on the specified computer.



    Verifies that a firewall exception is in effect to allow communication for the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port. The default is port number 4022.



    Verifies that a firewall exception is in effect to allow communication for the SQL Server service port and that the port is not in use by another named instance of SQL Server. The default port is 1433.

    InstallDir <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>


    Verifies minimum disk space on requirements for site installation.



    Verifies that the computer account of the secondary site can access the folder that hosts the source files for Setup.


    Usage examples (optional options are displayed in brackets):

    - prereqchk.exe /SEC /Ssbport 4022 /SourceDir \<*Source Folder Path*\>
    - prereqchk.exe \[/NOUI\] /SEC \<*FQDN of secondary site*\> \[/INSTALLSQLEXPRESS\]

    When you run the command, unless you use the NOUI option, Prerequisite Checker opens and starts scanning the specified servers by using prerequisite checks that are applicable to the specified command-line options. Prerequisite Checker creates a list in the Prerequisite result section for any problems that are found.

  3. Click an item in the list for details about how to resolve the problem. You must resolve all items in the list that have an Error status before you install the site server, site system, or Configuration Manager console. You can also open the ConfigMgrPrereq.log file in the root of the system drive to review the prerequisite checker results. The log file can contain additional information that is not displayed in the user interface.

To start Prerequisite Checker at a command prompt and run Configuration Manager console checks

  1. On the primary site server from which you install the secondary site, open a Command Prompt window and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64 or <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\BIN\X64.

  2. Type prereqchk.exe /Adminui to check requirements for Configuration Manager console installation on the local computer.


    When you run the command, Prerequisite Checker opens and starts scanning the specified servers by using prerequisite checks that are applicable to the specified command-line options. Prerequisite Checker creates a list in the Prerequisite result section for any detected problems.

  3. Click an item in the list for details about how to resolve the problem. You must resolve all items in the list that have an Error status before you install the site server, site system, or Configuration Manager console. You can also open the ConfigMgrPrereq.log file in the root of the system drive to review the prerequisite checker results. The log file can contain additional information that is not displayed in the user interface.

Manual Steps to Prepare for Site Server Installation

Before you install a site server on a computer, consider the following manual steps to prepare for site server installation.

Manual step


Install the latest security updates on the site server computer.

Use Windows Update to install the latest security updates on the site server computer.

Install the hotfix that is described in KB2552033 on site servers that run Windows Server 2008 R2.

The hotfix that is described in KB2552033 must be installed on site servers that run Windows Server 2008 R2 when client push installation is enabled.

Consider installing the applicable Visual C++ Redistributable files on site server computers before installing the site.

Configuration Manager installs the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable on each computer that installs a site server. The version that is installed depends on the version of Configuration Manager you use:

  • System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: Visual C++ 2008

  • System Center 2012 Configuration Manager S1: Visual C++ 2008

  • System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager: Visual C++ 2010

  • System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2: Visual C++ 2013

  • System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1: Visual C++ 2013

Central administration sites and primary sites require both the x86 and x64 versions of the applicable Redistributable file. Secondary sites require only the x64 version.

These files are located on the installation media at the following locations:

  • <media path>\SMSSETUP\BIN\I386\vcredist_x86.exe

  • <media path>\SMSSETUP\BIN\x64\vcredist_x64.exe


Beginning with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2, it is recommended to install the applicable Visual C++ Redistributable on the secondary site server computer before installing or upgrading a secondary site.

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Setup Wizard

When you run Setup, the local computer is scanned for an existing site server and provides only the options that are applicable, based on the scan results. The options that are available in Setup also differ when you run Setup from installation media, the Configuration Manager DVD or a network shared folder, or if you run Setup from the Start menu or by opening Setup.exe from the installation path on an existing site server. The Configuration Manager Setup Wizard provides the following options to install, upgrade, or uninstall a site:

  • Install a Configuration Manager primary site server: When you choose to install a new primary site, you can manually configure the site settings in the wizard, or let Setup configure the site with a default installation path, to use a local installation of the default instance of SQL Server for the site database, to install a management point on the site server, and to install a distribution point on the site server.


    You must start Setup from installation media to select this option.

  • Install a Configuration Manager central administration site: The central administration site is used for reporting and to coordinate communication between primary sites in the hierarchy. There is only one central administration site in a Configuration Manager hierarchy. The central administration site must be the first site that you install.


    You must start Setup from installation media to select this option.

  • Upgrade an existing Configuration Manager installation: Choose this option to upgrade an existing version of System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.


    You must start Setup from installation media to select this option.

  • Uninstall a Configuration Manager site server: When an existing site is detected on the local computer, and the version of the site is the same version as Setup, you have the option to uninstall the site server. You can start Setup from either the installation media or from the local site server to select this option.


For more information about site maintenance and site reset options that are available in Setup, see Manage Site and Hierarchy Configurations.

Install a Configuration Manager Console

Administrative users use the Configuration Manager console to manage the Configuration Manager environment. Each Configuration Manager console connects to either a central administration site or a primary site. After the initial connection is made, the Configuration Manager console can connect to other sites. However, you cannot connect a Configuration Manager console to a secondary site.


The objects that are displayed for the administrative user who is running the console depend on the rights that are assigned to the administrative user. For more information about role-based administration, see the Planning for Role-Based Administration section in the Planning for Security in Configuration Manager topic.

You can install the Configuration Manager console during the site server installation in the Setup Wizard, or run the stand-alone application.

Use the following procedure to install a Configuration Manager console by using the stand-alone application.

To install a Configuration Manager console

  1. Verify that the administrative user who runs the Configuration Manager console application has the following security rights:

    - Local Administrator rights on the computer on which the console will run.
    - Read permission to the location for the Configuration Manager console installation files.
  2. Browse to one of the following locations:

    - From the Configuration Manager source media, browse to \<*ConfigMgrSourceFiles*\>\\Smssetup\\Bin\\I386.
    - On the site server, browse to \<*ConfigMgrSiteServerInstallationPath*\>\\Tools\\ConsoleSetup.


    As a best practice, initiate the Configuration Manager console installation from a site server rather than the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager installation media. The site server installation method copies the Configuration Manager console installation files and the supported language packs for the site to the Tools\ConsoleSetup subfolder. If you install the Configuration Manager console from the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager installation media, this installation method always installs the English version, regardless of the supported languages on the site server or the language settings for the operating system that is running on the computer. Optionally, you can copy the ConsoleSetup folder to an alternate location to start the installation.

  3. Double-click consolesetup.exe. The Configuration Manager Console Setup Wizard opens.


    Always install the Configuration Manager console by using ConsoleSetup.exe. The Configuration Manager console Setup can be initiated by running the AdminConsole.msi, but there are no prerequisite or dependency checks, and the installation might likely not install correctly.

  4. On the opening page, click Next.

  5. On the Site Server page, specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the site server to which the Configuration Manager console will connect, and then click Next.

  6. On the Installation Folder page, specify the installation folder for the Configuration Manager console, and then click Next. The folder path must not contain trailing spaces or Unicode characters.

  7. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program page, choose whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program, and then click Next.

  8. On the Ready to Install page, click Install to install the Configuration Manager console.

To install a Configuration Manager console at a command prompt

  1. On the server from which you install the Configuration Manager console, open a Command Prompt window and browse to one of the following locations:

    - \<*ConfigMgrSiteServerInstallationPath*\>\\Tools\\ConsoleSetup
    - \<*ConfigMgrInstallationMedia*\>\\SMSSETUP\\BIN\\I386


    When you install a Configuration Manager console at a command prompt, it always installs the English version regardless of the language setting for the operating system that is running on the computer. To install the Configuration Manager console in another language, you must use the previous procedure to install it.

  2. Type consolesetup.exe and choose from the following command-line options.

    Command-line option



    Installs the Configuration Manager console unattended. The EnableSQM, TargetDir, and DefaultSiteServerName options are required when you use this option.


    Uninstalls the Configuration Manager console. You must specify this option first when you use it with the /q option.


    Specifies the path to the folder that contains the language files. You can use Setup Downloader to download the language files. If you do not use this option, Setup looks for the language folder in the current folder. If the language folder is not found, Setup continues to install English only. For more information about Setup Downloader, see Setup Downloader in this topic.


    Specifies the installation folder to install the Configuration Manager console. This option is required when you use the /q option.


    Specifies whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). Use a value of 1 to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program, and a value of 0 to not join the program. This option is required when you use the /q option.


    Specifies the FQDN of the site server to which the console connects when it opens. This option is required when you use the /q option.


    Usage examples:

    consolesetup.exe /q TargetDir="D:\Program Files\ConfigMgr" EnableSQM=1 DefaultSiteServerName=MyServer.Contoso.com

    consolesetup.exe /q LangPackDir=C:\Downloads\ConfigMgr TargetDir="D:\Program Files\ConfigMgr" Console EnableSQM=1 DefaultSiteServerName=MyServer.Contoso.com

    consolesetup.exe /uninstall /q

Manage Configuration Manager Console Languages

During site server installation, the Configuration Manager console installation files and supported language packs for the site are copied to the <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\Tools\ConsoleSetup subfolder on the site server. When you start the Configuration Manager console installation from this folder on the site server, the Configuration Manager console and supported language pack files are copied to the computer. When a language pack is available for the current language setting on the computer, the Configuration Manager console opens in that language. If the associated language pack is not available for the Configuration Manager console, the console opens in English. For example, consider a scenario where you install the Configuration Manager console from a site server that supports English, German, and French. If you open the Configuration Manager console on a computer with a configured language setting of French, the console opens in French. If you open the Configuration Manager console on a computer with a configured language of Japanese, the console opens in English because the Japanese language pack is not available.

Each time the Configuration Manager console opens, it determines the configured language settings for the computer, verifies whether an associated language pack is available for the Configuration Manager console, and then opens the console by using the appropriate language pack. When you want to open the Configuration Manager console in English regardless of the configured language settings on the computer, you must manually remove or rename the language pack files on the computer.

Use the following procedures to start the Configuration Manager console in English regardless of the configured locale setting on the computer.

To install an English-only version of the Configuration Manager console on computers

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\Tools\ConsoleSetup\LanguagePack.

  2. Rename the .msp and .mst files. For example, you could change <file name>.MSP to <file name>.MSP.disabled.

  3. Install the Configuration Manager console on the computer.


    When new server languages are configured for the site server, the .msp and .mst files are recopied to the LanguagePack folder, and you must repeat this procedure to install new Configuration Manager consoles in only English.

To temporarily disable a console language on an existing Configuration Manager console installation

  1. On the computer that is running the Configuration Manager console, close the Configuration Manager console.

  2. In Windows Explorer, browse to <ConsoleInstallationPath>\Bin\ on the Configuration Manager console computer.

  3. Rename the appropriate language folder for the language that is configured on the computer. For example, if the language settings for the computer were set for German, you could rename the de folder to de.disabled.

  4. To open the Configuration Manager console in the language that is configured for the computer, rename the folder to the original name. For example, rename de.disabled to de.

Install a Site Server

Your Configuration Manager deployment consists of either a hierarchy of sites or a stand-alone site. A hierarchy consists of multiple sites, each with one or more site system servers. A stand-alone site also consists of one or more site system servers. Site system servers extend the functionality of Configuration Manager. For example, you might install a site system at a site to support software update deployment or to manage mobile devices. To successfully plan your hierarchy of sites and identify the best network and geographical locations to place site servers, make sure that you review the information about each site type and the alternatives to sites that content deployment-related site systems offer. For more information, see the Planning a Hierarchy in Configuration Manager section in the Planning for Sites and Hierarchies in Configuration Manager topic.

You must have a forest trust to support any Configuration Manager sites that are located in other Active Directory forests. When you install a Configuration Manager site in a trusted forest, Configuration Manager does not require any additional configuration steps. However, make sure that any intervening firewalls and network devices do not block the network packets that Configuration Manager requires, that name resolution is working between the forests, and that you use an account that has sufficient permissions to install the site. For more information, see the Planning for Communications Across Forests in Configuration Manager section in the Planning for Communications in Configuration Manager topic.

Configuration Manager central administration site and primary site installation requires SQL Server to be installed before you run Setup. You can install SQL Server on a secondary site server before you run Setup, or let Setup install SQL Server Express as part of the secondary site installation. For more information about supported SQL Server versions for site installation, see the Configurations for the SQL Server Site Database section in the Supported Configurations for Configuration Manager topic.

To set up a new site in Configuration Manager, you can use either the Configuration Manager Setup Wizard, or perform an unattended installation by using the scripted installation method. When you use the Configuration Manager Setup Wizard, you can install a primary site server or central administration site. You install a secondary site from the Configuration Manager console.

For more information about the command-line options that are available with Setup, see the Using Command-Line Options with Setup section in this topic.

For more information about running Setup by using an unattended script, see the Configuration Manager Unattended Setup section in this topic.


After Setup is finished, you cannot change the program files installation directory, site code, or site description for the site. To change the installation directory, site code, or site name, you must uninstall the site, and then reinstall the site by using the new values.

Use the following sections to help you install a site by using the Setup Wizard.

Install a Central Administration Site

Use a central administration site to configure hierarchy-wide settings and to monitor all sites and objects in the hierarchy. You must install the central administration site before you install the primary site that is connected to the Configuration Manager hierarchy. If you install a primary site before you install the central administration site, the only way to connect the primary site to the Configuration Manager hierarchy is to uninstall the primary site, install the central administration site, and then reinstall the primary site and connect it to the central administration site during Setup.

However, beginning with Configuration Manager SP1, you can expand an existing stand-alone primary site into a hierarchy that includes a new central administration site. After you install the new central administration site, you can install additional new primary sites. For more information, see the Planning to Expand a Stand-Alone Primary Site section in the Planning for Sites and Hierarchies in Configuration Manager topic.

Use the following procedure to install a central administration site.

To install a central administration site

  1. Verify that the administrative user who runs Setup has the following security rights:

    - Local Administrator rights on the central administration site server computer.
    - Local Administrator rights on each computer that hosts one of the following:
        - The site database
        - An instance of the SMS Provider for the site
    - Sysadmin rights on the instance of SQL Server that hosts the site database. After setup completes, both the user account that runs setup and the site server computer account must retain sysadmin rights to SQL Server. It is not supported to remove the sysadmin rights from these accounts.
  2. On the central administration site computer, open Windows Explorer and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64.

  3. Double-click Setup.exe. The Configuration Manager Setup Wizard opens.

  4. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.

  5. On the Getting Started page, select Install a Configuration Manager central administration site, and then click Next.

  6. On the Product Key page, choose whether to install Configuration Manager as an evaluation or a full installation. Enter your product key for the full installation of Configuration Manager. Click Next.

    If you install Configuration Manager as an evaluation, after 180 days the Configuration Manager console becomes read-only until you activate the product with a product key from the Site Maintenance page in Setup.

  7. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, read and accept the license terms, and then click Next.

  8. On the Prerequisite Licenses page, read and accept the license terms for the prerequisite software, and then click Next. Setup downloads and automatically installs the software on site systems or clients when it is required. You must select all check boxes before you can continue to the next page.

  9. On the Prerequisite Downloads page, specify whether Setup must download the latest prerequisite redistributable files, language packs, and the latest product updates from the Internet or use previously downloaded files, and then click Next. If you previously downloaded the files by using Setup Downloader, select Use previously downloaded files and specify the download folder. For information about Setup Downloader, see the Setup Downloader section in this topic.


    When you use previously downloaded files, verify that the path to the download folder contains the most recent version of the files.

  10. On the Server Language Selection page, select the languages that are available for the Configuration Manager console and for reports, and then click Next. English is selected by default and cannot be removed.

  11. On the Client Language Selection page, select the languages that are available to client computers, specify whether to enable all client languages for mobile device clients, and then click Next. English is selected by default and cannot be removed.


    If you are installing a central administration site to expand a stand-alone primary site, select the same client languages that are installed at the stand-alone primary site.

  12. On the Site and Installation Settings page, specify the site code and site name for the site. For more information about site code naming, including best practices and limitations, see the Configuration Manager Site Naming section in this topic.

  13. Specify the installation folder and whether Setup will install the Configuration Manager console on the local computer, and then click Next. The folder path must not contain trailing spaces or Unicode characters.


    You cannot change the installation folder after Setup is finished. Verify that the disk drive has enough disk space before you continue.

  14. If you are using Configuration Manager with no service pack, skip to step 15.

    On the Central Administration Site Installation page, select the option that is appropriate to your scenario:

    • To install a central administration site as the first site of a new hierarchy, select Install as the first site in a new hierarchy, and then click Next to continue.

    • To install a central administration site to expand an existing stand-alone primary site into a hierarchy, select Expand an existing stand-alone primary into a hierarchy, specify the FQDN of the stand-alone primary site server, and then click Next to continue.


      The stand-alone primary site must run the same version of Configuration Manager as the version that you use to install the central administration site.

  15. On the Database Information page, specify the information for the site database server and the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port that the SQL Server is to use. You must specify a valid port that no other site or service is using, and that no firewall restrictions block.


    With Configuration Manager with no service pack, when you configure the site database to use the default instance of SQL Server, you must configure the SQL Server service port to use TCP port 1433, the default port. Beginning with Configuration Manager SP1, you can use a non-default TCP port for the default instance.


    Typically, the Service Broker is configured to use TCP port 4022, but other ports are supported.

    With System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack or with SP1, click Next to continue on to the SMS Provider Settings page.

    Beginning with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, click Next to continue to a second Database Information page where you can specify non-default locations for the SQL Server data file and SQL Server log file for the site database. Then, click Next to continue.


    The option to specify non-default file locations is not available when you use a SQL Server cluster.


    The prerequisite checker does not run a check for free disk space for the non-default file locations.

  16. On the SMS Provider Settings page, specify the FQDN for the server that hosts the SMS Provider, and then click Next. You can configure additional SMS providers for the site after the initial installation.

  17. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program Configuration page, choose whether to participate, and then click Next.

  18. On the Settings Summary page, review the setting and verify that they are accurate. Click Next to start Prerequisite Checker to verify server readiness for the central administration site server.

  19. On the Prerequisite Installation Check page, if no problems are listed, click Next to install the central administration site. When Prerequisite Checker finds a problem, click an item in the list for details about how to resolve the problem. You must resolve all items in the list that have an Error status before you continue setup. After you resolve the issue, click Run Check to restart prerequisite checking. You can also open the ConfigMgrPrereq.log file in the root of the system drive to review the Prerequisite Checker results. The log file can contain additional information that is not displayed in the user interface. For a complete list of installation prerequisite rules and descriptions, see Technical Reference for the Prerequisite Checker in Configuration Manager.

  20. On the Installation page, Setup displays the overall installation status. When Setup completes the core site server installation, you can close the wizard. Site configuration continues in the background.


    You can connect a Configuration Manager console to the central administration site before the site installation finishes, but the console connects to the site by using a read-only console. The read-only console lets you view objects and configuration settings but prevents you from introducing any change that could be lost when the site installation finishes.

Install a Primary Site Server

During Setup, you must choose whether to join the primary site to an existing central administration site or install it as a stand-alone primary site.


When you create a Configuration Manager hierarchy, you must install the central administration site first.

When you install a new primary site in your production environment, manually configure the installation options in the wizard. Typically, you only select the Use typical installation options for a stand-alone primary site option to install a stand-alone primary site in your test environment. When you select this option, Setup automatically configures the site as a stand-alone primary site, uses a default installation path, a local installation of the default instance of SQL Server for the site database, a local management point, a local distribution point, and configures the site with English and the display language of the operating system on the primary site server if it matches one of the languages that Configuration Manager supports.

Use one of the following procedures to install a primary site.

To install a primary site that joins an existing Configuration Manager hierarchy

  1. Verify that the administrative user that runs Setup has the following security rights:

    - Local Administrator rights on the central administration site server computer
    - Sysadmin rights on the site database of the central administration site. After setup completes, both the user account that runs setup and the site server computer account must retain sysadmin rights to SQL Server. It is not supported to remove the sysadmin rights from these accounts.
    - Local Administrator rights on the primary site server computer
    - Local Administrator rights on each computer that hosts one of the following at the primary site:
        - The site database
        - An instance of the SMS Provider for the site
        - A management point for the site
        - A distribution point for the site
    - Sysadmin rights on the instance of SQL Server that hosts the site database. After setup completes, both the user account that runs setup and the site server computer account must retain sysadmin rights to SQL Server. It is not supported to remove the sysadmin rights from these accounts.
    - Role-based administration rights that are equivalent to the security role of Infrastructure Administrator or Full Administrator


    Setup automatically configures the-sender address to use the computer account for the primary site server. This account must have Read, Write, Execute, and Delete NTFS file system permissions on the SMS\Inboxes\Despoolr.box\Receive folder on the central administration site server. Also, your security policy must allow the account Access this computer from the network rights on the central administration site. After Setup is finished, you can change the account to a Windows user account if it is required. For example, you must change the account to a Windows user account if your central administration site is in a different forest. For more information about communication requirements across forest trusts, see Planning for Communications Across Forests in Configuration Manager.

  2. On the new primary site computer, open Windows Explorer and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64.

  3. Double-click Setup.exe. The Configuration Manager Setup Wizard opens.

  4. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.

  5. On the Getting Started page, select Install a Configuration Manager primary site, verify that Use typical installation options for a stand-alone primary site is cleared, and then click Next.

  6. On the Product Key page, choose whether to install Configuration Manager as an evaluation or a full installation. Enter your product key for the full installation of Configuration Manager. Click Next.

    If you install Configuration Manager as an evaluation, after 180 days the Configuration Manager console becomes read-only until you activate the product from the Site Maintenance page in the Setup Wizard.

  7. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, read and accept the license terms, and then click Next.

  8. On the Prerequisite Licenses page, read and accept the license terms for the prerequisite software, and then click Next. Setup downloads and automatically installs the software on site systems or clients when it is required. You must select all check boxes before you can continue to the next page.

  9. On the Prerequisite Downloads page, specify whether Setup will download the latest prerequisite redistributable files, language packs, and the latest product updates from the Internet or use previously downloaded files, and then click Next. If you previously downloaded the files by using Setup Downloader, select Use previously downloaded files and specify the download folder. For information about Setup Downloader, see the Setup Downloader section in this topic.


    When you use previously downloaded files, verify that the path to the download folder contains the most recent version of the files.

  10. On the Server Language Selection page, select the languages that are available for the Configuration Manager console and for reports, and then click Next. English is selected by default and cannot be removed.

  11. On the Client Language Selection page, select the languages that are available to client computers, specify whether to enable all client languages for mobile device clients, and then click Next. English is selected by default and cannot be removed.

  12. On the Site and Installation Settings page, specify the site code and site name for the site. For more information about site code naming, including best practices and limitations, see the Configuration Manager Site Naming section in this topic.

  13. Specify the installation folder and whether Setup will install the Configuration Manager console on the local computer, and then click Next. The folder path must not contain trailing spaces or Unicode characters.


    You cannot change the installation folder after Setup is finished. Verify that the disk drive has enough disk space before you proceed.

  14. On the Primary Site Installation page, select Join the primary site to an existing hierarchy, specify the FQDN for the central administration site, and then click Next. Setup verifies that the primary site server has access to the central administration site server, and that the site code for the central administration site can be retrieved by using the security credentials of the administrative user that is running Setup.

  15. On the Database Information page, specify the information for the site database server and the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port that SQL Server is to use, and then click Next. You must specify a valid port that no other site or service is using, and that no firewall restrictions block. Typically, the Service Broker is configured to use TCP port 4022, but other ports are supported.


    With Configuration Manager without a service pack, when you configure the site database to use the default instance of SQL Server, you must configure the SQL Server service port to use TCP port 1433, the default port. Beginning with Configuration Manager SP1, you can use a non-default TCP port for the default instance.

    With System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack or with SP1, click Next to continue on to the SMS Provider Settings page.

    Beginning with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, click Next to continue to a second Database Information page where you can specify non-default locations for the SQL Server data file and SQL Server log file for the site database. Then, click Next to continue.


    The option to specify non-default file locations is not available when you use a SQL Server cluster.


    The prerequisite checker does not run a check for free disk space for the non-default file locations.

  16. On the SMS Provider Settings page, specify the FQDN for the server that will host the SMS Provider, and then click Next. You can configure additional SMS providers for the site after the initial installation.

  17. On the Client Computer Communication Settings page, choose whether to configure all site systems to accept only HTTPS communication from clients or for the communication method to be configured for each site system role, and then click Next. When you select All site system roles accept only HTTPS communication from clients, the client computer must have a valid PKI certificate for client authentication. When you select Configure the communication method on each site system role, you can choose Clients will use HTTPS when they have a valid PKI certificate and HTTPS-enabled site roles are available. This ensures that the client selects a site system that is configured for HTTPS if is available. For more information about PKI certificate requirements, see PKI Certificate Requirements for Configuration Manager.

  18. On the Site System Roles page, choose whether to install a management point or distribution point. When selected for installation, enter the FQDN for site system and select the client connection method. Click Next. If you selected All site system roles accept only HTTPS communication from clients on the previous page, the client connection settings are automatically configured for HTTPS and cannot be changed unless you go back and change the setting.


    The site system installation account is automatically configured to use the primary site’s computer account to install the site system role. If you have to use an alternate installation account for remote site systems, you should not select the roles in the Setup Wizard and install them later from the Configuration Manager console.

  19. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program Configuration page, choose whether to participate, and then click Next.

  20. On the Settings Summary page, review the setting and verify that they are accurate. Click Next to start Prerequisite Checker to verify server readiness for the primary site server and for specified site system roles.

  21. On the Prerequisite Installation Check page, if no problems are listed, click Next to install the primary site and site system roles that you selected. When Prerequisite Checker finds a problem, click an item on the list for details about how to resolve the problem. You must resolve all items in the list that have an Error status before you continue setup. After you resolve the issue, click Run Check to restart prerequisite checking. You can also open the ConfigMgrPrereq.log file in the root of the system drive to review the Prerequisite Checker results. The log file can contain additional information that is not displayed in the user interface. For a complete list of installation prerequisite rules and descriptions, see Technical Reference for the Prerequisite Checker in Configuration Manager.

  22. On the Installation page, Setup displays the overall installation status. When Setup completes the core site server and site system installation, you can close the wizard. Site configuration continues in the background.


    You can connect a Configuration Manager console to a primary site before the site installation finishes, but the console will connect to the site by using a read-only console. The read-only console lets you view objects and configuration settings but prevents you from introducing any change that could be lost when the site installation finishes.

To install a stand-alone primary site

  1. Verify that the administrative user who runs Setup has the following security rights:

    - Local Administrator rights on the primary site server computer
    - Local Administrator rights on each computer that hosts one of the following:
        - The site database
        - An instance of the SMS Provider for the site
        - A management point for the site
        - A distribution point for the site
    - Sysadmin rights on the instance of SQL Server that hosts the site database. After setup completes, both the user account that runs setup and the site server computer account must retain sysadmin rights to SQL Server. It is not supported to remove the sysadmin rights from these accounts.
  2. On the new primary site computer, open Windows Explorer and browse to <ConfigMgrInstallationMedia>\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64.

  3. Double-click Setup.exe. The Configuration Manager Setup Wizard opens.

  4. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.

  5. On the Getting Started page, select Install a Configuration Manager primary site, verify that Use typical installation options for a stand-alone primary site is not selected, and then click Next.

  6. On the Product Key page, choose whether to install Configuration Manager as an evaluation or a full installation. Enter your product key for the full installation of Configuration Manager. Click Next.

    If you install Configuration Manager as an evaluation, after 180 days the Configuration Manager console becomes read-only until you activate the product with a product key from the Site Maintenance page in Setup.

  7. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, read and accept the license terms, and then click Next.

  8. On the Prerequisite Licenses page, read and accept the license terms for the prerequisite software, and then click Next. Setup downloads and automatically installs the software on site systems or clients when it is required. You must select all check boxes before you can continue to the next page.

  9. On the Prerequisite Downloads page, specify whether Setup will download the latest prerequisite redistributable files, language packs, and the latest product updates from the Internet or use previously downloaded files, and then click Next. If you previously downloaded the files by using Setup Downloader, select Use previously downloaded files and specify the download folder. For information about Setup Downloader, see the Setup Downloader section in this topic.


    When you use previously downloaded files, verify that the path to the download folder contains the most recent version of the files.

  10. On the Server Language Selection page, select the languages that will be available for the Configuration Manager console and for reports, and then click Next. English is selected by default and cannot be removed.

  11. On the Client Language Selection page, select the languages that will be available to client computers, specify whether to enable all client languages for mobile device clients, and then click Next. By default, English is selected and cannot be removed.

  12. On the Site and Installation Settings page, specify the site code and site name for the site. For more information about site code naming, including best practices and limitations, see the Configuration Manager Site Naming section in this topic.

  13. Specify the installation folder and whether Setup will install the Configuration Manager console on the local computer, and then click Next. The folder path must not contain trailing spaces or Unicode characters.


    You cannot change the installation folder after Setup finishes. Verify that the disk drive has enough disk space before you proceed.


    If you selected Use typical installation options for a stand-alone primary site, skip to step 17 - the Customer Experience Improvement Program Configuration page.

  14. On the Primary Site Installation page, select Install the primary site as a stand-alone site, and then click Next. Click Yes to confirm that you want to install the site as a stand-alone site.


    Prior to Configuration Manager SP1, you cannot join the stand-alone primary site to a central administration site after Setup finishes.

  15. On the Database Information page, specify the information for the site database server and the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port that SQL Server is to use, and then click Next. You must specify a valid port that no other site or service is using, and that no firewall restrictions block. Typically, the Service Broker is configured to use TCP port 4022, but other ports are supported.


    With Configuration Manager with no service pack, when you configure the site database to use the default instance of SQL Server, you must configure the SQL Server service port to use TCP port 1433, the default port. Beginning with Configuration Manager SP1, you can use a non-default TCP port for the default instance.

    With System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack or with SP1, click Next to continue on to the SMS Provider Settings page.

    Beginning with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, click Next to continue to a second Database Information page where you can specify non-default locations for the SQL Server data file and SQL Server log file for the site database. Then, click Next to continue.


    The option to specify non-default file locations is not available when you use a SQL Server cluster.


    The prerequisite checker does not run a check for free disk space for the non-default file locations.

  16. On the SMS Provider Settings page, specify the FQDN for the server that will host the SMS Provider, and then click Next. You can configure additional SMS providers for the site after the initial installation.

  17. On Client Communication Settings page, choose whether to configure all site systems to accept only HTTPS communication from clients or for the communication method to be configured for each site system role, and then click Next. When you select to All site system roles accept only HTTPS communication from clients, client computer must have a valid PKI certificate for client authentication. For more information about PKI certificate requirements, see PKI Certificate Requirements for Configuration Manager.

  18. On the Site System Roles page, choose whether to install a management point or distribution point. When selected for installation, enter the FQDN for site system and choose the client connection method. Click Next. When you selected All site system roles accept only HTTPS communication from clients on the previous page, the client connection settings are automatically configured for HTTPS and cannot be changed unless you go back and change the setting.


    The site system installation account is automatically configured to use the primary site’s computer account to install the site system role. If you have to use an alternate installation account for remote site systems, you should not select the roles in the Setup Wizard and install them later from the Configuration Manager console.

  19. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program Configuration page, choose whether to participate, and then click Next.

  20. On the Settings Summary page, review the setting and verify that they are accurate. Click Next to start Prerequisite Checker to verify server readiness for the primary site server and site system roles.

  21. On the Prerequisite Installation Check page, if no problems are listed, click Next to install the primary site and site system roles. When Prerequisite Checker finds a problem, click an item on the list for details about how to resolve the problem. You must resolve all items in the list that have an Error status before you continue Setup. After you resolve the issue, click Run Check to restart prerequisite checking. You can also open the ConfigMgrPrereq.log file in the root of the system drive to review the Prerequisite Checker results. The log file can contain additional information that is not displayed in the user interface. For a complete list of installation prerequisite rules and descriptions, see Technical Reference for the Prerequisite Checker in Configuration Manager.

  22. On the Installation page, Setup displays the overall installation status. When Setup completes the core site server and site system installation, you can close the wizard. Site configuration continues in the background.


    You can connect a Configuration Manager console to the primary site before the site installation finishes, but the console will connect to the site by using a read-only console. The read-only console lets you view objects and configuration settings but prevents you from introducing any change that could be lost when the site installation finishes.

Install a Secondary Site

Use secondary sites to manage the transfer of deployment content and client data across low bandwidth networks. You manage a secondary site from a central administration site or the secondary site’s parent primary site, and they are frequently used in locations that do not have an administrative user with Local Administrator rights. After a secondary site is attached to a primary site, you cannot move it to a different parent site without uninstalling it, and then reinstalling it at the new site.

The secondary site requires SQL Server for its site database. Setup automatically installs SQL Server Express during site installation if a local instance of SQL Server is not available. Before Setup starts the secondary site installation, it runs Prerequisite Checker on the secondary site computer to verify requirements. During the secondary site installation, Setup configures database replication with its parent primary site, and automatically installs the management point and distribution point site system roles on the secondary site.


For more information about supported versions of SQL Server for secondary sites, see the Configurations for the SQL Server Site Database section in the Supported Configurations for Configuration Manager topic.


Setup automatically configures the secondary site to use the client communication ports that are configured at the parent primary site.

Use the following procedure to create a secondary site.

To create a secondary site

  1. Verify that the following security rights exist:

    - The administrative user who configures the installation of the secondary site in the Configuration Manager console must have role-based administration rights that are equivalent to the security role of Infrastructure Administrator or Full Administrator.
    - The computer account of the parent primary site must be a Local Administrator on the secondary site server computer.
    - When the secondary site uses a previously installed instance of SQL Server to host the secondary site database:
        - The computer account of the parent primary site must have sysadmin rights on the instance of SQL Server on the secondary site server computer.
        - The Local System account of the secondary site server computer must have sysadmin rights on the instance of SQL Server on the secondary site server computer.
        - After setup completes, both the site server computer accounts must retain sysadmin rights to SQL Server. It is not supported to remove the sysadmin rights from these accounts.
  2. In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.

  3. In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and then click Sites.

  4. On the Home tab, in the Site group, click Create Secondary Site. The Create Secondary Site Wizard opens.

  5. On the Before You Begin page, confirm that the primary site that is listed is the site in which you want this secondary site to be a child, and then click Next.

  6. On the General page, specify the following settings:

    - **Site code**: Specify a site code for the secondary site. For more information about site code naming, including best practices and limitations, see the Configuration Manager Site Naming section in this topic.
    - **Site server name**: Specify the FQDN for the secondary site server. Verify that the server meets the requirements for secondary site installation. For more information about supported configurations, see [Supported Configurations for Configuration Manager](gg682077\(v=technet.10\).md).
    - **Site name**: Specify a name for the secondary site.
    - **Installation folder**: Specify the installation folder to create on the secondary site server.

    Click Next.


    You can click Summary to use the default settings in the wizard and go directly to the Summary page. Use this option only when you are familiar with the settings in this wizard. Boundary groups are not associated with the distribution point when you use the default settings. As a result, clients do not use the distribution point that is installed on this secondary site as a content source location. For more information about boundary groups, see the Create and Configure Boundary Groups for Configuration Manager section in the Configuring Boundaries and Boundary Groups in Configuration Manager topic.

  7. On the Installation Source Files page, specify the location for the installation files for the secondary site, and then click Next. You can copy the files from the parent site to the secondary site, use the source files from a network location, or use source files that are already available locally on the secondary site server.

    When you choose the Use the source files at the following network location or Use the source files at the following location on the secondary site computer options, the location must contain the Redist subfolder with the prerequisite redistributable files, language packs, and the latest product updates for Setup. Use Setup Downloader to download the required files to the Redist folder before you install the secondary site. The secondary site installation will fail if the files are not available in the Redist subfolder. For more information about Setup Downloader, see Setup Downloader in this topic.


    The folder or share name that you choose for the Setup installation source files must use only ASCII characters.

    System_CAPS_security Security Note

    The computer account for the secondary site must have Read NTFS file system permissions and share permissions to the Setup source folder and share. Avoid using administrative network shares (for example, C$ and D$) because they require the secondary site computer account to be an administrative user on the remote computer.

  8. On the SQL Server Settings page, specify whether the secondary site will use SQL Server Express or an existing instance of SQL Server for the site database, and then configure the associated settings.


    With Configuration Manager with no service pack, when you configure the site database to use the default instance of SQL Server, you must configure the SQL Server service port to use TCP port 1433, the default port. Beginning with Configuration Manager SP1, you can use a non-default TCP port for the default instance.

    Install and configure a local copy of SQL Express on the secondary site computer

    - **SQL Server Service port**: Specify the SQL Server service port for SQL Server Express to use. The service port is typically configured to use TCP port 1433, but you can configure another port.
    - **SQL Server Broker port**: Specify the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port for SQL Server Express to use. The Service Broker is typically configured to use TCP port 4022, but you can configure a different port. You must specify a valid port that no other site or service is using, and that no firewall restrictions block.


    Beginning with Configuration Manager SP1, Configuration Manager can install SQL Server Express 2012 with no service pack as part of a new secondary site. When Configuration Manager installs SQL Server Express 2012, you must then update SQL Server Express to a version supported for use with secondary sites. This is because the version of SQL Server Express that Configuration Manager can install does not meet current minimum requirements.

    Beginning with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, if the new secondary site install fails to finish but first completes the installation of SQL Server Express 2012, you must update that instance of SQL Server Express before Configuration Manager can successfully retry the secondary site install.

    See Configurations for the SQL Server Site Database for a list of the SQL Server versions supported with different versions of Configuration Manager.

    Use an existing SQL Server instance

    - **SQL Server FQDN**: Review the FQDN for the SQL Server computer. You must use a local SQL Server to host the secondary site database and cannot modify this setting.
    - **SQL Server instance**: Specify the instance of SQL Server to use as the secondary site database. Leave this option blank to use the default instance.
    - **ConfigMgr site database name**: Specify the name to use for the secondary site database.
    - **SQL Server Broker port**: Specify the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port for SQL Server to use. You must specify a valid port that no other site or service is using, and that no firewall restrictions block.
      <div class="alert">
      > [!NOTE]
      > <P>Setup does not validate the information that you enter on this page until it starts the installation. Before you continue, verify these settings.</P>

    Click Next.

  9. On the Distribution Point page, configure the general distribution point settings.

    - **Install and configure IIS if required by Configuration Manager**: Select this setting to let Configuration Manager install and configure Internet Information Services (IIS) on the server if it is not already installed. IIS must be installed on all distribution points. If IIS is not installed on the server and you do not select this setting, you must install IIS before the distribution point can be installed successfully.
    - Configure how client devices communicate with the distribution point. There are advantages and disadvantages for using HTTP and HTTPS. For more information, see [Security Best Practices for Content Management](gg699360\(v=technet.10\).md) section in the [Security and Privacy for Content Management in Configuration Manager](gg699360\(v=technet.10\).md) topic.
      <div class="alert">
      > [!IMPORTANT]
      > <P>You must select HTTPS when the parent primary site is configured to communicate only by using HTTPS.</P>
      For more information about client communication to the distribution point and other site systems, see the [Planning for Client Communications in Configuration Manager](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=234538) section in the [Planning for Communications in Configuration Manager](gg712701\(v=technet.10\).md) topic.
    - **Allow clients to connect anonymously**: This setting specifies whether the distribution point will allow anonymous connections from Configuration Manager clients to the content library.
      <div class="alert">
      > [!WARNING]
      > <P>When you deploy a Windows Installer application on a Configuration Manager client, Configuration Manager downloads the file to the local cache on the client and the files are eventually removed after the installation finishes. The Configuration Manager client updates the Windows Installer source list for the installed Windows Installer applications with the content path for the content library on associated distribution points. Later, if you start the Repair action from <STRONG>Add/Remove Programs</STRONG> on a Configuration Manager client that is running Windows XP, MSIExec attempts to access the content path by using an anonymous user. You must select the <STRONG>Allow clients to connect anonymously</STRONG> setting, or the repair fails for clients that are running Windows XP. For all other operating systems, the client connects to the distribution point by using the logged-on user account.</P>
    - Create a self-signed certificate or import a public key infrastructure (PKI) client certificate for the distribution point. The certificate has the following purposes:
        - It authenticates the distribution point to a management point before the distribution point sends status messages.
        - When you select the **Enable PXE support for clients** check box on the **PXE Settings** page, the certificate is sent to computers that perform a PXE boot so that they can connect to a management point during the deployment of the operating system.
      When all your management points in the site are configured for HTTP, create a self-signed certificate. When your management points are configured for HTTPS, import a PKI client certificate.
      To import the certificate, browse to a Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS \#12) file that contains a PKI certificate with the following requirements for Configuration Manager:
        - Intended use must include client authentication.
        - The private key must be enabled to be exported.
      <div class="alert">
      > [!NOTE]
      > <P>There are no specific requirements for the certificate subject or subject alternative name (SAN), and you can use the same certificate for multiple distribution points.</P>
      For more information about the certificate requirements, see [PKI Certificate Requirements for Configuration Manager](gg699362\(v=technet.10\).md).
      For an example deployment of this certificate, see the [Deploying the Client Certificate for Distribution Points](gg682023\(v=technet.10\).md) section in the [Step-by-Step Example Deployment of the PKI Certificates for Configuration Manager: Windows Server 2008 Certification Authority](gg682023\(v=technet.10\).md) topic.
    - **Enable this distribution point for prestaged content**: Select this setting to enable the distribution point for prestaged content. When this setting is selected, you can configure distribution behavior when you distribute content. You can choose whether you always want to prestage the content on the distribution point, prestage the initial content for the package, but use the normal content distribution process when there are updates to the content, or always use the normal content distribution process for the content in the package.
  10. On the Drive Settings page, specify the drive settings for the distribution point. You can configure up to two disk drives for the content library and two disk drives for the package share, although Configuration Manager can use additional drives when the first two reach the configured drive space reserve. The Drive Settings page configures the priority for the disk drives and the amount of free disk space to remain on each disk drive.

    • Drive space reserve (MB): The value that you configure for this setting determines the amount of free space on a drive before Configuration Manager chooses a different drive and continues the copy process to that drive. Content files can span multiple drives.

    • Content Locations: Specify the content locations for the content library and package share. Configuration Manager copies content to the primary content location until the amount of free space reaches the value that is specified for Drive space reserve (MB). By default, the content locations are set to Automatic, and the primary content location will be set to the disk drive that has the most disk space at installation and the secondary location that is assigned the disk drive that has the second most free disk space. When the primary and secondary drives reach the drive space reserve, Configuration Manager selects another available drive with the most free disk space and continues the copy process.

  11. On the Content Validation page, specify whether to validate the integrity of content files on the distribution point. When you enable content validation on a schedule, Configuration Manager initiates the process at the scheduled time, and all content on the distribution point is verified. You can also configure the content validation priority. To view the results of the content validation process, click the Monitoring workspace, expand Distribution Status, and click the Content Status node. The content for each package type (for example, Application, Software Update Package, and Boot Image) is displayed.

  12. On the Boundary Groups page, manage the boundary groups for which this distribution point is assigned. During content deployment, clients must be in a boundary group that is associated with the distribution point to use it as a source location for content. You can select the Allow fallback source location for content option to allow clients outside these boundary groups to fall back and use the distribution point as a source location for content when no preferred distribution points are available. For more information about preferred distribution points, see the Planning for Preferred Distribution Points and Fallback section in the Planning for Content Management in Configuration Manager topic.

  13. On the Summary page, verify the settings, and then click Next to install the secondary site.

  14. On the Completion page, click Close to exit the wizard.


The Windows PowerShell cmdlet, New-CMSecondarySite, performs the same function as this procedure. For more information, see New-CMSecondarySite in the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 Cmdlet Reference documentation.

To verify the secondary site installation status

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.

  2. In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and then click Sites.

  3. Select the secondary site server to check installation status, and then on the Home tab, in the Site group, click Show Install Status.

  4. Verify that the secondary site successfully finished.


    When you install more than one secondary site at a time, the prerequisite check runs against a single site at a time, and must complete for a site before it starts to check the next site.

Upgrade an Evaluation Installation to a Full Installation

If you install Configuration Manager as an evaluation, after 180 days the Configuration Manager console becomes read-only until you activate the product from the Site Maintenance page in Setup. At any time before or after the 180 day period, you have the option to upgrade an evaluation installation to a full installation.


When you connect a Configuration Manager console to an evaluation installation of Configuration Manager, the title bar of the console displays the number of days that remain before the evaluation installation expires. The number of days does not automatically refresh and only updates when you make a new connection to a site.

To upgrade an evaluation edition of a Configuration Manager central administration site or primary site to a full edition, you must run the copy of Setup that is located on the site server in the Configuration Manager installation folder. Because secondary sites are not treated as evaluation installations, you do not need to modify a secondary site after its primary parent site upgrades to a full installation.

Use the following procedure to upgrade an evaluation installation to a full installation.

To upgrade an evaluation installation to a full installation

  1. On the site server, click Start, and then point to All Programs. Point to Microsoft System Center 2012, click Configuration Manager, and then click Configuration Manager Setup.


    When you run Setup from installation media, site maintenance options are not available.

  2. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.

  3. On the Getting Started page, select Perform site maintenance or reset the Site, and then click Next.

  4. On the Site Maintenance page, select Convert from Evaluation to Full Product Version, enter a valid product key, and then click Next.

  5. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, read and accept the license terms, and then click Next.

  6. On the Configuration page, click Close to complete the wizard.


    When you have a Configuration Manager console connected to the site when you upgrade the site to the full installation, the title bar might indicate that the site is still an evaluation version until you reconnect the console to the site.

Using Command-Line Options with Setup

There are many options available when you run Configuration Manager Setup at a command prompt. These options can be used to start a scripted installation or upgrade, test a site's ability to be upgraded, perform a site reset, manage installed languages, and so on.

The following table provides a list of command-line options for Setup. For information about how to use Setup script files to perform unattended installations, see the Configuration Manager Unattended Setup section in this topic.

Command-line option



Uninstalls the site. You must run Setup from the site server computer.


Install a site, but prevent the Site Component Manager service from starting. Until the Site Component Manager service starts, the site is not active. The Site Component Manager is responsible for installing and starting the SMS_Executive service, and additional processes at the site. After the site install is completed, when you start the Site Component Manager service, it will then install the SMS_Executive and additional processes necessary for the site to operate.


Hides the user interface during setup. This option must be used in conjunction with the /SCRIPT option, and the unattended script file must provide all required options, or Setup fails.


Disables user input during Setup, but display the Setup Wizard interface. This option must be used in conjunction with the /SCRIPT option, and the unattended script file must provide all required options, or Setup fails.


Performs a site reset that resets the database and service accounts for the site. You must run Setup from <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\BIN\X64 on the site server. For more information about the site reset, see the Perform a Site Reset section in the Manage Site and Hierarchy Configurations topic.

/TESTDBUPGRADE <InstanceName\DatabaseName>

Performs a test on a backup of the site database to ensure that it is capable of an upgrade. You must provide the instance name and database name for the site database. If you specify only the database name, Setup uses the default instance name.


It is not supported to run this command-line option on your production site database. Doing so upgrades the site database and could render your site inoperable.

For more information, see Test the Configuration Manager Site Database for the Upgrade


For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later: Runs an unattended upgrade of a site. When you use /UPGRADE, you must also specify the product key, including the dashes (-). Additionally, you must specify the path to the previously downloaded Setup prerequisite files.

  • For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager: When you use /UPGRADE, you must also specify the product key, including the dashes (-). Additionally, you must specify the path to the previously downloaded Setup prerequisite files.

  • Beginning with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2: When you use /UPGRADE, you only need to specify the product key to convert an Eval product version to a full product version during the upgrade. You do not need to specify the product key to upgrade a full product version to the new full product version.

    When you use /UPGRADE, you must also specify the product key, including the dashes (-). Additionally, you must specify the path to the previously downloaded Setup prerequisite files.

Example: setupwpf.exe /UPGRADE xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx <path to external component files>

For more information about Setup prerequisite files, see the Setup Downloader section in this topic.

/SCRIPT <SetupScriptPath>

Performs unattended installations. A Setup initialization file is required when you use the /SCRIPT option. For more information about how to run Setup unattended, see the Configuration Manager Unattended Setup section in this topic.


Installs the SMS Provider on the specified computer. You must provide the FQDN for the SMS Provider computer. For more information about the SMS Provider, see the Site System Roles in Configuration Manager section in the Planning for Site Systems in Configuration Manager topic.


Uninstalls the SMS Provider on the specified computer. You must provide the FQDN for the SMS Provider computer.

/MANAGELANGS <LanguageScriptPath>

Manages the languages that are installed at a previously installed site. To use this option, you must run Setup from <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\BIN\X64 on the site server and provide the location for the language script file that contains the language settings. For more information about the language options available in the language setup script file, see the How to use a Command-Line Option to Manage Languages section in this topic.


Beginning with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2. during an upgrade, this switch skips the prerequisite checks that are specific to distribution points. Ensure your distribution points continue to meet prerequisites for the new version you are installing.

To validate this check was skipped, look for the following entry in the ConfigMgrPrereq.log: INFO: Skipping the DPs check due to the commandline


Beginning with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2, during an upgrade, this switch skips the prerequisite checks that are specific to management points. Ensure your management points continue to meet prerequisites for the new version you are installing.

To validate this check was skipped, look for the following entry in the ConfigMgrPrereq. log: INFO: Skipping the DPs check due to the commandline.

How to use a Command-Line Option to Manage Languages

Use the /MANAGELANGS command-line option to run Configuration Manager Setup to manage the languages that are supported at a central administration site or primary site that you previously installed.

To use the command-line option, you must run Setup from <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\Bin\X64 on the site server and specify a language script file that contains the language settings. For example, use the following command syntax: setupwpf.exe /MANAGELANGS <language script file> 

You use the language script file to specify the server and client languages for which you want to add or remove support at a site. You can also manage the languages for mobile devices. The following table lists the script keys and available values for the language script file.


Key name








Manages the server, client, and mobile client language support at a site.




For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, or JPN

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Specifies the server languages that will be available for the Configuration Manager console, reports, and Configuration Manager objects. English is available by default.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, or TRK

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Specifies the languages that will be available to client computers. English is available by default.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, or JPN

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Specifies the languages to remove that will no longer be available for the Configuration Manager console, reports, and Configuration Manager objects. English is available by default and cannot be removed.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, or TRK

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Specifies the languages to remove that will no longer be available to client computers. English is available by default and cannot be removed.



0 or 1

0 = do not install

1 = install

Specifies whether the mobile device client languages are installed.



0 or 1

0 = download

1 = already downloaded

Specifies whether Setup prerequisite files have already been downloaded. For example, if you use a value of 0, Setup downloads the files.




Specifies the path to the Setup prerequisite files. Depending on the PrerequisiteComp value, Setup uses this path to store downloaded files or to locate previously downloaded files.

Configuration Manager Unattended Setup

To perform an unattended installation for a new Configuration Manager central administration site or primary site, you can create an unattended installation script and use Setup with the /SCRIPT command-line option. The script provides the same type of information that the Setup Wizard prompts for, except that there are no default settings. All values must be specified for the setup keys that apply to the type of installation that you are using.


You cannot use the unattended script file to upgrade an evaluation site to a full installation of Configuration Manager.

When you run Setup to install Configuration Manager by using the user interface, Setup automatically creates the unattended installation script for you when you confirm the settings on the Summary page of the wizard. The unattended installation script contains the settings that you select in the wizard. After the script is created, you can modify the script to install other sites in your hierarchy. Setup creates the script in %TEMP%\ConfigMgrAutoSave.ini. You can then use this script to perform an unattended setup of Configuration Manager. When Setup creates the unattended installation script, it is populated with the product key value that you enter during setup. This can be a valid product key, or it is equal to EVAL when you install an evaluation version of Configuration Manager. The product key value in the script is populated to enable the prerequisite check to finish. When Setup starts the actual site installation, the automatically created script is written to again to clear the product key value in the script that it creates. Before using the script for an unattended installation of a new site, you can edit the script to provide a valid product key or specify an evaluation installation of Configuration Manager.


In Configuration Manager with no service pack, an unattended installation does not run Prerequisite Checker. Therefore, plan to manually run Prerequisite Checker before starting the installation. Beginning with Configuration Manager SP1, an unattended installation does run Prerequisite Checker. For information about Prerequisite Checker, see Technical Reference for the Prerequisite Checker in Configuration Manager

You can run Configuration Manager Setup unattended by using an initialization file with the /SCRIPT Setup command-line option. Unattended setup is supported for new installations of a Configuration Manager central administration site, primary site, and Configuration Manager console. To use the /SCRIPT Setup command-line option, you must create an initialization file and specify the initialization file name after the /SCRIPT Setup command-line option. The name of the file must have the .ini file name extension. When you reference the Setup initialization file at the command prompt, you must provide the full path to the file. For example, if your Setup initialization file is named Setup.ini, and it is stored in the C:\Setup folder, at the command prompt, type:

setup /script c:\setup\setup.ini.

System_CAPS_security Security Note

You must have administrative credentials to run Setup. When you run Setup with the unattended script, start the command prompt by using Run as administrator.

The script contains section names, key names, and values. Required section key names vary depending on the installation type that you are scripting. The order of the keys within sections, and the order of sections within the file, is not important. The keys are not case sensitive. When you provide values for keys, the name of the key must be followed by an equals sign (=) and the value for the key.

Unattended Setup Script File Keys

To run Setup unattended, you must specify the /SCRIPT command-line option and configure the Setup script file with required keys and values. You must configure the following four sections in the script file to install or configure a site: Identification, Options, SQLConfigOptions, and HierarchyOptions. To recover a site, you must use the following sections of the script file: Identification and Recovery. For more information about for backup and recovery, see the Unattended Site Recovery Script File Keys section in the Backup and Recovery in Configuration Manager topic.

Use the following sections to help you to create your script for unattended Setup. The tables list the available Setup script keys, their corresponding values, whether they are required, which type of installation they are used for, and a short description for the key.

Install a Central Administration Site Unattended

Use the following section to install a central administration site by using an unattended Setup script file.


Key name








Installs a central administration site







Specifies the Configuration Manager installation product key, including the dashes. Enter Eval to install the evaluation version of Configuration Manager.




Specifies three alphanumeric characters that uniquely identify the site in your hierarchy. For more information about site code restrictions, see Configuration Manager Site Naming.




Specifies the name for this site.




Specifies the installation folder for the Configuration Manager program files.



<FQDN of SMS Provider>

Specifies the FQDN for the server that will host the SMS Provider.

You can configure additional SMS Providers for the site after the initial installation. For more information about the SMS Provider, see the Site System Roles in Configuration Manager section in the Planning for Site Systems in Configuration Manager topic.



0 or 1

0 = download

1 = already downloaded

Specifies whether Setup prerequisite files have already been downloaded. For example, if you use a value of 0, Setup will download the files.




Specifies the path to the Setup prerequisite files. Depending on the PrerequisiteComp value, Setup uses this path to store downloaded files or to locate previously downloaded files.



0 or 1

0 = do not install

1 = install

Specifies whether to install the Configuration Manager console.



0 or 1

0 = do not join

1 = join

Specifies whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, or JPN

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Specifies the server languages that will be available for the Configuration Manager console, reports, and Configuration Manager objects. English is available by default.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, or TRK

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Specifies the languages that will be available to client computers. English is available by default.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, or JPN

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Modifies a site after it is installed.

Specifies the languages to remove that will no longer be available for the Configuration Manager console, reports, and Configuration Manager objects. English is available by default and cannot be removed.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, or TRK

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Modifies a site after it is installed.

Specifies the languages to remove that will no longer be available to client computers. English is available by default and cannot be removed.



0 or 1

0 = do not install

1 = install

Specifies whether the mobile device client languages are installed.





Specifies the name of the server, or name of the clustered instance, that is running SQL Server. It will host the site database.






Specifies the name of the SQL Server database to create or use to install the central administration site database.

    > [!IMPORTANT]
    > <P>You must specify the instance name and site database name if you do not use the default instance.</P>
    > <P>With Configuration Manager with no service pack, when you configure the site database to use the default instance of SQL Server, you must configure the SQL Server service port to use TCP port 1433, the default port. Beginning with Configuration Manager&nbsp;SP1, you can use a non-default TCP port for the default instance.</P>





Specifies the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port that SQL Server uses. Typically, SSB is configured to use TCP port 4022, but other ports are supported.

Install a Primary Site Unattended

Use the following section to install a primary site by using an unattended Setup script file.


Key name








Installs a primary site.







Specifies the Configuration Manager installation product key, including the dashes. Enter Eval to install the evaluation version of Configuration Manager.




Specifies the three alphanumericcharacters that uniquely identify the site in your hierarchy. For more information about site code restrictions, see Configuration Manager Site Naming.




Specifies the name for this site.




Specifies the installation folder for the Configuration Manager program files.



<FQDN of SMS Provider>

Specifies the FQDN for the server that will host the SMS Provider.

You can configure additional SMS Providers for the site after the initial installation. For more information about the SMS Provider, see the Site System Roles in Configuration Manager section in the Planning for Site Systems in Configuration Manager topic.



0 or 1

0 = download

1 = already downloaded

Specifies whether Setup prerequisite files have already been downloaded. For example, if you use a value of 0, Setup downloads the files.




Specifies the path to the Setup prerequisite files. Depending on the PrerequisiteComp value, Setup uses this path to store downloaded files or to locate previously downloaded files.



0 or 1

0 = do not install

1 = install

Specifies whether to install the Configuration Manager console.



0 or 1

0 = do not join

1 = join

Specifies whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program.



<Management point site server FQDN>

Specifies the FQDN of the server that will host the management point site system role.






Specifies the protocol to use for the management point.



<Distribution Point site server FQDN>

Specifies the protocol to use for the management point.






Specifies the protocol to use for the distribution point.






Specifies whether to configure all site systems to accept only HTTPS communication from clients or for the communication method to be configured for each site system role. When you select to EnforceHTTPS, client computer must have a valid PKI certificate for client authentication. For more information about PKI certificate requirements, see PKI Certificate Requirements for Configuration Manager.



0 or 1

0 = do not use

1 = use

Specifies whether clients will use a client PKI certificate to communicate with site system roles. For more information about PKI certificate requirements, see PKI Certificate Requirements for Configuration Manager.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, or JPN

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Specifies the server languages that will be available for the Configuration Manager console, reports, and Configuration Manager objects. English is available by default.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, or TRK

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Specifies the languages that will be available to client computers. English is available by default.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, or JPN

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Use when modifying a site after it is installed.

Specifies the languages to remove that will no longer be available for the Configuration Manager console, reports, and Configuration Manager objects. English is available by default and cannot be removed.



For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager with no service pack: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, or TRK

For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 and later:: DEU, FRA, RUS, CHS, JPN, CHT, CSY, ESN, HUN, ITA, KOR, NLD, PLK, PTB, PTG, SVE, TRK, or ZHH

Use when modifying a site after it is installed.

Specifies the languages to remove and that will no longer be available to client computers. English is available by default and cannot be removed.



0 or 1

0 = do not install

1 = install

Specifies whether the mobile device client languages are installed.





Specifies the name of the server or name of the clustered instance that runs SQL Server that will host the site database.






Specifies the name of the SQL Server database to create or use to install the primary site database.

    > [!IMPORTANT]
    > <P>You must specify the instance name and site database name if you do not use the default instance.</P>
    > <P>With Configuration Manager with no service pack, when you configure the site database to use the default instance of SQL Server, you must configure the SQL Server service port to use TCP port 1433, the default port. Beginning with Configuration Manager&nbsp;SP1, you can use a non-default TCP port for the default instance.</P>





Specifies the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port that SQL Server uses. Typically, SSB is configured to use TCP port 4022, but other ports are supported.




<FQDN of central administration site>

Specifies the central administration site that a primary site will attach to when it joins the Configuration Manager hierarchy. You must specify the central administration site during Setup. Prior to Configuration Manager SP1, you cannot join a stand-alone primary site to a central administration site after Setup finishes. 




Specifies the retry interval (in minutes) to attempt a connection to the central administration site after the connection fails. For example, if the connection to the central administration site fails, the primary site waits the number of minutes that you specify for CASRetryInterval, and then re-attempts the connection.




Specifies the maximum time-out value (in minutes) for a primary site to connect to the central administration site. For example, if a primary site fails to connect to a central administration site, the primary site retries the connection to the central administration site, based on the CASRetryInterval until the WaitForCASTimeout period is reached. You can specify a value of 0 to 100.

Recover a Central Administration Site Unattended

Use the following section to recover a central administration site by using an unattended Setup script file.


Key name








Recovers a central administration site




1, 2, or 4

1 = Recovery site server and SQL Server.

2 = Recover site server only.

4 = Recover SQL Server only.

Specifies whether Setup will recover the site server, SQL Server, or both. The associated keys are required when you set the following value for the ServerRecoveryOptions setting:

  • Value = 1: You have the option to specify a value for the SiteServerBackupLocation key to recover the site by using a site backup. If you do not specify a value, the site is reinstalled without restoring it from a backup set.

  • Value = 2: You have the option to specify a value for the SiteServerBackupLocation key to recover the site by using a site backup. If you do not specify a value, the site is reinstalled without restoring it from a backup set.

  • Value = 4: The BackupLocation key is required when you configure a value of 10 for the DatabaseRecoveryOptions key, which is to restore the site database from backup.


See Details

10, 20, 40, 80

10 = Restore the site database from backup.

20 = Use a site database that has been manually recovered by using another method.

40 = Create a new database for the site. Use this option when there is no site database backup available. Global and site data is recovered through replication from other sites.

80 = skip database recovery.

Specifies how Setup recovers the site database in SQL Server. This key is required when the ServerRecoveryOptions setting has a value of 1 or 4.


See Details


Specifies the reference primary site that the central administration site uses to recover global data if the database backup is older than the change tracking retention period or when you recover the site without a backup.

When you do not specify a reference site and the backup is older than the change tracking retention period, all primary sites are reinitialized with the restored data from the central administration site.

When you do not specify a reference site and the backup is within the change tracking retention period, only changes after the backup are replicated from primary sites. When there are conflicting changes from different primary sites, the central administration site uses the first one that it receives.

This key is required when the DatabaseRecoveryOptions setting has a value of 40.




Specifies the path to the site server backup set. This key is optional when the ServerRecoveryOptions setting has a value of 1 or 2. Specify a value for the SiteServerBackupLocation key to recover the site by using a site backup. If you do not specify a value, the site is reinstalled without restoring it from a backup set.


See Details


Specifies the path to the site database backup set. The BackupLocation key is required when you configure a value of 1 or 4 for the ServerRecoveryOptions key, and configure a value of 10 for the DatabaseRecoveryOptions key.






Specifies the Configuration Manager installation product key, including the dashes. Enter Eval to install the evaluation version of Configuration Manager.




Specifies three alphanumeric characters that uniquely identify the site in your hierarchy. You must specify the site code that the site used before the failure. For more information about site code restrictions, see the Configuration Manager Site Naming section in the Install Sites and Create a Hierarchy for Configuration Manager topic.




Specifies the name for this site.


See Details

< ConfigMgrInstallationPath>

Specifies the installation folder for the Configuration Manager program files.


See Details

<FQDN of SMS Provider>

Specifies the FQDN for the server that will host the SMS Provider. You must specify the server that hosted the SMS Provider before the failure.

You can configure additional SMS Providers for the site after the initial installation. For more information about the SMS Provider, see the Site System Roles in Configuration Manager section in the Planning for Site Systems in Configuration Manager topic.



0 or 1

0 = download

1 = already downloaded

Specifies whether Setup prerequisite files have already been downloaded. For example, if you use a value of 0, Setup downloads the files.




Specifies the path to the Setup prerequisite files. Depending on the PrerequisiteComp value, Setup uses this path to store downloaded files or to locate previously downloaded files.


See Details

0 or 1

0 = do not install

1 = install

Specifies whether to install the Configuration Manager console. This key is required except when the ServerRecoveryOptions setting has a value of 4.



0 or 1

0 = do not join

1 = join

Specifies whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program.



See Details


Specifies the name of the server, or name of the clustered instance that is running SQL Server that will host the site database. You must specify the same server that hosted the site database before the failure.


See Details




Specifies the name of the SQL Server database to create or use to install the central administration site database. You must specify the same database name that was used before the failure.

    > [!IMPORTANT]
    > <P>You must specify the instance name and site database name if you do not use the default instance.</P>



See Details


Specifies the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port that SQL Server uses. Typically, SSB is configured to use TCP port 4022. You must specify the same SSB port that was used before the failure.

Recover a Primary Site Unattended

Use the following section to recover a primary site by using an unattended Setup script file.


Key name








Recovers a primary site




1, 2, or 4

1 = Recovery site server and SQL Server.

2 = Recover site server only.

4 = Recover SQL Server only.

Specifies whether Setup will recover the site server, SQL Server, or both. The associated keys are required when you set the following value for the ServerRecoveryOptions setting:

  • Value = 1: You have the option to specify a value for the SiteServerBackupLocation key to recover the site by using a site backup. If you do not specify a value, the site is reinstalled without restoring it from a backup set.

  • Value = 2: You have the option to specify a value for the SiteServerBackupLocation key to recover the site by using a site backup. If you do not specify a value, the site is reinstalled without restoring it from a backup set.

  • Value = 4: The BackupLocation key is required when you configure a value of 10 for the DatabaseRecoveryOptions key, which is to restore the site database from backup.


See Details

10, 20, 40, 80

10 = Restore the site database from backup.

20 = Use a site database that has been manually recovered by using another method.

40 = Create a new database for the site. Use this option when there is no site database backup available.

80 = skip database recovery.

Specifies options for Setup to recover the site database in SQL Server. This key is required when the ServerRecoveryOptions setting has a value of 1 or 4.




Specifies the path to the site server backup set. This key is optional when the ServerRecoveryOptions setting has a value of 1 or 2. Specify a value for the SiteServerBackupLocation key to recover the site by using a site backup. If you do not specify a value, the site is reinstalled without restoring it from a backup set.


See Details


Specifies the path to the site database backup set. The BackupLocation key is required when you configure a value of 1 or 4 for the ServerRecoveryOptions key, and configure a value of 10 for the DatabaseRecoveryOptions key.







Specifies the Configuration Manager installation product key, including the dashes. Enter Eval to install the evaluation version of Configuration Manager.




Specifies three alphanumeric characters that uniquely identify the site in your hierarchy. You must specify the site code that the site used before the failure. For more information about site code restrictions, see the Configuration Manager Site Naming section in the Install Sites and Create a Hierarchy for Configuration Manager topic.




Specifies the name for this site.


See Details


Specifies the installation folder for the Configuration Manager program files.


See Details

<FQDN of SMS Provider>

Specifies the FQDN for the server that will host the SMS Provider. You must specify the server that hosted the SMS Provider before the failure.

You can configure additional SMS Providers for the site after the initial installation. For more information about the SMS Provider, see the Site System Roles in Configuration Manager section in the Planning for Site Systems in Configuration Manager topic.



0 or 1

0 = download

1 = already downloaded

Specifies whether Setup prerequisite files have already been downloaded. For example, if you use a value of 0, Setup downloads the files.




Specifies the path to the Setup prerequisite files. Depending on the PrerequisiteComp value, Setup uses this path to store downloaded files or to locate previously downloaded files.


See Details

0 or 1

0 = do not install

1 = install

Specifies whether to install the Configuration Manager console. This key is required except when the ServerRecoveryOptions setting has a value of 4.



0 or 1

0 = do not join

1 = join

Specifies whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program.



See Details


Specifies the name of the server, or the name of the clustered instance that is running SQL Server that will host the site database. You must specify the same server that hosted the site database before the failure.


See Details




The name of the SQL Server database to create or use to install the central administration site database. You must specify the same database name that was used before the failure.

    > [!IMPORTANT]
    > <P>You must specify the instance name and site database name if you do not use the default instance.</P>



See Details


Specify the SQL Server Service Broker (SSB) port that SQL Server uses. Typically, SSB is configured to use TCP port 4022. You must specify the same SSB port that was used before the failure.



See Details


Specifies the central administration site to which a primary site attaches when it joins the Configuration Manager hierarchy. This setting is required if the primary site was attached to a central administration site before the failure. You must specify the site code that was used for the central administration site before the failure.




Specifies the retry interval (in minutes) to attempt a connection to the central administration site after the connection fails. For example, if the connection to the central administration site fails, the primary site waits the number of minutes that you specify for CASRetryInterval, and then attempts the connection again.




Specifies the maximum time-out value (in minutes) for a primary site to connect to the central administration site. For example, if a primary site fails to connect to a central administration site, the primary site retries the connection to the central administration site, based on the CASRetryInterval until the WaitForCASTimeout period is reached. You can specify a value of 0 to 100.

Decommission Sites and Hierarchies

To decommission hierarchies, start at the bottom of the hierarchy and move upward. Remove secondary sites attached to primary sites, primary sites from the central administration site, and then the central administration site itself. Use the information in this section to remove individual sites or decommission a hierarchy of sites.

Remove a Secondary Site from a Hierarchy

You cannot move or reassign secondary sites to a new parent primary site. To remove a secondary site from a hierarchy, it must be deleted from its direct parent site. Use the Delete Secondary Site Wizard from the Configuration Manager console to remove the secondary site. When you remove a secondary site, you must choose whether to delete or uninstall the secondary site:

  • Uninstall the secondary site: Use this option to remove a functional secondary site that is accessible from the network. This option uninstalls Configuration Manager from the secondary site server, and then deletes all information about the site and its resources from the Configuration Manager hierarchy. If Configuration Manager installed SQL Server Express as part of the secondary site installation, Configuration Manager will uninstall SQL Express when it uninstalls the secondary site. If SQL Server Express was installed before you installed the secondary site, Configuration Manager will not uninstall SQL Server Express.

  • Delete the secondary site: Use this option if one of the following is true:

    • A secondary site failed to install.

    • The secondary site continues to display in the Configuration Manager console after you uninstall it.

    This option deletes all information about the site and its resources from the Configuration Manager hierarchy, but leaves Configuration Manager installed on the secondary site server.


    You can also use the Hierarchy Maintenance Tool and the /DELSITE option to delete a secondary site. For more information, see Technical Reference for the Hierarchy Maintenance Tool (Preinst.exe) in Configuration Manager.

To uninstall or delete a secondary site

  1. Verify the administrative user that runs Setup has the following security rights:

    - Administrative rights on the secondary site computer.
    - Local Administrator rights on the remote site database server for the primary site, if it is remote.
    - Infrastructure Administrator or Full Administrator security role on the parent primary site.
    - Sysadmin rights on the site database of the secondary site.
  2. In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.

  3. In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and then click Sites.

  4. Select the secondary site server to remove.

  5. On the Home tab, in the Site group, click Delete.

  6. On the General page, select whether to uninstall or delete the secondary site, and then click Next.

  7. On the Summary page, verify the settings, and then click Next.

  8. On the Completion page, click Close to exit the wizard.

Uninstall a Primary Site

You can run Configuration Manager Setup to uninstall a primary site that does not have an associated secondary site. Before you uninstall a primary site, consider the following:

  • When Configuration Manager clients are within the boundaries configured at the site, and the primary site is part of a Configuration Manager hierarchy, consider adding the boundaries to a different primary site in the hierarchy before you uninstall the primary site.

  • When the primary site server is no longer available, you must use the Hierarchy Maintenance Tool at the central administration site to delete the primary site from the site database. For more information, see Technical Reference for the Hierarchy Maintenance Tool (Preinst.exe) in Configuration Manager.

Use the following procedure to uninstall a primary site.

To uninstall a primary site

  1. Verify the administrative user that runs Setup has the following security rights:

    - Local Administrator rights on the central administration site server.
    - Local Administrator rights on the remote site database server for the central administration site, if it is remote.
    - Sysadmin rights on the site database of the central administration site.
    - Local Administrator rights on the primary site computer.
    - Local Administrator rights on the remote site database server for the primary site, if it is remote.
    - User name associated with the Infrastructure Administrator or Full Administrator security role on the central administration site.
  2. Start Configuration Manager Setup on the primary site server by using one of the following methods:

    - On **Start**, click **Configuration Manager Setup**.
    - Open Setup.exe from \<*ConfigMgrInstallationMedia*\>\\SMSSETUP\\BIN\\X64.
    - Open Setup.exe from \<*ConfigMgrInstallationPath*\>\\BIN\\X64.
  3. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.

  4. On the Getting Started page, select Uninstall a Configuration Manager site, and then click Next.

  5. On the Uninstall the Configuration Manager Site, specify whether to remove the site database from the primary site server and whether to remove the Configuration Manager console. By default, Setup removes both items.


    When a secondary site is attached to the primary site, you must remove the secondary site before you can uninstall the primary site.

  6. Click Yes to confirm to uninstall the Configuration Manager primary site.

Uninstall a Primary Site that is Configured with Distributed Views

Before you uninstall a child primary site that has distributed views configured on its replication link to the central administration site, you must disable distributed views in your hierarchy. Use the following information to disable distributed views before you uninstall a primary site.

To uninstall a primary site that is configured with distributed views

  1. Before you uninstall any primary site, you must disable distributed views on each link in the hierarchy between the central administration site and a primary site.

  2. After you disable distributed views on each link, confirm that the data from the primary site completes reinitialization at the central administration site. You can monitor the initialization of data when you view the link in the Database Replication node of the Monitoring workspace of the Configuration Manager console.

  3. After the data successfully reinitializes with the central administration site, you can uninstall the primary site. To uninstall a primary site, see the Uninstall a Primary Site section in this topic.

  4. After the primary site is completely uninstalled, you can reconfigure distributed views on links to primary sites.


    If you uninstall the primary site before you disable distributed views at each site, or before the data from the primary site successfully reinitializes at the central administration site, replication of data between primary sites and the central administration site can fail. In this scenario, you must disable distributed views for each link in your hierarchy, and then, after the data successfully reinitializes with the central administration site, you can reconfigure distributed views.

Uninstall the Central Administration Site

You can run Configuration Manager Setup to uninstall a central administration site without child primary sites. Use the following procedure to uninstall the central administration site.

To uninstall a central administration site

  1. Verify that the administrative user who runs Setup has the following security rights:

    - Local Administrator rights on the central administration site server.
    - Local Administrator rights on the site database server for the central administration site, when the site database server is not installed on the site server.
  2. Start Configuration Manager Setup on the central administration site server by using one of the following methods:

    - On **Start**, click **Configuration Manager Setup**.
    - Open Setup.exe from \<*ConfigMgrInstallationMedia*\>\\SMSSETUP\\BIN\\X64.
    - Open Setup.exe from \<*ConfigMgrInstallationPath*\>\\BIN\\X64.
  3. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.

  4. On the Getting Started page, select Uninstall a Configuration Manager site, and then click Next.

  5. On the Uninstall the Configuration Manager Site, specify whether to remove the site database from the central administration site server and whether to remove the Configuration Manager console. By default, Setup removes both items.


    When there is a primary site attached to the central administration site, you must uninstall the primary site before you can uninstall the central administration site.

  6. Click Yes to confirm to uninstall the Configuration Manager central administration site.

Configuration Manager Site Naming

Site codes and site names are used to identify and manage the sites in a Configuration Manager hierarchy. In the Configuration Manager console, the site code and site name are displayed in the <site code> - <site name> format. Every site code that you use in your Configuration Manager hierarchy must be unique. If the Active Directory schema is extended for Configuration Manager, and sites are publishing data, the site codes used within an Active Directory forest must be unique even if they are used in a different Configuration Manager hierarchy or if they have been used in previous Configuration Manager installations. Be sure to carefully plan your site codes and site names before you deploy your Configuration Manager hierarchy.

Specify a Site Code and Site Name

During Configuration Manager Setup, you are prompted for a site code and site name for the central administration site, and each primary and secondary site installation. The site code must uniquely identify each Configuration Manager site in the hierarchy. Because the site code is used in folder names, never use the following names for the site code, which include Configuration Manager reserved names and Windows-reserved names:

  • AUX

  • CON

  • NUL

  • PRN

  • SMS


Configuration Manager Setup does not verify that the site code that you specify is not already in use.

To enter the site code for a site during Configuration Manager Setup, you must enter three alphanumeric characters. Only the letters A through Z, numbers 0 through 9, or combinations of the two are allowed when specifying site codes. The sequence of letters or numbers has no effect on the communication between sites. For example, it is not necessary to name a primary site ABC and a secondary site DEF.

The site name is a friendly name identifier for the site. Use only the standard characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-) in site names.


Changing the site code or site name after installation is not supported.

Re-Using Site Codes

Site codes cannot be used more than one time in a Configuration Manager hierarchy for a central administration site or primary sites. If you reuse a site code, you run the risk of having object ID conflicts in your Configuration Manager hierarchy. You can reuse the site code for a secondary site if it is no longer in use in your Configuration Manager hierarchy or in the Active Directory forest.