Come Get Some...Thoughts On Software Technology

Alexander Strauss goes Blog

IE 9 pinned mode and else demo page

Short revival of my blog with sharing a site I created to play a bit with the new taskbar features...

Date: 03/04/2011

A Few IE8 Tips for Developers And IT-Professionals

Use the WebSlice title for dynamic user related content The only information of a WebSlice that is...

Date: 05/24/2010

Application Partitioning with MEF, Silverlight and Windows Azure – Part II

Welcome back to the partitioned blog post about application partitioning with Silverlight MEF and...

Date: 04/28/2010

Application Partitioning with MEF, Silverlight and Windows Azure – Part I

The Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) supports you in creating loosely coupled and partitioned...

Date: 04/27/2010

Tales About Working With The Azure Service Management API – Chapter III

After my last post I was a little bit dissatisfied with the fact that if you use the scripts...

Date: 02/17/2010

Tales About Working With The Azure Service Management API – Chapter II

After I elaborated a bit on one of the base requirements to work with the Azure Service Management...

Date: 02/15/2010

DHL Shipment Tracking Accelerator for IE8

Today it’s going to be a short and extremely non technical post however I thought this may be of...

Date: 11/10/2009

Installing IEAK IN A VPC without Disk Space Determination

If you try to install the Internet Explorer Administration Kit on a Virtual PC image you may have...

Date: 10/14/2009

Win7 your Visual Search if it speaks RSS

I already blogged quite a bit about the new Visual Search feature in Internet Explorer 8. Since this...

Date: 10/12/2009

Update: Enterprise RIA Project Now Running on Silverlight 3 Release Version

As the release schedule of our Enterprise RIA template and sample application was a little bit...

Date: 09/08/2009

Silverlight 3 Business Applications Made Easy

Jörg an I created a new RIA Template and sample application for enterprise applications based on...

Date: 08/20/2009

Radio GaGa New Version And Live On Windows Azure

I took some more time to enhance Radio GaGa, the sample application from my last post. It now...

Date: 07/13/2009

The ViewModel Pattern in Silverlight – An Example

During the last few weeks I was working with Silverlight again quite a bit. This meant I had to...

Date: 06/09/2009

Physics, Silverlight and Visualization…Update!

Due to quite some unexpected demand for the sources of the knowledge management showcase published...

Date: 06/08/2009

Short Gotcha When Working With Extent Initialization In ‘M’

Not just in order to show that this Blog is still alive but also because it may be a little useful...

Date: 04/07/2009

Building a Visual Search Service for IE8 with WCF - Part V

With some delay here is the final part of the series on how to implement a IE8 Visual Search Service...

Date: 01/15/2009

Using IE8 Beta2 IEAK with RC1 Bits

The release of Internet Explorer 8 RC1 is just around the corner and fortunately there is a...

Date: 01/15/2009

Building a Visual Search Service for IE8 with WCF - Part IV

Well I have to hurry up a bit as I initially planned to have this series finished even a while ago...

Date: 12/16/2008

Building A Visual Search Service For IE8 With WCF - Part III

It's definitely about time to publish the promised third part of this series. This time I will cover...

Date: 11/26/2008

Building a Visual Search Service for IE8 with WCF - Part I

Beta 2 of Internet Explorer has been out for a while now and as you already know one of the new...

Date: 10/25/2008

Some Thoughts about ALM featuring "Automatic Translation not Ready for prime time"

A few days ago I found a short essay on my hard drive which I wrote quite some time ago and wasn't...

Date: 09/22/2008

Do A Gadget With Silverlight And The Award could be yours

This time just a short announcement and no broad epic technical essay as usual. The announcement is...

Date: 09/15/2008

IE8 Beta2 - The RIA Slice

The Internet Explorer Beta 2 was released yesterday introducing quite some new features about which...

Date: 08/28/2008

IE8 Beta Is Out And With It Some Slices And Activities

Today the MIX Conference in Las Vegas opens its doors and there will be quite some interesting...

Date: 03/05/2008

Advisory - IE8 Web Standards Conformity

Today is IE8 day - Soon you will now why. And I will start with a short advisory regarding a change...

Date: 03/05/2008

Windows Cardspace Meets Vista Media Center

It's again time to post a new blog entry. This time I thought it may be interesting to see how...

Date: 02/25/2008

What you always wanted to know about Microsoft Cardspace - Part 3

The publication of Vittorio's book "Understanding Windows Cardspace" about which I wrote a post only...

Date: 02/08/2008

Cardspace - Want To Take A Even Deeper Look?

Two days ago I found a small parcel in my office mailbox which contained a copy of a new book...

Date: 02/07/2008

Inheritance In Its Original Sense - An Announcement

As you might have noticed it has been quiet on my blog for quite a while. And of course this has had...

Date: 02/01/2008

Physics, Silverlight and Visualization...How Businesses Can Benefit!

Recently we had an engagement at a cutomer with a department responsible for knowledge management....

Date: 11/15/2007

What you always wanted to know about Microsoft Cardspace - Part 2

Q: Can a card be marked as "not exportable"?A: No this is not possible at the moment. After a card...

Date: 10/15/2007

This week the German Designer Conference held by Microsoft took place in Berlin. I wrote a blog...

Date: 10/12/2007

What you always wanted to know about Microsoft Cardspace - Part 1

Since the Identity Metasystem and Microsoft Cardspace is quite a complex topic but is a great means...

Date: 09/26/2007

Smart Enconding Enables Content Reuse

As I work with many customers from the media and entertainment sector which naturally have a high...

Date: 09/03/2007

Faster Or Richer - What Determines Success For Web 2.0 Platforms

It is not always clear what makes the success of a platform. This is even more true for Web 2.0...

Date: 07/19/2007

Silverlight Is Cool Because It ...

As you all have probably seen, read or heard about the announcement of Silverlight the new Microsoft...

Date: 05/16/2007

Quick Win Series - Silverlight Background Transparency With "Orcas"

Have you already tried to create a Silverlight project with Visual Studio "Orcas" and wondered why...

Date: 05/15/2007

Astoria: Data Services for the Web

Although my colleague Frank Fischer already mentioned it already on his Blog I think the technoloy...

Date: 05/10/2007

Astoria - Hello World Style Walkthrough

Create a new project in Visual Studio "Orcas". Be careful not to create a new website. Then choose...

Date: 05/10/2007

Should I Stay Or Should I Go - With Silverlight?

Despite the fact that there have been already an amazing amount of blog posts about the Silverlight...

Date: 05/09/2007

Mixing Up In Germany - XTOPIA Is Open For Registration

I just returned from a great Mix '07 conference in Las Vegas with some exciting announcements, great...

Date: 05/07/2007

.Net 3.0 What? Where In My N-Tiers Can I Use It?

I often get asked about where the framework extensions introduced with the .Net Framework 3.0 fit...

Date: 04/27/2007

WPF 3D - Blender Helps You Getting Productive

The last few days I played around with the 3d capabilities of the Windows Presentation Foundation...

Date: 04/16/2007
