Announcing Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) Release Candidate

We are happy to announce that Release Candidate (RC) of Windows Identity Foundation (previously known as Geneva Framework) is available NOW!

It comes with lots of great new features and with comprehensive set of samples in the WIF SDK.

This release contains major updates and new features such as:

· Refactored WSTrustClient as WSTrustChannelFactory and WSTrustChannel

· Extended tracing functionality for better diagnosibility

· Unifying SAML end points through WrappedTokenAuthenticator

· Crypto agility

· Bootstrap tokens availability through ClaimsIdentity

· Security token cache updates to support session mode for ASP.NET cookies

· FedUtil leveraged for control-based applications

We have heard your valuable feedback and have made changes to some of the features existed in Beta-2. Refer to the Changes Between Beta-2 and RC whitepaper for the list of major changes made in this RC. Also, the updated WIF Whitepaper provides you a conceptual overview on WIF features and scenarios.

You can get the WIF RC Setup packages here.

This RC is targeted for Win7, W2K8 R2, W2K8, and Vista platforms for both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture. Note that this release does not have W2K3 platform support, which will come later.

Move onto WIF RC and extend the great new WIF features!


  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2009
    Will it be available later for IIS 5.x/XP as well? What about IIS6.0/XP x64/Server 2003 x64?
  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2009
    What about Silverlight clients?
  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2009
    Is there an ETA for the updated SDK yet?