MDNUG: DotNetNuke on the 28th of September

The next MDNUG (Melbourne Microsoft Developer Group) meeting will be on the 28th of September.

Frank Arrigo just posted a good summary:

Microsoft joins forces with local user groups and brings you the DotNetNuke Development Team (Scott McCulloch and Phil Beadle). Don't miss this introduction to DotNetNuke and why this open source, solution kit portal application has become one of the most successful open source projects utilizing Microsoft ASP.NET.

The session will start with an overview of the DotNetNuke Features then take a look at the High-Level Architecture before diving into some advanced topics such as Skinning and Module Development and finish with Open Source Challenges.

It sounds great and it should cover the whole meeting time. That would make this the first meeting in four months where I haven't given a presentation ;)

I hope you can all make it!


  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2004
    Will's Blog - Adventures of an IT Grad » Next MDNUG Meeting
  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2004
    I know the feeling Chris, at my user group I have given the majority as well, and its good to get someone from outside to come in to present :)
  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2004
    Scott, It is because most people who attend are more than comfortable enough just sitting in the audience.

    Perhaps you could do a bit of what was done at the start of the last MDNUG meeting where for a large part members of the audience spoke up about what they do and it spawned a few very interesting conversations. I thought most people actually benefitted from that. (Potential future user group presenters? Quite possibly).

    I'm sure there are people who attend your user group Scott who are quite capable of presenting a topic or two at each user group meeting they probably just need some encouragement to do so.

    And here's a definition of "user group" I found via Google (by typing... define:user group)... "A voluntary group of users of a specific computer or software package, who meet to share tips and listen to industry experts."

    I think we probably have the industry experts talking part down pat at MDNUG (and other user groups), but only last week did we actually have users sharing tips.

    Thought it was great, maybe more of that next time Chris?