Big Data – All Abuzz About Hive at #SQLPASS Summit 2012

Big Data – All Abuzz About Hive
Small Bites of Big Data

Cindy Gross, SQLCAT PM

I hope to see you at the #SQLPASS Summit 2012 this week!

There are many reasons people come to the PASS Summit – SQL friends, SQL family, networking, great content in 190 sessions, the SQL clinic, the product team, CSS, SQL CAT, MVPs, MCMs, SQL Community, and sometimes just to get away from the daily grind of work. All those are great reasons, and they all make for a great Summit.

This year I am focusing on BI and Big Data. For the Summit this year I will be introducing you to Hive. Hive is a great way to leverage your existing SQL skills and enter into the world of #BigData. Big Data is here in a big way. CIOs are pushing it, business analysts want to use it, and everyone wants to gain new insights that will help their business grow and thrive. Don’t let Big Data pass you by, leaving you wondering how you missed out. Hive is fun and interesting, and for SQL Pros it looks very familiar. Come to my talk and come by the SQL Clinic to ask questions throughout the week. Please come up and introduce yourself at any time, I love to meet new SQL Peeps!

BIA-305-A SQLCAT: Big Data – All Abuzz About Hive Wednesday 1015am | Cindy Gross, Dipti Sangani, Ed Katibah

Got a bee in your bonnet about simplifying access to Hadoop data? Want to cross-pollinate your existing SQL skills into the world of Big Data? Join this session to see how to become the Queen Bee of your Hadoop world with Hive and gain Business Intelligence insights with HiveQL filters and joins of HDFS datasets. We’ll navigate through the honeycomb to see how HiveQL generates MapReduce code and outputs files to answer your questions about your Big Data.

After this session, you'll be able to democratize access to Big Data using familiar tools such as Excel and a SQL-like language without having to write MapReduce jobs. You'll also understand Hive basics, uses, strengths, and limitations and be able to determine if/when to use Hive in combination with Hadoop.

And there’s more! Here is a sampling of blog posts about this year’s summit:

After the Summit, you can still stay involved. Follow some SQL Peeps on Twitter, sign up for a few SQL blog feeds, and buy a book or two. Attend local events like SQL Saturdays and User Group meetings. Reach out to your fellow SQL-ites and stay in touch with those you meet. Keep SQL fun and interesting and share what you learn!

See you at the #SQLPASS Summit 2012!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this small bite of big data! Look for more blog posts soon on the samples and other activities.

Note: the CTP and TAP programs are available for a limited time. Details of the usage and the availability of the CTP may change rapidly.

