New role instance allocation
Since we launched the Windows Azure CTP last year up until yesterday, a regular Windows Azure token would grant you the following Windows Azure assets:
- 2 storage accounts
- 1 hosted service
- with 2 deployment slots,
- each with up to 5 roles (any combination of web or worker roles),
- each with up to 2 instances,
- which meant that you had up to 20 VMs (2 * 5 * 2) to play with, and the VMs were not weighed.
As of yesterday, in preparation for the Windows Azure Commercial Launch announced at PDC'09, we are setting the default limit to 8 cores and we’ll be counting the role instances as weighted.
A regular token will now give you a limit of 8 cores, and you will be able to use those 8 cores in any combination you want for your hosted service.
The weighed core allocation per VM size is as follows:
- Small VM = 1 core
- Medium VM = 2 cores
- Large VM = 4 cores
- Extra Large = 8 cores
If your compute app is currently running with a higher number of cores than 8, you will need to decrease your app size to come into the new quota and redeploy it.