Infrastructure Optimization Weblog

Hello and welcome to the Infrastructure Optimization blog. I hope that it will serve as an active two-way dialog about the key issues you face in driving your IT infrastructure forward. I think we all realize that there is far too much complexity in environments today and while we have a vision to help, called the Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI), it is often the journey that is just as important as the destination. What we hope to do in this Web site ( is help you with the journey, something we call “Infrastructure Optimization”. To do this, we realized that we needed a structured way to think about this complex problem. Thus the Infrastructure Optimization Model was born. The model was in part derived from work we have done with industry analyst firms and with the Windows Client team who likewise were pursuing a model to help you drive down costs. Many other people at Microsoft have also worked extensively with the Center for Information System Research (CISR) at MIT on their views in this area and that has contributed to the overall thinking. We look at the model we have derived more as a guide than an absolute. We welcome your feedback since we seek not to own a model, but want to show how your expertise combined with our software innovations along with our partners "know how" can uniquely address how to best move through each stage of optimization towards your ultimate infrastructure goals. I look forward to the dialog.


Your host,

Samm DiStasio


  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2006
    Welcome aboard. Looking forward to reading your blog.