This article provides an overview of configuring on-premises VPN devices for connecting to Azure VPN gateways. A sample Azure virtual network and VPN gateway setup is used to show you how to connect to different on-premises VPN device configurations by using the same parameters.
Device requirements
Azure VPN gateways use standard IPsec/IKE protocol suites for site-to-site (S2S) VPN tunnels. For a list of IPsec/IKE parameters and cryptographic algorithms for Azure VPN gateways, see About VPN devices. You can also specify the exact algorithms and key strengths for a specific connection as described in About cryptographic requirements.
Single VPN tunnel
The first configuration in the sample consists of a single S2S VPN tunnel between an Azure VPN gateway and an on-premises VPN device. You can optionally configure the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) across the VPN tunnel.
For step-by-step instructions to set up a single VPN tunnel, see Configure a site-to-site connection. The following sections specify the connection parameters for the sample configuration and provide a PowerShell script to help you get started.
Connection parameters
This section lists the parameters for the examples that are described in the previous sections.
(Optional) Use custom IPsec/IKE policy with UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors
If your VPN devices don't support any-to-any traffic selectors, such as route-based or VTI-based configurations, create a custom IPsec/IKE policy with the UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors option.
Quan trọng
You must create an IPsec/IKE policy to enable the UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors option on the connection.
The sample script creates an IPsec/IKE policy with the following algorithms and parameters:
IKEv2: AES256, SHA384, DHGroup24
IPsec: AES256, SHA1, PFS24, SA Lifetime 7,200 seconds, and 20,480,000 KB (20 GB)
The script applies the IPsec/IKE policy and enables the UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors option on the connection.
Azure'daki sanal özel ağ (VPN) ağ geçidi seçeneklerini ve VPN'nin kullanıldığı tipik senaryoları öğrenin. Siteleri Azure'a güvenle bağlamak için VPN'leri oluşturun ve test edin.
Siteden Siteye şirket içi bağlantılar için VPN cihazları ve IPsec parametreleri hakkında bilgi edinin. Yapılandırma yönergeleri ve örnekler için bağlantılar verilmektedir.