With the dotnet test command in .NET Core, you can use a filter expression to run selected tests. This article demonstrates how to filter tests. The examples use dotnet test. If you're using vstest.console.exe, replace --filter with --testcasefilter:.
dotnettest --filter<Expression>
Expression is in the format <Property><Operator><Value>[|&<Expression>].
Expressions can be joined with boolean operators: | for boolean or, & for boolean and.
Expressions can be enclosed in parentheses. For example: (Name~MyClass) | (Name~MyClass2).
An expression without any operator is interpreted as a contains on the FullyQualifiedName property. For example, dotnet test --filter xyz is the same as dotnet test --filter FullyQualifiedName~xyz.
Property is an attribute of the Test Case. For example, the following properties are supported by popular unit test frameworks.
Test framework
Supported properties
FullyQualifiedName Name ClassName Priority TestCategory
FullyQualifiedName DisplayName Traits
FullyQualifiedName Name Priority TestCategory
= exact match
!=not exact match
~ contains
!~ doesn't contain
Value is a string. All the lookups are case insensitive.
Character escaping
To use an exclamation mark (!) in a filter expression, you have to escape it in some Linux or macOS shells by putting a backslash in front of it (\!). For example, the following filter skips all tests in a namespace that contains IntegrationTests:
For Name or DisplayName, use the URL encoding for the special characters. For example, to run a test with the name MyTestMethod and a string value "text", use the following filter:
To run tests that have either FullyQualifiedName containing TestClass1and have a Trait with a key of "Category" and value of "CategoryA"or have a Trait with a key of "Priority" and value of 1.
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