MailBnfHelper class
Contains utility methods for parsing internet message-formatted strings. This class cannot be inherited.
internal static class MailBnfHelper
This class is internal and is not meant to be used directly in your code.
Microsoft does not support the use of this class in a production application under any circumstance.
Ascii7bitMaxValue field
Represents the maximum 7-bit Ascii value.
internal static readonly int Ascii7bitMaxValue
Atext field
Represents the characters allowed in atoms.
internal static bool[] Atext
CR field
Represents the carriage-return character.
internal static readonly char CR
Ctext field
Represents the characters allowed inside of comments.
internal static bool[] Ctext
Dot field
Represents the full-stop character (.
internal static readonly char Dot
EndComment field
Represents the character that specifies the end of a comment.
internal static readonly char EndComment
LF field
Represents the line-feed character.
internal static readonly char LF
Space field
Represents the space character.
internal static readonly char Space
StartComment field
Represents the character that specifies the start of a comment.
internal static readonly char StartComment
Tab field
Represents the tab character.
internal static readonly char Tab
Namespace: System.Net
Assembly: System (in System.dll)