ICLRDataTarget::SetThreadContext Method

Sets the current context of the specified thread in the target process. This method is called by the common language runtime (CLR) data access services.


HRESULT SetThreadContext (
    [in] ULONG32            threadID,
    [in] ULONG32            contextSize,
    [in, size_is(contextSize)]
         BYTE               *context


threadID [in] The operating system identifier of a thread in the target process.

contextSize [in] The size of the context.

context [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the context.

The data in the context buffer will be in the format of the Win32 CONTEXT structure. The context specifies processor-specific register data, so the definition of the Win32 CONTEXT structure depends on the processor's architecture. Refer to the WinNT.h header file for the definition of the Win32 CONTEXT structure.


This method is implemented by the writer of the debugging application.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: ClrData.idl, ClrData.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 2.0

See also