ICorDebugRemote Interface

Provides the ability to launch or attach a managed debugger to a remote target process.


interface ICorDebugRemote : IUnknown
    HRESULT CreateProcessEx
      [in] ICorDebugRemoteTarget *     pRemoteTarget,
      [in] LPCWSTR                     lpApplicationName,
      [in] LPWSTR                      lpCommandLine,
      [in] LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES       lpProcessAttributes,
      [in] LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES       lpThreadAttributes,
      [in] BOOL                        bInheritHandles,
      [in] DWORD                       dwCreationFlags,
      [in] PVOID                       lpEnvironment,
      [in] LPCWSTR                     lpCurrentDirectory,
      [in] LPSTARTUPINFOW              lpStartupInfo,
      [in] LPPROCESS_INFORMATION       lpProcessInformation,
      [in] CorDebugCreateProcessFlags  debuggingFlags,
      [out] ICorDebugProcess **        ppProcess

    HRESULT DebugActiveProcessEx
      [in] ICorDebugRemoteTarget *   pRemoteTarget,
      [in] DWORD                     dwProcessId,
      [in] BOOL                      fWin32Attach,
      [out] ICorDebugProcess **      ppProcess


Method Description
ICorDebugRemote::CreateProcessEx Method Creates a process on a remote machine for managed debugging.
ICorDebugRemote::DebugActiveProcessEx Method Launches a process on a remote machine under the debugger.


Currently, this functionality is supported only for debugging a Silverlight-based application target that is running on a remote Macintosh machine.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: 4.5, 4, 3.5 SP1

See also