ISymUnmanagedAsyncMethodPropertiesWriter Interface
Allows you to define optional async method information for each method symbol. Always use with an opened method; that is, between calls to the OpenMethod Method and the CloseMethod Method.
[object,uuid(FC073774-1739-4232-BD56-A027294BEC15),pointer_default(unique)]interface ISymUnmanagedAsyncMethodPropertiesWriter : IUnknown
This interface contains the following methods:
Method | Description |
DefineAsyncStepInfo Method | Define a group of async await operations in the current method. Each yield offset matches an await's return instruction, identifying a potential yield. Each breakpointMethod /breakpointOffset pair identifies where the asynchronous operation will resume; it may be in a different method. |
DefineCatchHandlerILOffset Method | Sets the IL offset for the compiler-generated catch handler that wraps an async method. The IL offset of the generated catch is used by the debugger to handle the catch as if it were non-user code, even though it may occur in a user code method. In particular, it is used in response to a CatchHandlerFound exception event. |
DefineKickoffMethod Method | Sets the starting method that initiates the async operation. |
Header: CorSym.idl, CorSym.h
See also
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