FlowEnvironmentId Property

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 10.0.

Sets the ID of the environment where the Power Automate Flow triggered by this action is located.

Applies to

  • Page Custom Action


You can get the flow environment ID in Power Automate. Sign in to Power Automate and open the flow for editing. Then, get the flow environment ID from the URL in the browser address, which has a format like: https://make.powerautomate.com/environments/<environment ID>/flows/<environment ID>.

To learn more about Power Automate flows with Business Central, see Power Automate Integration Overview.


The following example extends the Customer Card page with a promoted action that runs a Power Automate flow that has the flow environment ID Default-44445555-eeee-6666-ffff-7777aaaa8888.

pageextension 50100 CustomerCardExt extends "Customer Card"
                ApplicationArea = All;
                CustomActionType = Flow;
                FlowId = '00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444';
                FlowEnvironmentId = 'Default-44445555-eeee-6666-ffff-7777aaaa8888';
            actionref(MyFlowPromoted; MyFlowAction)


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