Request Service REST API issuance specification

Microsoft Entra Verified ID includes the Request Service REST API. This API allows you to issue and verify a credential. This article specifies the Request Service REST API for an issuance request. Another article describes how to call the Request Service REST API.

HTTP request

The Request Service REST API issuance request supports the following HTTP method:

Method Notes
POST With JSON payload as specified in this article.

The Request Service REST API issuance request requires the following HTTP headers:

Name Value
Authorization Attach the access token as a bearer token to the authorization header in an HTTP request. For example, Authorization: Bearer <token>.
Content-Type application/json

Construct an HTTP POST request to the Request Service REST API.

The following HTTP request demonstrates a request to the Request Service REST API:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>

    "callback": {
        "url": "",
        "state": "Aaaabbbb11112222",
        "headers": {
            "api-key": "an-api-key-can-go-here"

The following permission is required to call the Request Service REST API. For more information, see Grant permissions to get access tokens.

Permission type Permission
Application 3db474b9-6a0c-4840-96ac-1fceb342124f/.default

Issuance request payload

The issuance request payload contains information about your verifiable credentials issuance request. The following example demonstrates an issuance request by using a PIN code flow with user claims, such as first name and last name. The result of this request returns a QR code with a link to start the issuance process.

  "authority": "",
  "callback": {
    "url": "",
    "state": "de19cb6b-36c1-45fe-9409-909a51292a9c",
    "headers": {
  "registration": {
    "clientName": "Verifiable Credential Expert Sample"
  "type": "VerifiedCredentialExpert",
  "manifest": "",
  "pin": {
    "value": "3539",
    "length": 4
  "claims": {
    "given_name": "Megan",
    "family_name": "Bowen"
  "expirationDate": "2024-12-31T23:59:59.000Z"

The payload contains the following properties:

Parameter Type Description
includeQRCode Boolean Optional. Determines whether a QR code is included in the response of this request. Present the QR code and ask the user to scan it. Scanning the QR code launches the authenticator app with this issuance request. Possible values are true or false (default). When you set the value to false, use the return url property to render a deep link.
callback Callback Mandatory. Allows the developer to asynchronously get information on the flow during the verifiable credential issuance process. For example, the developer might want a call when the user has scanned the QR code or if the issuance request succeeds or fails.
authority string The issuer's decentralized identifier (DID). For more information, see Gather credentials and environment details to set up your sample application.
registration RequestRegistration Provides information about the issuer that can be displayed in the authenticator app.
type string The verifiable credential type. Should match the type as defined in the verifiable credential manifest. For example: VerifiedCredentialExpert. For more information, see Create the verified credential expert card in Azure.
manifest string The URL of the verifiable credential manifest document. For more information, see Gather credentials and environment details to set up your sample application.
claims string Optional. Can only be used for the ID token hint attestation flow to include a collection of assertions made about the subject in the verifiable credential.
pin PIN Optional. PIN code can only be used with the ID token hint attestation flow. A PIN number to provide extra security during issuance. You generate a PIN code, and present it to the user in your app. The user must provide the PIN code that you generated.
expirationDate string Optional. The expirationDate can only be used with the ID token hint attestation flow. If specified, the value needs to be a date expressed in the ISO8601 format. The date will override the validityInterval in the credentials rules definition for this issuance request. Use this setting to explicitly control when a credential expires, like end-of-day, end-of-month or end-of-year, regardless of when it is issued. Please note that the date is expressed in UTC format. If you specify end-of-year, with time set to 23:59:59, that is 1 second to midnight in UTC time. Any user in a different timezone will get the expiration date presented in local timezone in the Microsoft Authenticator. This means that if you are in the CET timezone, it will be presented as January 1 1am.

The credential contract needs to have the flag allowOverrideValidityOnIssuance set to true.

There are currently four claims attestation types that you can send in the payload. Microsoft Entra Verified ID uses four ways to insert claims into a verifiable credential and attest to that information with the issuer's DID. The following are the four types:

  • ID token
  • ID token hint
  • Verifiable credentials via a verifiable presentation
  • Self-attested claims

You can find detailed information about the input types in Customizing your verifiable credential.

RequestRegistration type

The RequestRegistration type provides information registration for the issuer. The RequestRegistration type contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
clientName string A display name of the issuer of the verifiable credential.
logoUrl string Optional. The URL for the issuer logo.
termsOfServiceUrl string Optional. The URL for the terms of use of the verifiable credential that you are issuing.


At this time, the RequestRegistration information isn't presented during the issuance in the Microsoft Authenticator app. This information can, however, be used in the payload.

Callback type

The Request Service REST API generates several events to the callback endpoint. Those events allow you to update the UI and continue the process after the results are returned to the application. The Callback type contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
url string URI to the callback endpoint of your application. The URI must point to a reachable endpoint on the internet otherwise the service will throw callback URL unreadable error. Accepted formats IPv4, IPv6 or DNS resolvable hostname. To harden your network, see FAQ.
state string Correlates the callback event with the state passed in the original payload.
headers string Optional. You can include a collection of HTTP headers required by the receiving end of the POST message. The current supported header values are the api-key or the Authorization headers. Any other header will throw an invalid callback header error

Pin type

The pin type defines a PIN code that can be displayed as part of the issuance. pin is optional, and, if used, should always be sent out-of-band. When you're using a HASH PIN code, you must define the salt, alg, and iterations properties. pin contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
value string Contains the PIN value in plain text. When you're using a hashed PIN, the value property contains the salted hash, base64 encoded.
type string The type of the PIN code. Possible value: numeric (default).
length integer The length of the PIN code. The default length is 6, the minimum is 4, and the maximum is 16.
salt string The salt of the hashed PIN code. The salt is prepended during hash computation. Encoding: UTF-8.
alg string The hashing algorithm for the hashed PIN. Supported algorithm: sha256.
iterations integer The number of hashing iterations. Possible value: 1.

Successful response

If successful, this method returns a response code (HTTP 201 Created), and a collection of event objects in the response body. The following JSON demonstrates a successful response:

    "requestId": "799f23ea-5241-45af-99ad-cf8e5018814e",  
    "url": "openid://vc?request_uri=",  
    "expiry": 1622227690,  
    "qrCode": "<SNIP>"  

The response contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
requestId string An autogenerated request ID. The callback uses the same request, allowing you to keep track of the issuance request and its callbacks.
url string A URL that launches the authenticator app and starts the issuance process. You can present this URL to the user if they can't scan the QR code.
expiry integer Indicates when the response will expire.
qrCode string A QR code that user can scan to start the issuance flow.

When your app receives the response, the app needs to present the QR code to the user. The user scans the QR code, which opens the authenticator app and starts the issuance process.

Error response

If there is an error with the request, an error response will be returned and should be handled appropriately by the app.

Callback events

The callback endpoint is called when a user scans the QR code, uses the deep link the authenticator app, or finishes the issuance process.

Property Type Description
requestId string Mapped to the original request when the payload was posted to the Verifiable Credentials service.
requestStatus string The status returned for the request. Possible values:
  • request_retrieved: The user scanned the QR code or selected the link that starts the issuance flow.
  • issuance_successful: The issuance of the verifiable credentials was successful.
  • issuance_error: There was an error during issuance. For details, see the error property.
state string Returns the state value that you passed in the original payload.
error error When the code property value is issuance_error, this property contains information about the error.
error.code string The return error code.
error.message string The error message.

The following example demonstrates a callback payload when the authenticator app starts the issuance request:

    "requestId": "799f23ea-5241-45af-99ad-cf8e5018814e",  
    "state": "de19cb6b-36c1-45fe-9409-909a51292a9c"

The following example demonstrates a callback payload after the user successfully completes the issuance process:

    "requestId": "799f23ea-5241-45af-99ad-cf8e5018814e",  
    "state": "de19cb6b-36c1-45fe-9409-909a51292a9c"

Callback errors

The callback endpoint might be called with an error message. The following table lists the error codes:

Message Definition 
fetch_contract_error Unable to fetch the verifiable credential contract. This error usually happens when the API can't fetch the manifest you specify in the request payload RequestIssuance object.
issuance_service_error The Verifiable Credentials service isn't able to validate requirements, or something went wrong in Verifiable Credentials.
unspecified_error This error is uncommon, but worth investigating.

The following example demonstrates a callback payload when an error occurred:

    "requestId": "799f23ea-5241-45af-99ad-cf8e5018814e",  
    "requestStatus": "issuance_error",  
    "state": "de19cb6b-36c1-45fe-9409-909a51292a9c",  
    "error": { 

Next steps

Learn how to call the Request Service REST API.