Follow the instructions. After you complete the process, you can use Copilot Studio to create and publish agents.
Trial expiration
After you finish the sign-up process, your free trial for Copilot Studio starts. You see notifications and receive emails to inform you about the trial expiry. When the trial expires, you can extend it by 30 days.
Lưu ý
Your agent continues to work for up to 90 days after your trial expires, so you don't have to worry about extending at the exact time of expiry.
Troubleshooting the sign-up process
In most cases, you're able to sign up for Copilot Studio using the steps in this article. Some issues might prevent you from signing up.
Personal email address
You can't sign up for Copilot Studio using a personal email address. You must use a work or school account.
Self-service sign-up disabled
If you receive a message that your sign-up couldn't be completed it means your organization's IT administrator has disabled self-service sign-up for Copilot Studio. To finish signing up, contact your IT administrator and ask them to follow the instructions to enable sign-up.
Lập kế hoạch và thực hiện chiến lược triển khai điểm cuối, sử dụng các yếu tố thiết yếu của quản lý hiện đại, phương pháp đồng quản lý và tích hợp Microsoft Intune.
Compare the capabilities you can access in Microsoft Copilot Studio depending on whether you have a Microsoft 365 subscription or standalone Microsoft Copilot Studio subscription.
Discover how to build AI-driven agents easily with Microsoft Copilot Studio with online training courses, docs, and videos. Learn how to quickly and simply integrate chat into your website.