For Power Query documentation, you can submit feedback through the Submit and view feedback for - This page link at the bottom of each article.
Support and troubleshooting
If you're finding an issue with Power Query, use the dedicated support channels for the product you're using Power Query in. For example, for Power BI, visit the Power BI support page.
You can also use any of the following community resources:
Community forums for the product you're using Power Query in. For example, for Power BI, this forum would be the Power BI Community.
For information about the built-in Power Query help support links, go to Getting Power Query help.
Submitting feedback
To submit feedback about Power Query, provide the feedback to the "ideas" forum for the product you're using Power Query in. For example, for Power BI, visit the Power BI ideas forum. If you have one, you can also provide feedback directly to your Microsoft account contact.
Thể hiện các phương pháp và thực tiễn tốt nhất phù hợp với yêu cầu kỹ thuật và kinh doanh để lập mô hình, trực quan hóa và phân tích dữ liệu với Microsoft Power BI.
Overviews of the Power Query get data experience and all its components, such as connector parameters, authentication, navigation table, and query destination.