

printTaskTrigger resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Determines the condition under which a new printTask will be triggered based on the associated printTaskDefinition.

For details about how to use this resource to add pull printing support to Universal Print, see Extending Universal Print to support pull printing.


Method Return type Description
List task triggers printTaskTrigger collection Get a list of printTaskTriggers associated with a particular printer.
Get task trigger printTaskTrigger Get the printTaskTrigger associated with a particular printTask.


Property Type Description
event printEvent The Universal Print event that causes a new printTask to be triggered. Valid values are described in the following table.
id String The printTaskTrigger's identifier. Read-only.

printEvent values

Member Value Description
jobStarted 0 Represents an event that occurs when a new print job is started.
unknownFutureValue 1 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.


Relationship Type Description
definition printTaskDefinition An abstract definition that is used to create a printTask when triggered by a print event. Read-only.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.printTaskTrigger",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "event": "String"