需要安装产品/修补程序或升级服务器 (SharePoint Server)

适用于:yes-img-132013 yes-img-162016 yes-img-192019 yes-img-seSubscription Edition no-img-sopSharePoint in Microsoft 365

规则名称: 需要产品/修补程序安装或服务器升级。


原因: 尚未安装所需的产品或更新,或者需要升级服务器。


  • 检查是否有任何挂起的更新并重新启动所有服务器。


  1. 登录到一台服务器。

  2. 确认执行此过程的用户帐户是本地计算机上 Administrators 组的成员。

  3. Open Windows Update. and check to see if there are any pending updates or a restart is required, schedule the updates or restart the computer.

  4. 在所有服务器上重复上述步骤。

    有关详细信息,请参阅部署 SharePoint Server 2016 的软件更新

If a previous upgrade attempt has failed, you must resolve upgrade issues before attempting upgrade again. You can use the SharePoint Central Administration website to find information about current and previous upgrade attempts and determine issues that may be preventing upgrade from succeeding. 若要在管理中心执行此操作,请在 “升级和迁移 ”部分中,选择“ 检查升级状态”。