Using the SetPrinter function to modify printer settings failed

dia l 0 信誉分

I use DocumentProperties function to modify the DEVMODE structure,and the use SetPrinter function to update printer setting. The DEVMODE structure seems to be changed correctly, but the printer always prints the same way.

Windows 应用 SDK
Windows 应用 SDK
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Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
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  1. Xiaopo Yang - MSFT 11,506 信誉分 Microsoft 供应商

    Hello @dia l,

    but the printer parameters seem to have no effect, the printer always prints the same way.

    You can set and print from GUI to check if the printer supports these settings or try other printer settings. The APIs all work. You need to consult the printer manufacturer and we have no printers to follow up.

    Thank you.