Bing Advertising API Request Access_token via Authorization_Code, returning format error

zhiliao wu 0 信誉分

Trace ID: BD1AD058-ED6B-4AE6-B885-09C268207400
use the to get token through Authorization_Code verification method;

url = f"{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token"
body ={
,"client_id": app_id
,"client_secret": client_secret
headres = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},data = body,headers=headres)

Return to the wrong: {'error': 'invalid_grant', 'error_descript': 'Aadsts9002313: Invalid Request. Request is Malformed or Invalid}
What form should I use to get token? Thanks

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
一种 Microsoft 可编程性模型,用于公开 REST API 和客户端库以访问 Microsoft 365 服务上的数据。
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