Weekly Releases – Notes for 2/9/2012

We have been a bit quiet on this blog recently, but rest assured we are planning some exciting features and changes to the CodePlex site! One change we are making is switching to a weekly release schedule so that we can respond and iterate on user feedback more quickly. As part of that change we will be posting our latest release notes on this blog each week. Some weeks (like today’s notes) may only contain bug fixes if we are working on some larger features that are not ready to be launched yet. Keep watching this space for more developments to come.

Notes for 2/9/2012 release

  • Fixed an issue in our insert code snippet dialog for our wiki editor. Thanks to Marc D Anderson for reporting this issue!


  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2012
    Thanks for letting us know you're still alive behind the scenes. The more frequent status updates are very welcomed. Let's hope this site gets some much needed updates, visually and in functionality.