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Queries for the FunctionAppLogs table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

Show application logs from Function Apps

A list of application logs, sorted by time (latest logs shown first).

| project TimeGenerated, HostInstanceId, Message, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Show logs with warnings or exceptions

A list of logs which contain warnings or exceptions (latest logs shown first).

| where Level == "Warning" or Level == "Error"
| project TimeGenerated, HostInstanceId, Level, Message, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Error and exception count

Show a column chart of the number of the logs containing warnings or errors in the last hour, per application.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where Level == "Warning" or Level == "Error"
| summarize count_per_app = count() by _ResourceId
| sort by count_per_app desc 
| render columnchart

Function activity over time

Line chart showing trend of Function requests volume, per Function over time.

//| where _ResourceId == "MyResourceId" // Uncomment and enter a resource ID to get results for a specific resource
| where Category startswith "Function." and Message startswith "Executed "
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), FunctionName // Aggregate by hour
| render timechart

Function results

Individual Function invocation results in the last hour (latest logs shown first).

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where Category startswith "Function." and Message startswith "Executed "
| parse Message with "Executed '" Name "' ("  Result ", Id=" Id ", Duration=" Duration:long "ms)"
| project TimeGenerated, FunctionName, Result, FunctionInvocationId, Duration, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Function Error rate

Summarizing functions success and errors per hour.

| where Category startswith "Function." and Message startswith "Executed "
| parse Message with "Executed '" Name "' ("  Result ", Id=" Id ", Duration=" Duration:long "ms)"
// | where Name == "MyFunction" // Use this to restrict to a specific function
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), Name, Result, _ResourceId
| order by TimeGenerated desc