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快速入门 - 使用 Azure Cosmos DB NoSQL API 生成 RAG 聊天机器人

适用范围: NoSQL

在本快速入门中,我们会演示如何使用 Movie Lens 数据集的子集生成 RAG 模式应用程序。 此示例利用适用于 Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL 的 Python SDK 对 RAG 执行矢量搜索,存储和检索聊天历史记录,并存储聊天历史记录的矢量以用作语义缓存。 Azure OpenAI 用于生成嵌入和大语言模型 (LLM) 完成。

最后,我们会使用 Gradio 创建简单的用户体验,以允许用户键入问题并显示 Azure OpenAI 生成的响应或从缓存中提供的响应。 响应还会显示已用时间,以显示缓存对性能的影响与生成响应对性能的影响的对比。


可在此处找到完整的 Python 笔记本示例。 有关更多 RAG 示例,请访问:AzureDataRetrievalAugmentedGenerationSamples

重要说明:此示例要求为 Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL 和 Azure OpenAI 设置帐户。 若要开始,请访问:


安装必要的 Python 包以与 Azure Cosmos DB 和其他服务交互。

! pip install --user python-dotenv
! pip install --user aiohttp
! pip install --user openai
! pip install --user gradio
! pip install --user ijson
! pip install --user nest_asyncio
! pip install --user tenacity
# Note: ensure you have azure-cosmos version 4.7 or higher installed
! pip install --user azure-cosmos


使用适用于 Azure Cosmos DB 和 Azure OpenAI 的相应凭据填充 sample_env_file.env

cosmos_uri = "https://<replace with cosmos db account name>.documents.azure.com:443/"
cosmos_key = "<replace with cosmos db account key>"
cosmos_database_name = "database"
cosmos_collection_name = "vectorstore"
cosmos_vector_property_name = "vector"
cosmos_cache_database_name = "database"
cosmos_cache_collection_name = "vectorcache"
openai_endpoint = "<replace with azure openai endpoint>"
openai_key = "<replace with azure openai key>"
openai_type = "azure"
openai_api_version = "2023-05-15"
openai_embeddings_deployment = "<replace with azure openai embeddings deployment name>"
openai_embeddings_model = "<replace with azure openai embeddings model - e.g. text-embedding-3-large"
openai_embeddings_dimensions = "1536"
openai_completions_deployment = "<replace with azure openai completions deployment name>"
openai_completions_model = "<replace with azure openai completions model - e.g. gpt-35-turbo>"
storage_file_url = "https://cosmosdbcosmicworks.blob.core.windows.net/fabcondata/movielens_dataset.json"
# Import the required libraries
import time
import json
import uuid
import urllib 
import ijson
import zipfile
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from openai import AzureOpenAI
from azure.core.exceptions import AzureError
from azure.cosmos import PartitionKey, exceptions
from time import sleep
import gradio as gr

# Cosmos DB imports
from azure.cosmos import CosmosClient

# Load configuration
env_name = "sample_env_file.env"
config = dotenv_values(env_name)

cosmos_conn = config['cosmos_uri']
cosmos_key = config['cosmos_key']
cosmos_database = config['cosmos_database_name']
cosmos_collection = config['cosmos_collection_name']
cosmos_vector_property = config['cosmos_vector_property_name']
comsos_cache_db = config['cosmos_cache_database_name']
cosmos_cache = config['cosmos_cache_collection_name']

# Create the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL async client for faster data loading
cosmos_client = CosmosClient(url=cosmos_conn, credential=cosmos_key)

openai_endpoint = config['openai_endpoint']
openai_key = config['openai_key']
openai_api_version = config['openai_api_version']
openai_embeddings_deployment = config['openai_embeddings_deployment']
openai_embeddings_dimensions = int(config['openai_embeddings_dimensions'])
openai_completions_deployment = config['openai_completions_deployment']

# Movies file url
storage_file_url = config['storage_file_url']

# Create the OpenAI client
openai_client = AzureOpenAI(azure_endpoint=openai_endpoint, api_key=openai_key, api_version=openai_api_version)



db = cosmos_client.create_database_if_not_exists(cosmos_database)

# Create the vector embedding policy to specify vector details
vector_embedding_policy = {
    "vectorEmbeddings": [ 
            "path":"/" + cosmos_vector_property,

# Create the vector index policy to specify vector details
indexing_policy = {
    "includedPaths": [ 
        "path": "/*" 
    "excludedPaths": [ 
        "path": "/\"_etag\"/?",
        "path": "/" + cosmos_vector_property + "/*",
    "vectorIndexes": [ 
            "path": "/"+cosmos_vector_property, 
            "type": "quantizedFlat" 

# Create the data collection with vector index (note: this creates a container with 10000 RUs to allow fast data load)
    movies_container = db.create_container_if_not_exists(id=cosmos_collection, 
    print('Container with id \'{0}\' created'.format(movies_container.id)) 

except exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: 

# Create the cache collection with vector index
    cache_container = db.create_container_if_not_exists(id=cosmos_cache, 
    print('Container with id \'{0}\' created'.format(cache_container.id)) 

except exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: 

4.从 Azure OpenAI 生成嵌入

此函数将矢量搜索的用户输入矢量化。 确保使用的维度和模型与提供的示例数据匹配,否则请使用所需的模型重新生成矢量。

from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_exponential 
import logging
@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=2, max=300), stop=stop_after_attempt(20))
def generate_embeddings(text):
        response = openai_client.embeddings.create(
        embeddings = response.model_dump()
        return embeddings['data'][0]['embedding']
    except Exception as e:
        # Log the exception with traceback for easier debugging
        logging.error("An error occurred while generating embeddings.", exc_info=True)

5.从 JSON 文件加载数据

从 zip 文件中提取预选的 MovieLens 数据集(请在此处参阅其在笔记本存储库中的位置)。

# Unzip the data file
with zipfile.ZipFile("../../DataSet/Movies/MovieLens-4489-256D.zip", 'r') as zip_ref:

# Load the data file
data = []
with open('/Data/MovieLens-4489-256D.json', 'r') as d:
    data = json.load(d)

# View the number of documents in the data (4489)

6.存储 Azure Cosmos DB 中的数据

将数据更新插入 Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL。 记录是异步写入的。

#The following code to get raw movies data is commented out in favour of
#getting prevectorized data. If you want to vectorize the raw data from
#storage_file_url, uncomment the below, and set vectorizeFlag=True

#data = urllib.request.urlopen(storage_file_url)
#data = json.load(data)


import asyncio
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

async def generate_vectors(items, vector_property):
    # Create a thread pool executor for the synchronous generate_embeddings
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    # Define a function to call generate_embeddings using run_in_executor
    async def generate_embedding_for_item(item):
            # Offload the sync generate_embeddings to a thread
            vectorArray = await loop.run_in_executor(None, generate_embeddings, item['overview'])
            item[vector_property] = vectorArray
        except Exception as e:
            # Log or handle exceptions if needed
            logging.error(f"Error generating embedding for item: {item['overview'][:50]}...", exc_info=True)
    # Create tasks for all the items to generate embeddings concurrently
    tasks = [generate_embedding_for_item(item) for item in items]
    # Run all the tasks concurrently and wait for their completion
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    return items

async def insert_data(vectorize=False):
    start_time = time.time()  # Record the start time
    # If vectorize flag is True, generate vectors for the data
    if vectorize:
        print("Vectorizing data, please wait...")
        global data
        data = await generate_vectors(data, "vector")

    counter = 0
    tasks = []
    max_concurrency = 5  # Adjust this value to control the level of concurrency
    semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(max_concurrency)
    print("Starting doc load, please wait...")
    def upsert_item_sync(obj):
    async def upsert_object(obj):
        nonlocal counter
        async with semaphore:
            await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, upsert_item_sync, obj)
            # Progress reporting
            counter += 1
            if counter % 100 == 0:
                print(f"Sent {counter} documents for insertion into collection.")
    for obj in data:
    # Run all upsert tasks concurrently within the limits set by the semaphore
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    end_time = time.time()  # Record the end time
    duration = end_time - start_time  # Calculate the duration
    print(f"All {counter} documents inserted!")
    print(f"Time taken: {duration:.2f} seconds ({duration:.3f} milliseconds)")

# Run the async function with the vectorize flag set to True or False as needed
await insert_data(vectorizeFlag)  # or await insert_data() for default


def vector_search(container, vectors, similarity_score=0.02, num_results=5):
    results = container.query_items(
        SELECT TOP @num_results c.overview, VectorDistance(c.vector, @embedding) as SimilarityScore 
        FROM c
        WHERE VectorDistance(c.vector,@embedding) > @similarity_score
        ORDER BY VectorDistance(c.vector,@embedding)
            {"name": "@embedding", "value": vectors},
            {"name": "@num_results", "value": num_results},
            {"name": "@similarity_score", "value": similarity_score}
    results = list(results)
    formatted_results = [{'SimilarityScore': result.pop('SimilarityScore'), 'document': result} for result in results]

    return formatted_results


此函数为 LLM 提供对话上下文,使它能够更好地与用户进行对话。

def get_chat_history(container, completions=3):
    results = container.query_items(
        SELECT TOP @completions *
        FROM c
        ORDER BY c._ts DESC
            {"name": "@completions", "value": completions},
    results = list(results)
    return results



def generate_completion(user_prompt, vector_search_results, chat_history):
    system_prompt = '''
    You are an intelligent assistant for movies. You are designed to provide helpful answers to user questions about movies in your database.
    You are friendly, helpful, and informative and can be lighthearted. Be concise in your responses, but still friendly.
     - Only answer questions related to the information provided below. Provide at least 3 candidate movie answers in a list.
     - Write two lines of whitespace between each answer in the list.

    messages = [{'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt}]
    for chat in chat_history:
        messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': chat['prompt'] + " " + chat['completion']})
    messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': user_prompt})
    for result in vector_search_results:
        messages.append({'role': 'system', 'content': json.dumps(result['document'])})

    response = openai_client.chat.completions.create(
    return response.model_dump()

def chat_completion(cache_container, movies_container, user_input):
    print("starting completion")
    # Generate embeddings from the user input
    user_embeddings = generate_embeddings(user_input)
    # Query the chat history cache first to see if this question has been asked before
    cache_results = get_cache(container=cache_container, vectors=user_embeddings, similarity_score=0.99, num_results=1)
    if len(cache_results) > 0:
        print("Cached Result\n")
        return cache_results[0]['completion'], True
        # Perform vector search on the movie collection
        print("New result\n")
        search_results = vector_search(movies_container, user_embeddings)

        print("Getting Chat History\n")
        # Chat history
        chat_history = get_chat_history(cache_container, 3)
        # Generate the completion
        print("Generating completions \n")
        completions_results = generate_completion(user_input, search_results, chat_history)

        print("Caching response \n")
        # Cache the response
        cache_response(cache_container, user_input, user_embeddings, completions_results)

        # Return the generated LLM completion
        return completions_results['choices'][0]['message']['content'], False



def cache_response(container, user_prompt, prompt_vectors, response):
    chat_document = {
        'id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
        'prompt': user_prompt,
        'completion': response['choices'][0]['message']['content'],
        'completionTokens': str(response['usage']['completion_tokens']),
        'promptTokens': str(response['usage']['prompt_tokens']),
        'totalTokens': str(response['usage']['total_tokens']),
        'model': response['model'],
        'vector': prompt_vectors

11.在 Gradio 中创建简单的用户体验

使用 Gradio 生成用户界面,以便与 AI 应用程序交互。

chat_history = []

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="Cosmic Movie Assistant")
    msg = gr.Textbox(label="Ask me about movies in the Cosmic Movie Database!")
    clear = gr.Button("Clear")

    def user(user_message, chat_history):
        start_time = time.time()
        response_payload, cached = chat_completion(cache_container, movies_container, user_message)
        end_time = time.time()
        elapsed_time = round((end
        time - start_time) * 1000, 2)
        details = f"\n (Time: {elapsed_time}ms)"
        if cached:
            details += " (Cached)"
        chat_history.append([user_message, response_payload + details])
        return gr.update(value=""), chat_history
    msg.submit(user, [msg, chatbot], [msg, chatbot], queue=False)
    clear.click(lambda: None, None, chatbot, queue=False)

# Launch the Gradio interface

# Be sure to run this cell to close or restart the Gradio demo


本快速入门指南旨在帮助你通过几个简单的步骤,为矢量搜索应用程序设置和运行 Azure Cosmos DB NoSQL API。 如果有任何其他问题或需要帮助,请查看以下资源:
