AzureIoTEdge@2 - Azure IoT Edge v2 任务

使用此任务可以快速高效地生成映像并将其部署到 Azure IoT Edge。

此任务支持自定义变量。 如果不熟悉如何在管道中使用变量,请参阅 定义变量


# Azure IoT Edge v2
# Build and deploy an Azure IoT Edge image.
- task: AzureIoTEdge@2
    action: 'Build module images' # 'Build module images' | 'Push module images' | 'Generate deployment manifest' | 'Deploy to IoT Edge devices'. Required. Action. Default: Build module images.
    #deploymentFilePath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json' # string. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Deployment file. Default: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json.
    #azureSubscription: # string. Alias: connectedServiceNameARM. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Azure subscription contains IoT Hub. 
    #iothubname: # string. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Hub name. 
    #deviceOption: # 'Single Device' | 'Multiple Devices'. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Choose single/multiple device. 
    #deviceId: # string. Required when deviceOption == Single Device. IoT Edge device ID. 
    #targetcondition: # string. Required when deviceOption == Multiple Devices. IoT Edge device target condition. 
    #containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry' # 'Azure Container Registry' | 'Generic Container Registry'. Required when action = Push module images. Container registry type. Default: Azure Container Registry.
    #dockerRegistryConnection: # string. Alias: dockerRegistryEndpoint. Required when containerregistrytype = Generic Container Registry. Docker Registry Connection. 
    #azureSubscriptionEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry. Azure subscription. 
    #azureContainerRegistry: # string. Required when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry. Azure Container Registry. 
    #templateFilePath: 'deployment.template.json' # string. Required when action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest. .template.json file. Default: deployment.template.json.
    #defaultPlatform: 'amd64' # 'amd64' | 'windows-amd64' | 'arm32v7' | 'arm64v8'. Required when action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest. Default platform. Default: amd64.
    #fillRegistryCredential: 'true' # 'true' | 'false'. Required when action = Push module images. Add registry credential to deployment manifest. Default: true.
    #deploymentManifestOutputPath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json' # string. Required when action == Generate deployment manifest. Output path. Default: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json.
    #validateGeneratedDeploymentManifest: 'false' # 'true' | 'false'. Required when action = Generate deployment manifest. Validate the schema of generated deployment manifest. Default: false.
  # Advanced
    #deploymentid: '$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment' # string. Required when action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Edge deployment ID. Default: $(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment.
    #priority: '0' # string. Required when action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Edge deployment priority. Default: 0.
  # Advanced
    #bypassModules: # string. Optional. Use when action = Push module images. Bypass module(s).
# Azure IoT Edge v2
# Build and deploy an Azure IoT Edge image.
- task: AzureIoTEdge@2
    action: 'Build module images' # 'Build module images' | 'Push module images' | 'Generate deployment manifest' | 'Deploy to IoT Edge devices'. Required. Action. Default: Build module images.
    #deploymentFilePath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json' # string. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Deployment file. Default: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json.
    #azureSubscription: # string. Alias: connectedServiceNameARM. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Azure subscription contains IoT Hub. 
    #iothubname: # string. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Hub name. 
    #deviceOption: # 'Single Device' | 'Multiple Devices'. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Choose single/multiple device. 
    #deviceId: # string. Required when deviceOption == Single Device. IoT Edge device ID. 
    #targetcondition: # string. Required when deviceOption == Multiple Devices. IoT Edge device target condition. 
    #containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry' # 'Azure Container Registry' | 'Generic Container Registry'. Required when action = Push module images. Container registry type. Default: Azure Container Registry.
    #dockerRegistryConnection: # string. Alias: dockerRegistryEndpoint. Required when containerregistrytype = Generic Container Registry. Docker Registry Connection. 
    #azureSubscriptionEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry. Azure subscription. 
    #azureContainerRegistry: # string. Required when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry. Azure Container Registry. 
    #templateFilePath: 'deployment.template.json' # string. Required when action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest. .template.json file. Default: deployment.template.json.
    #defaultPlatform: 'amd64' # 'amd64' | 'windows-amd64' | 'arm32v7'. Required when action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest. Default platform. Default: amd64.
    #fillRegistryCredential: 'true' # 'true' | 'false'. Required when action = Push module images. Add registry credential to deployment manifest. Default: true.
    #deploymentManifestOutputPath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json' # string. Required when action == Generate deployment manifest. Output path. Default: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json.
    #validateGeneratedDeploymentManifest: 'false' # 'true' | 'false'. Required when action = Generate deployment manifest. Validate the schema of generated deployment manifest. Default: false.
  # Advanced
    #deploymentid: '$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment' # string. Required when action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Edge deployment ID. Default: $(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment.
    #priority: '0' # string. Required when action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Edge deployment priority. Default: 0.
  # Advanced
    #bypassModules: # string. Optional. Use when action = Push module images. Bypass module(s).
# Azure IoT Edge v2
# Build and deploy an Azure IoT Edge image.
- task: AzureIoTEdge@2
    action: 'Build module images' # 'Build module images' | 'Push module images' | 'Generate deployment manifest' | 'Deploy to IoT Edge devices'. Required. Action. Default: Build module images.
    #deploymentFilePath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json' # string. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Deployment file. Default: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json.
    #azureSubscription: # string. Alias: connectedServiceNameARM. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Azure subscription contains IoT Hub. 
    #iothubname: # string. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Hub name. 
    #deviceOption: # 'Single Device' | 'Multiple Devices'. Required when action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices. Choose single/multiple device. 
    #deviceId: # string. Required when deviceOption == Single Device. IoT Edge device ID. 
    #targetcondition: # string. Required when deviceOption == Multiple Devices. IoT Edge device target condition. 
    #containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry' # 'Azure Container Registry' | 'Generic Container Registry'. Required when action = Push module images. Container registry type. Default: Azure Container Registry.
    #dockerRegistryConnection: # string. Alias: dockerRegistryEndpoint. Required when containerregistrytype = Generic Container Registry. Docker Registry Connection. 
    #azureSubscriptionEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry. Azure subscription. 
    #azureContainerRegistry: # string. Required when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry. Azure Container Registry. 
    #templateFilePath: 'deployment.template.json' # string. Required when action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest. .template.json file. Default: deployment.template.json.
    #defaultPlatform: 'amd64' # 'amd64' | 'windows-amd64' | 'arm32v7'. Required when action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest. Default platform. Default: amd64.
    #fillRegistryCredential: 'true' # 'true' | 'false'. Required when action = Push module images. Add registry credential to deployment manifest. Default: true.
    #deploymentManifestOutputPath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json' # string. Required when action == Generate deployment manifest. Output path. Default: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json.
  # Advanced
    #deploymentid: '$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment' # string. Required when action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Edge deployment ID. Default: $(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment.
    #priority: '0' # string. Required when action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices. IoT Edge deployment priority. Default: 0.
  # Advanced
    #bypassModules: # string. Optional. Use when action = Push module images. Bypass module(s).


action - 行动
string. 必需。 允许的值:Build module imagesPush module images、、Generate deployment manifestDeploy to IoT Edge devices。 默认值:Build module images

选择 Azure IoT Edge 操作。

Build module images仅生成模块 (可用于) 检查编译错误。

Push module images 将模块推送到容器注册表。

Deploy to IoT Edge devices将生成的部署文件部署到 IoT 中心。 (建议将 Deploy 任务放入发布管道中。)

deploymentFilePath - 部署文件
string. 当 action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices 时,需要此选项。 默认值:$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json

选择部署 json 文件。 如果此任务位于 中 release pipeline,则需要在项目中设置部署文件的位置。 (默认值适用于大多数条件。) 如果此任务在生成管道中,则必须指定部署清单输出路径。

azureSubscription - Azure 订阅包含 IoT 中心
输入别名: connectedServiceNameARMstring. 当 action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices 时,需要此选项。

选择包含IoT 中心的 Azure 订阅。

iothubname - IoT 中心名称
string. 当 action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices 时,需要此选项。

选择IoT 中心。

deploymentid - IoT Edge部署 ID
string. 当 action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices 时,需要此选项。 默认值:$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment

输入IoT Edge部署 ID。 如果 ID 已存在,则会重写该 ID。 这最多包含 128 个小写字母和数字,并且允许使用以下字符: -:+%_#*?!(),=@;'。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Azure IoT Edge 部署

priority - IoT Edge部署优先级
string. 当 action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices 时,需要此选项。 默认值:0

priority将 设置为正整数以解决部署冲突。 当此任务作为多个部署的目标时,设备将使用优先级最高的部署,或者,如果两个部署具有相同优先级,则使用最新的创建时间。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Azure IoT Edge 部署

deviceOption - 选择单台/多台设备
string. 当 action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices 时,需要此选项。 允许的值:Single DeviceMultiple Devices


deviceId - IoT Edge设备 ID
string. 当 deviceOption == Single Device 时,需要此选项。

输入IoT Edge device ID

targetcondition - IoT Edge设备目标条件
string. 当 deviceOption == Multiple Devices 时,需要此选项。

target condition输入要部署的设备。 请勿使用双引号。 示例: tags.building=9tags.environment='test'。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Azure IoT Edge 部署

containerregistrytype - 容器注册表类型
string. 当 action = Push module images 时,需要此选项。 允许的值:Azure Container RegistryGeneric Container Registry。 默认值:Azure Container Registry

Container Registry Type选择 。 Azure Container Registry 适用于 ACR,适用于 Generic Container Registry 泛型注册表(包括 docker 中心)。

dockerRegistryConnection - Docker 注册表连接
输入别名: dockerRegistryEndpointstring. 当 containerregistrytype = Generic Container Registry 时,需要此选项。

选择通用 Docker 注册表连接。 这是生成和推送所必需的。

azureSubscriptionEndpoint - Azure 订阅
string. 可选。 在 时 containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry使用 。

选择 Azure 订阅。

azureContainerRegistry - Azure 容器注册表
string. 当 containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry 时,需要此选项。

选择Azure 容器注册表。

templateFilePath - .template.json 文件
string. 当 action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest 时,需要此选项。 默认值:deployment.template.json

Azure IoT Edge解决方案 .template.json的路径。 此文件定义 Azure IoT Edge解决方案中的模块和路由。 文件名必须以 结尾 .template.json

defaultPlatform - 默认平台
string. 当 action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest 时,需要此选项。 允许的值:amd64windows-amd64、、arm32v7arm64v8。 默认值:amd64

.template.json在 中,可以将模块平台保留为未指定状态。 对于这些模块,将使用默认平台。

defaultPlatform - 默认平台
string. 当 action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest 时,需要此选项。 允许的值:amd64windows-amd64arm32v7。 默认值:amd64

.template.json在 中,可以将模块平台保留为未指定状态。 对于这些模块,将使用默认平台。

fillRegistryCredential - 将注册表凭据添加到部署清单
string. 当 action = Push module images 时,需要此选项。 允许的值:truefalse。 默认值:true

将用于将 docker 映像推送到部署清单的注册表凭据。

deploymentManifestOutputPath - 输出路径
string. 当 action == Generate deployment manifest 时,需要此选项。 默认值:$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json


validateGeneratedDeploymentManifest - 验证生成的部署清单的架构
string. 当 action = Generate deployment manifest 时,需要此选项。 允许的值:truefalse。 默认值:false

如果生成的部署清单未通过架构验证,则此步骤失败。 在 JSON 架构存储中搜索Azure IoT Edge deployment以查找最新架构。

bypassModules - 绕过模块 ()
string. 可选。 在 时 action = Push module images使用 。

选择不需要在 中 .template.json生成或推送的模块 () ,指定模块名称,并用逗号分隔它们。 示例:如果 中有 SampleModule1 和 ,并且只想生成或推送 SampleModule1,则将绕过模块设置为 SampleModule2SampleModule2.template.json 如果要在 中 .template.json生成所有模块,请将此保留为空。


除了任务输入,所有任务都有控制选项。 有关详细信息,请参阅 控制选项和常见任务属性


此任务定义以下 输出变量,可在下游步骤、作业和阶段中使用。



使用此任务快速高效地生成、测试应用程序并将其部署到 Azure IoT Edge。

此任务支持自定义变量。 如果不熟悉如何在管道中使用变量,请参阅 定义变量



以下 YAML 示例生成模块映像:

- task: AzureIoTEdge@2
  displayName: AzureIoTEdge - Build module images
    action: Build module images
    templateFilePath: deployment.template.json
    defaultPlatform: amd64  


以下 YAML 示例推送模块映像:

  azureSubscriptionEndpoint: Contoso

- task: AzureIoTEdge@2
  displayName: AzureIoTEdge - Push module images
    action: Push module images
    containerregistrytype: Azure Container Registry
    azureSubscriptionEndpoint: $(azureSubscriptionEndpoint)
    azureContainerRegistry: {"loginServer":"$(azureContainerRegistry)"}
    templateFilePath: deployment.template.json
    defaultPlatform: amd64
    fillRegistryCredential: true


以下 YAML 示例基于模板文件创建部署清单:

- task: AzureIoTEdge@2
  displayName: AzureIoTEdge - Generate deployment manifest
    action: Generate deployment manifest
    templateFilePath: deployment.template.json
    defaultPlatform: amd64
    deploymentManifestOutputPath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json
    validateGeneratedDeploymentManifest: false

部署到 IoT Edge 设备

以下 YAML 示例部署模块映像:

- task: AzureIoTEdge@2
  displayName: 'Azure IoT Edge - Deploy to IoT Edge devices'
    action: 'Deploy to IoT Edge devices'
    deploymentFilePath: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/config/deployment.json
    azureSubscription: $(azureSubscriptionEndpoint)
    iothubname: iothubname
    deploymentid: '$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment'
    priority: '0'
    deviceOption: 'Single Device'
    deviceId: deviceId


有关如何在 Azure Pipelines 中使用这些操作的分步示例,请参阅以下文章:


要求 说明
管道类型 YAML,经典内部版本,经典版本
运行平台 Agent、DeploymentGroup
功能 此任务不满足作业中后续任务的任何要求。
命令限制 任意
可设置的变量 任意
代理版本 所有支持的代理版本。
任务类别 构建