编译器警告(等级 3)C4535

调用 _set_se_translator() 需要 /EHa

使用 _set_se_translator 需要 /EHa 编译器选项,而不是 /EHs


以下示例生成 C4535。

// C4535.cpp
// compile with: /W3 /EHsc /c
// C4535 expected
// to fix, compile with /EHa instead
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <eh.h>

void SEFunc();
void trans_func( unsigned int, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* );

class SE_Exception {
   unsigned int nSE;
   SE_Exception() {}
   SE_Exception( unsigned int n ) : nSE( n ) {}
   ~SE_Exception() {}
   unsigned int getSeNumber() { return nSE; }

int main() {
   try {
      _set_se_translator( trans_func );
   catch( SE_Exception e ) {
      printf_s( "Caught a __try exception with SE_Exception.\n" );

void SEFunc() {
   __try {
      int x, y=0;
      x = 5 / y;
   __finally {
      printf_s( "In finally\n" );

void trans_func( unsigned int u, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExp ) {
   printf_s( "In trans_func.\n" );
   throw SE_Exception();