AccessibilityNodeInfo.SetLabeledBy Method




Sets the view which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes.

SetLabeledBy(View, Int32)

Sets the view which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes.


Sets the view which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes.

[Android.Runtime.Register("setLabeledBy", "(Landroid/view/View;)V", "GetSetLabeledBy_Landroid_view_View_Handler")]
public virtual void SetLabeledBy (Android.Views.View? label);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("setLabeledBy", "(Landroid/view/View;)V", "GetSetLabeledBy_Landroid_view_View_Handler")>]
abstract member SetLabeledBy : Android.Views.View -> unit
override this.SetLabeledBy : Android.Views.View -> unit



The view that labels this node's source.



Sets the view which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes.

Java documentation for android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.setLabeledBy(android.view.View).

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

Applies to

SetLabeledBy(View, Int32)

Sets the view which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes.

[Android.Runtime.Register("setLabeledBy", "(Landroid/view/View;I)V", "GetSetLabeledBy_Landroid_view_View_IHandler")]
public virtual void SetLabeledBy (Android.Views.View? root, int virtualDescendantId);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("setLabeledBy", "(Landroid/view/View;I)V", "GetSetLabeledBy_Landroid_view_View_IHandler")>]
abstract member SetLabeledBy : Android.Views.View * int -> unit
override this.SetLabeledBy : Android.Views.View * int -> unit



The root whose virtual descendant labels this node's source.


The id of the virtual descendant.



Sets the view which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes. If virtualDescendantId is View#NO_ID the root is set as the label.

A virtual descendant is an imaginary View that is reported as a part of the view hierarchy for accessibility purposes. This enables custom views that draw complex content to report themselves as a tree of virtual views, thus conveying their logical structure.

<strong>Note:</strong> Cannot be called from an android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService. This class is made immutable before being delivered to an AccessibilityService.

Java documentation for android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.setLabeledBy(android.view.View, int).

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

Applies to