Action<T1,T2,T3> 委托



generic <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
public delegate void Action(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3);
public delegate void Action<in T1,in T2,in T3>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3);
public delegate void Action<T1,T2,T3>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3);
type Action<'T1, 'T2, 'T3> = delegate of 'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 -> unit
Public Delegate Sub Action(Of In T1, In T2, In T3)(arg1 As T1, arg2 As T2, arg3 As T3)
Public Delegate Sub Action(Of T1, T2, T3)(arg1 As T1, arg2 As T2, arg3 As T3)




这是逆变类型参数。 即,可以使用指定的类型,也可以使用派生程度较低的任何类型。 有关协变和逆变的详细信息,请参阅泛型中的协变和逆变


这是逆变类型参数。 即,可以使用指定的类型,也可以使用派生程度较低的任何类型。 有关协变和逆变的详细信息,请参阅泛型中的协变和逆变


这是逆变类型参数。 即,可以使用指定的类型,也可以使用派生程度较低的任何类型。 有关协变和逆变的详细信息,请参阅泛型中的协变和逆变









可以使用 Action<T1,T2,T3> 委托将方法作为参数传递,而无需显式声明自定义委托。 封装的方法必须与此委托定义的方法签名相对应。 这意味着封装方法必须具有三个参数,这些参数全部通过值传递给它,并且不能返回值。 (在 C# 中,该方法必须返回 void。在 F# 中,方法或函数必须返回单位。在 Visual Basic 中,它必须由 Sub...End Sub 构造定义。它也可以是返回被忽略的值的方法。通常,此类方法用于执行操作。


若要引用具有三个参数并返回值的方法,请改用泛型 Func<T1,T2,T3,TResult> 委托。

使用 Action<T1,T2,T3> 委托时,无需显式定义封装具有三个参数的方法的委托。 例如,以下代码显式声明名为 StringCopy 的委托,并将对 CopyStrings 方法的引用分配给其委托实例。

using System;

delegate void StringCopy(string[] stringArray1,
                         string[] stringArray2,
                         int indexToStart);

public class TestDelegate
    public static void Main()
        string[] ordinals = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"];
        string[] copiedOrdinals = new string[ordinals.Length];
        StringCopy copyOperation = CopyStrings;
        copyOperation(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3);
        foreach (string ordinal in copiedOrdinals)
            Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ordinal) ? "<None>" : ordinal);

    private static void CopyStrings(string[] source, string[] target, int startPos)
        if (source.Length != target.Length)
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.");

        for (int ctr = startPos; ctr <= source.Length - 1; ctr++)
            target[ctr] = source[ctr];
open System

type StringCopy = delegate of stringArray1: string [] * 
                              stringArray2: string [] * 
                              indexToStart: int -> unit

let copyStrings (source: string []) (target: string []) startPos =
    if source.Length <> target.Length then
        raise (IndexOutOfRangeException "The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.")

    for i = startPos to source.Length - 1 do
        target.[i] <- source.[i]

let ordinals = [| "First"; "Second"; "Third"; "Fourth"; "Fifth" |]
let copiedOrdinals: string [] = Array.zeroCreate ordinals.Length

let copyOperation = StringCopy copyStrings

copyOperation.Invoke(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3)

for ordinal in copiedOrdinals do
    printfn "%s" (if String.IsNullOrEmpty ordinal then "<None>" else ordinal)
Delegate Sub StringCopy(stringArray1() As String,
                        stringArray2() As String,
                        indexToStart As Integer)

Module TestDelegate
    Public Sub RunIt()
        Dim ordinals() As String = {"First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"}
        Dim copiedOrdinals(ordinals.Length - 1) As String
        Dim copyOperation As StringCopy = AddressOf CopyStrings
        copyOperation(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3)
        For Each ordinal As String In copiedOrdinals
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ordinal) Then
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub CopyStrings(source() As String, target() As String, startPos As Integer)
        If source.Length <> target.Length Then
            Throw New IndexOutOfRangeException("The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.")
        End If
        For ctr As Integer = startPos To source.Length - 1
            target(ctr) = source(ctr)
    End Sub
End Module

以下示例通过实例化 Action<T1,T2,T3> 委托而不是显式定义新委托并向其分配命名方法来简化此代码。

using System;

public class TestAction3
    public static void Main()
        string[] ordinals = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"];
        string[] copiedOrdinals = new string[ordinals.Length];
        Action<string[], string[], int> copyOperation = CopyStrings;
        copyOperation(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3);
        foreach (string ordinal in copiedOrdinals)
            Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ordinal) ? "<None>" : ordinal);

    private static void CopyStrings(string[] source, string[] target, int startPos)
        if (source.Length != target.Length)
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.");

        for (int ctr = startPos; ctr <= source.Length - 1; ctr++)
            target[ctr] = source[ctr];
open System

let copyStrings (source: string []) (target: string []) startPos =
    if source.Length <> target.Length then
        raise (IndexOutOfRangeException "The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.")

    for i = startPos to source.Length - 1 do
        target.[i] <- source.[i]

let ordinals = [| "First"; "Second"; "Third"; "Fourth"; "Fifth" |]
let copiedOrdinals = Array.zeroCreate<string> ordinals.Length

let copyOperation = Action<_,_,_> copyStrings

copyOperation.Invoke(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3)

for ordinal in copiedOrdinals do
    printfn "%s" (if String.IsNullOrEmpty ordinal then "<None>" else ordinal)
Module TestAction3
    Public Sub RunIt()
        Dim ordinals() As String = {"First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"}
        Dim copiedOrdinals(ordinals.Length - 1) As String
        Dim copyOperation As Action(Of String(), String(), Integer) = AddressOf CopyStrings
        copyOperation(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3)
        For Each ordinal As String In copiedOrdinals
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ordinal) Then
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub CopyStrings(source() As String, target() As String, startPos As Integer)
        If source.Length <> target.Length Then
            Throw New IndexOutOfRangeException("The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.")
        End If
        For ctr As Integer = startPos To source.Length - 1
            target(ctr) = source(ctr)
    End Sub
End Module

还可以将 Action<T1,T2,T3> 委托与 C# 中的匿名方法一起使用,如以下示例所示。 (有关匿名方法简介,请参阅 匿名方法。)

using System;

public class TestAnon
    public static void Main()
        string[] ordinals = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"];
        string[] copiedOrdinals = new string[ordinals.Length];
        Action<string[], string[], int> copyOperation = delegate (string[] s1,
                                                                 string[] s2,
                                                                 int pos)
                                        { CopyStrings(s1, s2, pos); };
        copyOperation(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3);
        foreach (string ordinal in copiedOrdinals)
            Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ordinal) ? "<None>" : ordinal);

    private static void CopyStrings(string[] source, string[] target, int startPos)
        if (source.Length != target.Length)
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.");

        for (int ctr = startPos; ctr <= source.Length - 1; ctr++)
            target[ctr] = source[ctr];

还可以将 lambda 表达式分配给 Action<T1,T2,T3> 委托实例,如以下示例所示。 (有关 lambda 表达式的简介,请参阅 Lambda 表达式 (C#)Lambda 表达式 (F#)。)

using System;

public class TestLambda
    public static void Main()
        string[] ordinals = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"];
        string[] copiedOrdinals = new string[ordinals.Length];
        Action<string[], string[], int> copyOperation = (s1, s2, pos) =>
                                        CopyStrings(s1, s2, pos);
        copyOperation(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3);
        foreach (string ordinal in copiedOrdinals)
            Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ordinal) ? "<None>" : ordinal);

    private static void CopyStrings(string[] source, string[] target, int startPos)
        if (source.Length != target.Length)
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.");

        for (int ctr = startPos; ctr <= source.Length - 1; ctr++)
            target[ctr] = source[ctr];
open System

let copyStrings (source: string []) (target: string []) startPos =
    if source.Length <> target.Length then
        raise (IndexOutOfRangeException "The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.")

    for i = startPos to source.Length - 1 do
        target.[i] <- source.[i]

let ordinals = [| "First"; "Second"; "Third"; "Fourth"; "Fifth" |]
let copiedOrdinals: string [] = Array.zeroCreate ordinals.Length

let copyOperation = Action<_,_,_> (fun s1 s2 pos -> copyStrings s1 s2 pos)

copyOperation.Invoke(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3)

for ordinal in copiedOrdinals do
    printfn "%s" (if String.IsNullOrEmpty ordinal then "<None>" else ordinal)
Public Module TestLambda
    Public Sub RunIt()
        Dim ordinals() As String = {"First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"}
        Dim copiedOrdinals(ordinals.Length - 1) As String
        Dim copyOperation As Action(Of String(), String(), Integer) =
                           Sub(s1, s2, pos) CopyStrings(s1, s2, pos)
        copyOperation(ordinals, copiedOrdinals, 3)
        For Each ordinal As String In copiedOrdinals
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ordinal) Then
            End If
    End Sub

    Private Function CopyStrings(source() As String, target() As String, startPos As Integer) As Integer
        If source.Length <> target.Length Then
            Throw New IndexOutOfRangeException("The source and target arrays must have the same number of elements.")
        End If

        For ctr As Integer = startPos To source.Length - 1
            target(ctr) = source(ctr)
        Return source.Length - startPos
    End Function
End Module

' The example displays the following output:
'       Fourth
'       Fifth




