IBindingList 接口
一些信息与预发行产品相关,相应产品在发行之前可能会进行重大修改。 对于此处提供的信息,Microsoft 不作任何明示或暗示的担保。
public interface class IBindingList : System::Collections::IList
public interface IBindingList : System.Collections.IList
type IBindingList = interface
interface ICollection
interface IEnumerable
interface IList
type IBindingList = interface
interface IList
interface ICollection
interface IEnumerable
Public Interface IBindingList
Implements IList
- 派生
- 实现
以下示例提供了 接口的 IBindingList 简单实现。 类 CustomerList
将客户信息存储在列表中。 此示例假定你已使用 Customer
可在 类的 示例中找到的 IEditableObject 类。
public ref class CustomersList: public CollectionBase, public IBindingList
ListChangedEventArgs^ resetEvent;
ListChangedEventHandler^ onListChanged;
virtual event ListChangedEventHandler^ ListChanged;
property bool AllowEdit
// Implements IBindingList.
virtual bool get() sealed
return true;
virtual property bool AllowNew
bool get()
return true;
property bool AllowRemove
virtual bool get()
return true;
property bool SupportsChangeNotification
virtual bool get()
return true;
property bool SupportsSearching
virtual bool get()
return true;
property bool SupportsSorting
virtual bool get()
return true;
// Methods.
virtual Object^ AddNew()
Customer^ c = gcnew Customer( this->Count->ToString() );
List->Add( c );
return c;
property bool IsSorted
// Unsupported properties.
virtual bool get()
throw gcnew NotSupportedException;
return false;
property ListSortDirection SortDirection
virtual ListSortDirection get()
throw gcnew NotSupportedException;
return ListSortDirection::Ascending;
property PropertyDescriptor^ SortProperty
virtual PropertyDescriptor^ get()
throw gcnew NotSupportedException;
return nullptr;
// Unsupported Methods.
virtual void AddIndex( PropertyDescriptor^ property )
throw gcnew NotSupportedException;
virtual void ApplySort( PropertyDescriptor^ property, ListSortDirection direction )
throw gcnew NotSupportedException;
virtual int Find( PropertyDescriptor^ property, Object^ key )
throw gcnew NotSupportedException;
return 0;
virtual void RemoveIndex( PropertyDescriptor^ property )
throw gcnew NotSupportedException;
virtual void RemoveSort()
throw gcnew NotSupportedException;
// Worker functions to populate the list with data.
static Customer^ ReadCustomer1()
Customer^ cust = gcnew Customer( "536-45-1245" );
cust->FirstName = "Jo";
cust->LastName = "Brown";
return cust;
static Customer^ ReadCustomer2()
Customer^ cust = gcnew Customer( "246-12-5645" );
cust->FirstName = "Robert";
cust->LastName = "Brown";
return cust;
virtual void OnListChanged( ListChangedEventArgs^ ev )
if ( onListChanged != nullptr )
onListChanged( this, ev );
virtual void OnClear() override
virtual void OnClearComplete() override
OnListChanged( resetEvent );
virtual void OnInsertComplete( int index, Object^ value ) override
Customer^ c = safe_cast<Customer^>(value);
c->Parent = this;
OnListChanged( gcnew ListChangedEventArgs( ListChangedType::ItemAdded,index ) );
virtual void OnRemoveComplete( int index, Object^ value ) override
Customer^ c = safe_cast<Customer^>(value);
c->Parent = this;
OnListChanged( gcnew ListChangedEventArgs( ListChangedType::ItemDeleted,index ) );
virtual void OnSetComplete( int index, Object^ oldValue, Object^ newValue ) override
if ( oldValue != newValue )
Customer^ oldcust = safe_cast<Customer^>(oldValue);
Customer^ newcust = safe_cast<Customer^>(newValue);
oldcust->Parent = 0;
newcust->Parent = this;
OnListChanged( gcnew ListChangedEventArgs( ListChangedType::ItemAdded,index ) );
// Constructor
resetEvent = gcnew ListChangedEventArgs( ListChangedType::Reset,-1 );
void LoadCustomers()
IList^ l = static_cast<IList^>(this);
l->Add( ReadCustomer1() );
l->Add( ReadCustomer2() );
OnListChanged( resetEvent );
property Object^ Item [int]
Object^ get( int index )
return static_cast<Customer^>(List->Item[ index ]);
void set( int index, Object^ value )
List->Item[ index ] = value;
int Add( Customer^ value )
return List->Add( value );
Customer^ AddNew()
return safe_cast<Customer^>(static_cast<IBindingList^>(this)->AddNew());
void Remove( Customer^ value )
List->Remove( value );
// Called by Customer when it changes.
void CustomerChanged( Customer^ cust )
int index = List->IndexOf( cust );
OnListChanged( gcnew ListChangedEventArgs( ListChangedType::ItemChanged,index ) );
public class CustomersList : CollectionBase, IBindingList
private ListChangedEventArgs resetEvent = new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.Reset, -1);
private ListChangedEventHandler onListChanged;
public void LoadCustomers()
IList l = (IList)this;
public Customer this[int index]
return (Customer)(List[index]);
List[index] = value;
public int Add (Customer value)
return List.Add(value);
public Customer AddNew()
return (Customer)((IBindingList)this).AddNew();
public void Remove (Customer value)
protected virtual void OnListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs ev)
if (onListChanged != null)
onListChanged(this, ev);
protected override void OnClear()
foreach (Customer c in List)
c.Parent = null;
protected override void OnClearComplete()
protected override void OnInsertComplete(int index, object value)
Customer c = (Customer)value;
c.Parent = this;
OnListChanged(new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemAdded, index));
protected override void OnRemoveComplete(int index, object value)
Customer c = (Customer)value;
c.Parent = this;
OnListChanged(new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemDeleted, index));
protected override void OnSetComplete(int index, object oldValue, object newValue)
if (oldValue != newValue)
Customer oldcust = (Customer)oldValue;
Customer newcust = (Customer)newValue;
oldcust.Parent = null;
newcust.Parent = this;
OnListChanged(new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemAdded, index));
// Called by Customer when it changes.
internal void CustomerChanged(Customer cust)
int index = List.IndexOf(cust);
OnListChanged(new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemChanged, index));
// Implements IBindingList.
bool IBindingList.AllowEdit
get { return true ; }
bool IBindingList.AllowNew
get { return true ; }
bool IBindingList.AllowRemove
get { return true ; }
bool IBindingList.SupportsChangeNotification
get { return true ; }
bool IBindingList.SupportsSearching
get { return false ; }
bool IBindingList.SupportsSorting
get { return false ; }
// Events.
public event ListChangedEventHandler ListChanged
onListChanged += value;
onListChanged -= value;
// Methods.
object IBindingList.AddNew()
Customer c = new Customer(this.Count.ToString());
return c;
// Unsupported properties.
bool IBindingList.IsSorted
get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
ListSortDirection IBindingList.SortDirection
get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
PropertyDescriptor IBindingList.SortProperty
get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
// Unsupported Methods.
void IBindingList.AddIndex(PropertyDescriptor property)
throw new NotSupportedException();
void IBindingList.ApplySort(PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)
throw new NotSupportedException();
int IBindingList.Find(PropertyDescriptor property, object key)
throw new NotSupportedException();
void IBindingList.RemoveIndex(PropertyDescriptor property)
throw new NotSupportedException();
void IBindingList.RemoveSort()
throw new NotSupportedException();
// Worker functions to populate the list with data.
private static Customer ReadCustomer1()
Customer cust = new Customer("536-45-1245");
cust.FirstName = "Jo";
cust.LastName = "Brown";
return cust;
private static Customer ReadCustomer2()
Customer cust = new Customer("246-12-5645");
cust.FirstName = "Robert";
cust.LastName = "Brown";
return cust;
Public Class CustomersList
Inherits CollectionBase
Implements IBindingList
Private resetEvent As New ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.Reset, -1)
Private onListChanged1 As ListChangedEventHandler
Public Sub LoadCustomers()
Dim l As IList = CType(Me, IList)
End Sub
Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Customer
Return CType(List(index), Customer)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Customer)
List(index) = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Function Add(ByVal value As Customer) As Integer
Return List.Add(value)
End Function
Public Function AddNew2() As Customer
Return CType(CType(Me, IBindingList).AddNew(), Customer)
End Function
Public Sub Remove(ByVal value As Customer)
End Sub
Protected Overridable Sub OnListChanged(ByVal ev As ListChangedEventArgs)
If (onListChanged1 IsNot Nothing) Then
onListChanged1(Me, ev)
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnClear()
Dim c As Customer
For Each c In List
c.parent = Nothing
Next c
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnClearComplete()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnInsertComplete(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal value As Object)
Dim c As Customer = CType(value, Customer)
c.parent = Me
OnListChanged(New ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemAdded, index))
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnRemoveComplete(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal value As Object)
Dim c As Customer = CType(value, Customer)
c.parent = Me
OnListChanged(New ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemDeleted, index))
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnSetComplete(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal oldValue As Object, ByVal newValue As Object)
If oldValue <> newValue Then
Dim oldcust As Customer = CType(oldValue, Customer)
Dim newcust As Customer = CType(newValue, Customer)
oldcust.parent = Nothing
newcust.parent = Me
OnListChanged(New ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemAdded, index))
End If
End Sub
' Called by Customer when it changes.
Friend Sub CustomerChanged(ByVal cust As Customer)
Dim index As Integer = List.IndexOf(cust)
OnListChanged(New ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemChanged, index))
End Sub
' Implements IBindingList.
ReadOnly Property AllowEdit() As Boolean Implements IBindingList.AllowEdit
Return True
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property AllowNew() As Boolean Implements IBindingList.AllowNew
Return True
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property AllowRemove() As Boolean Implements IBindingList.AllowRemove
Return True
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property SupportsChangeNotification() As Boolean Implements IBindingList.SupportsChangeNotification
Return True
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property SupportsSearching() As Boolean Implements IBindingList.SupportsSearching
Return False
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property SupportsSorting() As Boolean Implements IBindingList.SupportsSorting
Return False
End Get
End Property
' Events.
Public Event ListChanged As ListChangedEventHandler Implements IBindingList.ListChanged
' Methods.
Function AddNew() As Object Implements IBindingList.AddNew
Dim c As New Customer(Me.Count.ToString())
Return c
End Function
' Unsupported properties.
ReadOnly Property IsSorted() As Boolean Implements IBindingList.IsSorted
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property SortDirection() As ListSortDirection Implements IBindingList.SortDirection
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property SortProperty() As PropertyDescriptor Implements IBindingList.SortProperty
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Get
End Property
' Unsupported Methods.
Sub AddIndex(ByVal prop As PropertyDescriptor) Implements IBindingList.AddIndex
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
Sub ApplySort(ByVal prop As PropertyDescriptor, ByVal direction As ListSortDirection) Implements IBindingList.ApplySort
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
Function Find(ByVal prop As PropertyDescriptor, ByVal key As Object) As Integer Implements IBindingList.Find
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Function
Sub RemoveIndex(ByVal prop As PropertyDescriptor) Implements IBindingList.RemoveIndex
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
Sub RemoveSort() Implements IBindingList.RemoveSort
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
' Worker functions to populate the list with data.
Private Shared Function ReadCustomer1() As Customer
Dim cust As New Customer("536-45-1245")
cust.FirstName = "Jo"
cust.LastName = "Brown"
Return cust
End Function
Private Shared Function ReadCustomer2() As Customer
Dim cust As New Customer("246-12-5645")
cust.FirstName = "Robert"
cust.LastName = "Brown"
Return cust
End Function
End Class
此接口由 DataView 类实现。 方法的实现应表现出与类中 DataView 该方法的实现相同的行为。
调用 ApplySort 或 RemoveSort 方法时,应使用 枚举引发 ListChanged 事件 Reset 。
调用 AddNew 方法时,应引发包含 ListChanged 相应索引的 ItemAdded 枚举的事件。 添加的行处于按控件上的 DataGridView ESC 可以删除新行的状态。 ListChanged再次对此行引发具有 ItemAdded 枚举的事件表示该项现在是一个不处于“新”状态的行。
删除项或对新行调用 CancelEdit 方法时, (如果该行实现 IEditableObject) ,则应引发 ListChanged 包含相应索引的 ItemDeleted 枚举的事件。
Allow |
获取是否可更新列表中的项。 |
Allow |
获取是否可以使用 AddNew() 向列表中添加项。 |
Allow |
获取是否可以使用 Remove(Object) 或 RemoveAt(Int32) 从列表中移除项。 |
Count |
获取 ICollection 中包含的元素数。 (继承自 ICollection) |
Is |
获取一个值,该值指示 IList 是否具有固定大小。 (继承自 IList) |
Is |
获取一个值,该值指示 IList 是否为只读。 (继承自 IList) |
Is |
获取是否对列表中的项进行排序。 |
Is |
获取一个值,该值指示是否同步对 ICollection 的访问(线程安全)。 (继承自 ICollection) |
Item[Int32] |
获取或设置指定索引处的元素。 (继承自 IList) |
Sort |
获取排序的方向。 |
Sort |
获取正在用于排序的 PropertyDescriptor。 |
Supports |
获取当列表更改或列表中的项更改时是否引发 ListChanged 事件。 |
Supports |
获取列表是否支持使用 Find(PropertyDescriptor, Object) 方法进行搜索。 |
Supports |
获取列表是否支持排序。 |
Sync |
获取可用于同步对 ICollection 的访问的对象。 (继承自 ICollection) |
Add(Object) |
将某项添加到 IList 中。 (继承自 IList) |
Add |
将 PropertyDescriptor 添加到用于搜索的索引。 |
Add |
将新项添加到列表。 |
Apply |
根据 PropertyDescriptor 和 ListSortDirection 对列表进行排序。 |
Clear() |
从 IList 中移除所有项。 (继承自 IList) |
Contains(Object) |
确定 IList 是否包含特定值。 (继承自 IList) |
Copy |
从特定的 ICollection 索引开始,将 Array 的元素复制到一个 Array 中。 (继承自 ICollection) |
Find(Property |
返回具有给定 PropertyDescriptor 的行的索引。 |
Get |
返回循环访问集合的枚举数。 (继承自 IEnumerable) |
Index |
确定 IList 中特定项的索引。 (继承自 IList) |
Insert(Int32, Object) |
在 IList 中的指定索引处插入一个项。 (继承自 IList) |
Remove(Object) |
从 IList 中移除特定对象的第一个匹配项。 (继承自 IList) |
Remove |
移除位于指定索引处的 IList 项。 (继承自 IList) |
Remove |
将 PropertyDescriptor 从用于搜索的索引中移除。 |
Remove |
使用 ApplySort(PropertyDescriptor, ListSortDirection) 移除任何已应用的排序。 |
List |
当列表或列表中的项更改时发生。 |
Cast<TResult>(IEnumerable) |
将 IEnumerable 的元素强制转换为指定的类型。 |
Of |
根据指定类型筛选 IEnumerable 的元素。 |
As |
启用查询的并行化。 |
As |
将 IEnumerable 转换为 IQueryable。 |