ConsoleKeyInfo.Equals 方法


获取一个值,该值指示某对象或指定的 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象是否等于当前的 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象。



获取一个值,该值指示指定的 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象是否等于当前 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象。


获取一个值,该值指示指定的对象是否等于当前的 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象。


获取一个值,该值指示指定的 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象是否等于当前 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象。

 virtual bool Equals(ConsoleKeyInfo obj);
 bool Equals(ConsoleKeyInfo obj);
public bool Equals (ConsoleKeyInfo obj);
override this.Equals : ConsoleKeyInfo -> bool
Public Function Equals (obj As ConsoleKeyInfo) As Boolean



要与当前 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象进行比较的对象。



如果 obj 等于当前 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象,则为 true;否则为 false



如果 ConsoleKeyInfo 两个对象相 KeyChar等,则两个对象相等, Key并且 Modifiers 属性相等。

该方法 Equals 的性能略高于方法, ConsoleKeyInfo.Equals(Object) 因为它不必转换为 obj 对象。



获取一个值,该值指示指定的对象是否等于当前的 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象。

 override bool Equals(System::Object ^ value);
public override bool Equals (object? value);
public override bool Equals (object value);
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (value As Object) As Boolean



要与当前 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象进行比较的对象。



如果 valueConsoleKeyInfo 对象且等于当前 ConsoleKeyInfo 对象,则为 true;否则为 false


下面的示例演示 Equals 方法。

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;

static String^ KeyCombination(ConsoleKeyInfo sourceCki);

void main()
   String^ k1 = "\nEnter a key ......... ";
   String^ k2 = "\nEnter another key ... ";
   String^ key1 = "";
   String^ key2 = "";
   String^ areKeysEqual = "The {0} and {1} keys are {2}equal.";
   String^ equalValue = "";
   String^ prompt = "Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, " + 
                    "or any other key to continue.";
   ConsoleKeyInfo cki1;
   ConsoleKeyInfo cki2;
   // The Console.TreatControlCAsInput property prevents this example from
   // ending if you press CTL+C, however all other operating system keys and 
   // shortcuts, such as ALT+TAB or the Windows Logo key, are still in effect. 
    Console::TreatControlCAsInput = true;

   // Request that the user enter two key presses. A key press and any 
   // combination shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys is permitted.
      cki1 = Console::ReadKey(false);
      cki2 = Console::ReadKey(false);

      key1 = KeyCombination(cki1);
      key2 = KeyCombination(cki2);
      if (cki1.Equals(cki2))
         equalValue = "";
         equalValue = "not ";
      Console::WriteLine(areKeysEqual, key1, key2, equalValue);

      cki1 = Console::ReadKey(true);
   } while (cki1.Key != ConsoleKey::Escape);
// Note: This example requires the Escape (Esc) key.

// The KeyCombination() method creates a string that specifies what 
// key and what combination of shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys 
// were pressed simultaneously.

static String^ KeyCombination(ConsoleKeyInfo sourceCki)
   StringBuilder^ sb = gcnew StringBuilder();
   sb->Length = 0;
   String^ keyCombo;
   if (sourceCki.Modifiers != ConsoleModifiers())
   if ((sourceCki.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers::Alt) != ConsoleModifiers())
   if ((sourceCki.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers::Shift) != ConsoleModifiers())
   if ((sourceCki.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers::Control) != ConsoleModifiers())
   keyCombo = sb->ToString();
   return keyCombo;
This example produces results similar to the following output:

Enter a key ......... a
Enter another key ... a
The A and A keys are equal.
Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.

Enter a key ......... a
Enter another key ... A
The A and SHIFT+A keys are not equal.
Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.

Enter a key ......... S
Enter another key ...
The ALT+SHIFT+S and ALT+CTL+F keys are not equal.
Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.

Enter a key .........
Enter another key ...
The UpArrow and UpArrow keys are equal.
Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.

// This example demonstrates the ConsoleKeyInfo.Equals() method.

using System;
using System.Text;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    string k1 = "\nEnter a key ......... ";
    string k2 = "\nEnter another key ... ";
    string key1 = "";
    string key2 = "";
    string areKeysEqual = "The {0} and {1} keys are {2}equal.";
    string equalValue = "";
    string prompt = "Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, " +
                    "or any other key to continue.";
    ConsoleKeyInfo cki1;
    ConsoleKeyInfo cki2;

// The Console.TreatControlCAsInput property prevents this example from
// ending if you press CTL+C, however all other operating system keys and
// shortcuts, such as ALT+TAB or the Windows Logo key, are still in effect.
    Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true;

// Request that the user enter two key presses. A key press and any
// combination shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys is permitted.
        cki1 = Console.ReadKey(false);
        cki2 = Console.ReadKey(false);
        key1 = KeyCombination(cki1);
        key2 = KeyCombination(cki2);
        if (cki1.Equals(cki2))
            equalValue = "";
            equalValue = "not ";
        Console.WriteLine(areKeysEqual, key1, key2, equalValue);
        cki1 = Console.ReadKey(true);
    } while (cki1.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
// Note: This example requires the Escape (Esc) key.

// The KeyCombination() method creates a string that specifies what
// key and what combination of shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys
// were pressed simultaneously.

    protected static string KeyCombination(ConsoleKeyInfo sourceCki)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.Length = 0;
    string keyCombo;
    if (sourceCki.Modifiers != 0)
        if ((sourceCki.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Alt) != 0)
        if ((sourceCki.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Shift) != 0)
        if ((sourceCki.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Control) != 0)
    keyCombo = sb.ToString();
    return keyCombo;

This example produces results similar to the following output:

Enter a key ......... a
Enter another key ... a
The A and A keys are equal.
Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.

Enter a key ......... a
Enter another key ... A
The A and SHIFT+A keys are not equal.
Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.

Enter a key ......... S
Enter another key ...
The ALT+SHIFT+S and ALT+CTL+F keys are not equal.
Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.

Enter a key .........
Enter another key ...
The UpArrow and UpArrow keys are equal.
Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.

// This example demonstrates the ConsoleKeyInfo.Equals() method.

open System
open System.Text

// The keyCombination function creates a string that specifies what
// key and what combination of shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys
// were pressed simultaneously.
let keyCombination (sourceCki: ConsoleKeyInfo) =
    let sb = StringBuilder()
    sb.Length <- 0
    if int sourceCki.Modifiers <> 0 then
        if int (sourceCki.Modifiers &&& ConsoleModifiers.Alt) <> 0 then
            sb.Append "ALT+" |> ignore
        if int (sourceCki.Modifiers &&& ConsoleModifiers.Shift) <> 0 then
            sb.Append "SHIFT+" |> ignore
        if int (sourceCki.Modifiers &&& ConsoleModifiers.Control) <> 0 then
            sb.Append "CTL+" |> ignore
    |> string
    |> sb.Append
    |> string

// The Console.TreatControlCAsInput property prevents this example from
// ending if you press CTL+C, however all other operating system keys and
// shortcuts, such as ALT+TAB or the Windows Logo key, are still in effect.
Console.TreatControlCAsInput <- true

let mutable cki1 = Unchecked.defaultof<ConsoleKeyInfo>
let mutable cki2 = Unchecked.defaultof<ConsoleKeyInfo>

// Request that the user enter two key presses. A key press and any
// combination shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys is permitted.
while cki1.Key <> ConsoleKey.Escape do
    printf "\nEnter a key ......... "
    cki1 <- Console.ReadKey false
    printf "\nEnter another key ... "
    cki2 <- Console.ReadKey false
    printfn ""

    let key1 = keyCombination cki1
    let key2 = keyCombination cki2
    let equalValue =
        if cki1.Equals cki2 then ""
        else "not "

    printfn $"The {key1} and {key2} keys are {equalValue}equal."

    printfn "Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue."
    cki1 <- Console.ReadKey true

// Note: This example requires the Escape (Esc) key.

// This example produces results similar to the following output:
// Enter a key ......... a
// Enter another key ... a
// The A and A keys are equal.
// Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.
// Enter a key ......... a
// Enter another key ... A
// The A and SHIFT+A keys are not equal.
// Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.
// Enter a key ......... S
// Enter another key ...
// The ALT+SHIFT+S and ALT+CTL+F keys are not equal.
// Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.
// Enter a key .........
// Enter another key ...
// The UpArrow and UpArrow keys are equal.
// Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.
' This example demonstrates the ConsoleKeyInfo.Equals() method.
Imports System.Text

Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim k1 As String = vbCrLf & "Enter a key ......... "
        Dim k2 As String = vbCrLf & "Enter another key ... "
        Dim key1 As String = ""
        Dim key2 As String = ""
        Dim areKeysEqual As String = "The {0} and {1} keys are {2}equal."
        Dim equalValue As String = ""
        Dim prompt As String = "Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, " & _
                               "or any other key to continue."
        Dim cki1 As ConsoleKeyInfo
        Dim cki2 As ConsoleKeyInfo
        ' The Console.TreatControlCAsInput property prevents this example from
        ' ending if you press CTL+C, however all other operating system keys and 
        ' shortcuts, such as ALT+TAB or the Windows Logo key, are still in effect. 
        Console.TreatControlCAsInput = True
        ' Request that the user enter two key presses. A key press and any 
        ' combination shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys is permitted.
            cki1 = Console.ReadKey(False)
            cki2 = Console.ReadKey(False)
            key1 = KeyCombination(cki1)
            key2 = KeyCombination(cki2)
            If cki1.Equals(cki2) Then
                equalValue = ""
                equalValue = "not "
            End If
            Console.WriteLine(areKeysEqual, key1, key2, equalValue)
            cki1 = Console.ReadKey(True)
        Loop While cki1.Key <> ConsoleKey.Escape
    End Sub
    ' Note: This example requires the Escape (Esc) key.
    ' The KeyCombination() method creates a string that specifies what 
    ' key and what combination of shift, CTRL, and ALT modifier keys 
    ' were pressed simultaneously.
    Protected Shared Function KeyCombination(ByVal sourceCki As ConsoleKeyInfo) As String 
        Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
        sb.Length = 0
        Dim keyCombo As String
        If sourceCki.Modifiers <> 0 Then
            If(sourceCki.Modifiers And ConsoleModifiers.Alt) <> 0 Then
            End If
            If(sourceCki.Modifiers And ConsoleModifiers.Shift) <> 0 Then
            End If
            If(sourceCki.Modifiers And ConsoleModifiers.Control) <> 0 Then
            End If
        End If
        keyCombo = sb.ToString()
        Return keyCombo
    End Function 'KeyCombination
End Class

'This example produces results similar to the following output:
'Enter a key ......... a
'Enter another key ... a
'The A and A keys are equal.
'Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.
'Enter a key ......... a
'Enter another key ... A
'The A and SHIFT+A keys are not equal.
'Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.
'Enter a key ......... S
'Enter another key ...
'The ALT+SHIFT+S and ALT+CTL+F keys are not equal.
'Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.
'Enter a key .........
'Enter another key ...
'The UpArrow and UpArrow keys are equal.
'Press the escape key (ESC) to quit, or any other key to continue.


如果 ConsoleKeyInfo 两个对象相 KeyChar等,则两个对象相等, Key并且 Modifiers 属性相等。
