DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar 属性



 property System::Globalization::Calendar ^ Calendar { System::Globalization::Calendar ^ get(); void set(System::Globalization::Calendar ^ value); };
public System.Globalization.Calendar Calendar { get; set; }
member this.Calendar : System.Globalization.Calendar with get, set
Public Property Calendar As Calendar



用于当前区域性的日历。 InvariantInfo 的默认值是一个 GregorianCalendar 对象。


该属性设置为 null

该属性正被设置为对当前区域性无效的 Calendar 对象。

设置了该属性,但 DateTimeFormatInfo 对象为只读。


下面的示例定义了一个方法,该方法将区域性的当前日历更改为指定的日历,除非该日历已经是当前日历或区域性不支持 ChangeCalendar 。 调用 方法的代码实例化一个 对象,该对象表示阿拉伯语 CultureInfo (() )区域性,并首先尝试将日历更改为日语日历。 由于不支持日语日历,因此 方法不会更改区域性的日历。 但是,由于 um al 日历是集合的成员 CultureInfo.OptionalCalendars ,因此该方法成功,使其成为 ar-示例的当前日历。

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-EG");
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",

      CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, new JapaneseCalendar());
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",

      CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, new UmAlQuraCalendar());
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",

public class CalendarUtilities
   private Calendar newCal;
   private bool isGregorian;

   public static void ChangeCalendar(CultureInfo ci, Calendar cal)
      CalendarUtilities util = new CalendarUtilities(cal);

      // Is the new calendar already the current calendar?
      if (util.CalendarExists(ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar))

      // Is the new calendar supported?
      if (Array.Exists(ci.OptionalCalendars, util.CalendarExists))
         ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = cal;

   private CalendarUtilities(Calendar cal)
      newCal = cal;

      // Is the new calendar a Gregorian calendar?
      isGregorian = cal.GetType().Name.Contains("Gregorian");

   private bool CalendarExists(Calendar cal)
      if (cal.ToString() == newCal.ToString()) {
         if (isGregorian) {
            if (((GregorianCalendar) cal).CalendarType ==
               ((GregorianCalendar) newCal).CalendarType)
               return true;
         else {
            return true;
      return false;

   public static string ShowCalendarName(Calendar cal)
      string calName = cal.ToString().Replace("System.Globalization.", "");
      if (cal is GregorianCalendar)
         calName += ", Type " + ((GregorianCalendar) cal).CalendarType.ToString();

      return calName;
// The example displays the following output:
//    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
//    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
//    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is UmAlQuraCalendar
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-EG")
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",

      CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, New JapaneseCalendar())
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
      CalendarUtilities.ChangeCalendar(ci, New UmAlQuraCalendar())
      Console.WriteLine("The current calendar for the {0} culture is {1}",
   End Sub
End Module

Public Class CalendarUtilities
   Private newCal As Calendar
   Private isGregorian As Boolean
   Public Shared Sub ChangeCalendar(ci As CultureInfo, cal As Calendar)
      Dim util As New CalendarUtilities(cal)
      ' Is the new calendar already the current calendar?
      If util.CalendarExists(ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar) Then
         Exit Sub
      End If

      ' Is the new calendar supported?
      If Array.Exists(ci.OptionalCalendars, AddressOf util.CalendarExists) Then
         ci.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = cal
      End If
   End Sub
   Private Sub New(cal As Calendar)
      newCal = cal
      ' Is the new calendar a Gregorian calendar?
      isGregorian = cal.GetType().Name.Contains("Gregorian")
   End Sub
   Private Function CalendarExists(cal As Calendar) As Boolean
      If cal.ToString() = newCal.ToString Then
         If isGregorian Then
            If CType(cal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType = 
               CType(newCal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType Then
               Return True
            End If
            Return True
         End If
      End If
      Return False
   End Function

   Public Shared Function ShowCalendarName(cal As Calendar) As String
      Dim calName As String = cal.ToString().Replace("System.Globalization.", "")
      If TypeOf cal Is GregorianCalendar Then
         calName += ", Type " + CType(cal, GregorianCalendar).CalendarType.ToString()
      End If
      Return calName 
   End Function
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
'    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
'    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is GregorianCalendar, Type Localized
'    The current calendar for the ar-EG culture is UmAlQuraCalendar


Calendar属性仅接受对与 对象关联的区域性有效的 DateTimeFormatInfo 日历。 属性指定特定区域性可以使用的日历,属性 CultureInfo.OptionalCalendars CultureInfo.Calendar 指定区域性的默认日历。


日本历法中的年号是根据天皇统治来命名的,因此预计会发生变化。 例如,2019 年 5 月 1 日在 JapaneseCalendarJapaneseLunisolarCalendar 中标志着令和年号的开始。 这种年号的变化会影响使用这些日历的所有应用程序。 有关详细信息以及如何确定应用程序是否受影响,请参阅在 .net 中的日式日历中处理新时代。 若要了解如何在 Windows 系统上测试应用程序以确保其应用程序更改的就绪性,请参阅准备应用程序以进行日本时代更改。 对于 .NET 中支持多个纪元的日历的功能,以及在处理支持多个纪元的日历时的最佳做法,请参阅使用 纪元

更改此属性的值也会影响以下属性:、 MonthNames AbbreviatedMonthNamesDayNames AbbreviatedDayNames CalendarWeekRule FirstDayOfWeek FullDateTimePattern LongDatePattern ShortDatePattern YearMonthPattern MonthDayPattern

例如,如果当前线程的区域性为日语,则此属性接受 、 JapaneseCalendar Localized GregorianCalendarUSEnglish GregorianCalendar 。 使用 时,默认长日期说明器为 JapaneseCalendar "gg y'\x5e74'M'\x6708'd'\x65e5'"。 使用 时,默认长日期说明器为 Localized GregorianCalendar "yyyy'\x5e74'M'\x6708'd'\x65e5'"。

