UmAlQuraCalendar.GetDayOfYear(DateTime) 方法



 override int GetDayOfYear(DateTime time);
public override int GetDayOfYear (DateTime time);
override this.GetDayOfYear : DateTime -> int
Public Overrides Function GetDayOfYear (time As DateTime) As Integer



要读取的日期值。 UmAlQuraCalendar 类仅支持从 1900/04/30 00.00.00(公历日期)到 2077/11/16 23:59:59(公历日期)的日期。


一个从 1 到 355 的整数,表示 time 参数指定的日期是年中的哪一天。


time 超出了此日历支持的范围。


以下示例根据 Um Al Qura 日历显示 的多个组件 DateTime 的值。

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2011, 4, 3, new GregorianCalendar());
      Calendar cal = new UmAlQuraCalendar();

      Console.WriteLine("{0:MMMM d, yyyy} in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to:", date1);
      DisplayCalendarInfo(cal, date1);

      // Add 2 years and 10 months by calling UmAlQuraCalendar methods.
      date1 = cal.AddYears(date1, 2);
      date1 = cal.AddMonths(date1, 10);

      Console.WriteLine("After adding 2 years and 10 months in the {0} calendar,",
      Console.WriteLine("{0:MMMM d, yyyy} in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to:", date1);
      DisplayCalendarInfo(cal, date1);

   private static void DisplayCalendarInfo(Calendar cal, DateTime date1)
      Console.WriteLine("   Calendar:   {0}", GetCalendarName(cal));
      Console.WriteLine("   Era:        {0}", cal.GetEra(date1));
      Console.WriteLine("   Year:       {0}", cal.GetYear(date1));
      Console.WriteLine("   Month:      {0}", cal.GetMonth(date1));
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfYear:  {0}", cal.GetDayOfYear(date1));
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfMonth: {0}", cal.GetDayOfMonth(date1));
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfWeek:  {0}\n", cal.GetDayOfWeek(date1));

   private static string GetCalendarName(Calendar cal)
      return cal.ToString().Replace("System.Globalization.", "").
             Replace("Calendar", "");
// The example displays the following output:
//    April 3, 2011 in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to:
//       Calendar:   UmAlQura
//       Era:        1
//       Year:       1432
//       Month:      4
//       DayOfYear:  118
//       DayOfMonth: 29
//       DayOfWeek:  Sunday
//    After adding 2 years and 10 months in the UmAlQura calendar,
//    January 1, 2014 in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to:
//       Calendar:   UmAlQura
//       Era:        1
//       Year:       1435
//       Month:      2
//       DayOfYear:  59
//       DayOfMonth: 29
//       DayOfWeek:  Wednesday
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim date1 As Date = New Date(2011, 4, 3, New GregorianCalendar())
      Dim cal As New UmAlQuraCalendar()
      Console.WriteLine("{0:MMMM d, yyyy} in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to:", date1)
      DisplayCalendarInfo(cal, date1)
      ' Add 2 years and 10 months by calling UmAlQuraCalendar methods.
      date1 = cal.AddYears(date1, 2)
      date1 = cal.AddMonths(date1, 10)       

      Console.WriteLine("After adding 2 years and 10 months in the {0} calendar,", 
      Console.WriteLine("{0:MMMM d, yyyy} in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to:", date1)
      DisplayCalendarInfo(cal, date1)
   End Sub
   Private Sub DisplayCalendarInfo(cal As Calendar, date1 As Date)
      Console.WriteLine("   Calendar:   {0}", GetCalendarName(cal))    
      Console.WriteLine("   Era:        {0}", cal.GetEra(date1))
      Console.WriteLine("   Year:       {0}", cal.GetYear(date1))
      Console.WriteLine("   Month:      {0}", cal.GetMonth(date1))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfYear:  {0}", cal.GetDayOfYear(date1))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfMonth: {0}", cal.GetDayOfMonth(date1))
      Console.WriteLine("   DayOfWeek:  {0}", cal.GetDayOfWeek(date1))
   End Sub
   Private Function GetCalendarName(cal As Calendar) As String
      Return cal.ToString().Replace("System.Globalization.", "").
             Replace("Calendar", "")   
   End Function
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'    April 3, 2011 in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to:
'       Calendar:   UmAlQura
'       Era:        1
'       Year:       1432
'       Month:      4
'       DayOfYear:  118
'       DayOfMonth: 29
'       DayOfWeek:  Sunday
'    After adding 2 years and 10 months in the UmAlQura calendar,
'    January 1, 2014 in the Gregorian calendar is equivalent to:
'       Calendar:   UmAlQura
'       Era:        1
'       Year:       1435
'       Month:      2
'       DayOfYear:  59
'       DayOfMonth: 29
'       DayOfWeek:  Wednesday


一年中的某一天定义为从一年的第一天开始的天数。 例如, GetDayOfYear 方法为一年的第一个月的第一天返回 1,返回一年中最后一个月的总天数。

