Math.Log 方法




Log(Double, Double)



返回指定数字的自然对数(底为 e)。

Log(Double, Double)



 static double Log(double a, double newBase);
public static double Log (double a, double newBase);
static member Log : double * double -> double
Public Shared Function Log (a As Double, newBase As Double) As Double







下表中的值之一。 (+Infinity 表示 PositiveInfinity,-Infinity 表示 NegativeInfinity,NaN 表示 NaN。)

anewBase 返回值
a > 0 (0 <newBase< 1) -或- (newBase> 1) lognewBase(a)
a < 0 (任意值) NaN
(任意值) newBase < 0 NaN
a != 1 newBase = 0 NaN
a != 1 newBase = +Infinity NaN
a = NaN (任意值) NaN
(任意值) newBase = NaN NaN
(任意值) newBase = 1 NaN
a = 0 0 <newBase< 1 +Infinity
a = 0 newBase > 1 -Infinity
a = +Infinity 0 <newBase< 1 -Infinity
a = +Infinity newBase > 1 +Infinity
a = 1 newBase = 0 0
a = 1 newBase = +Infinity 0


以下示例使用 Log 来计算所选值的某些对数标识。

// Example for the Math::Log( double ) and Math::Log( double, double ) methods.
using namespace System;

// Evaluate logarithmic identities that are functions of two arguments.
void UseBaseAndArg( double argB, double argX )
   // Evaluate log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B].
   Console::WriteLine( "\n                     Math::Log({1}, {0}) == {2:E16}"
   "\n               1.0 / Math::Log({0}, {1}) == {3:E16}", argB, argX, Math::Log( argX, argB ), 1.0 / Math::Log( argB, argX ) );
   // Evaluate log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B].
   Console::WriteLine( "         Math::Log({1}) / Math::Log({0}) == {2:E16}", argB, argX, Math::Log( argX ) / Math::Log( argB ) );
   // Evaluate log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X].
   Console::WriteLine( "Math::Log(Math::E, {0}) * Math::Log({1}) == {2:E16}", argB, argX, Math::Log( Math::E, argB ) * Math::Log( argX ) );

void main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of Math::Log( double ) and "
   "Math::Log( double, double )\n"
   "generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Evaluate these identities with "
   "selected values for X and B (base):" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B]" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B]" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X]" );
   UseBaseAndArg( 0.1, 1.2 );
   UseBaseAndArg( 1.2, 4.9 );
   UseBaseAndArg( 4.9, 9.9 );
   UseBaseAndArg( 9.9, 0.1 );

This example of Math::Log( double ) and Math::Log( double, double )
generates the following output.

Evaluate these identities with selected values for X and B (base):
   log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B]
   log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B]
   log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X]

                     Math::Log(1.2, 0.1) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
               1.0 / Math::Log(0.1, 1.2) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
         Math::Log(1.2) / Math::Log(0.1) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
Math::Log(Math::E, 0.1) * Math::Log(1.2) == -7.9181246047624804E-002

                     Math::Log(4.9, 1.2) == 8.7166610085093179E+000
               1.0 / Math::Log(1.2, 4.9) == 8.7166610085093161E+000
         Math::Log(4.9) / Math::Log(1.2) == 8.7166610085093179E+000
Math::Log(Math::E, 1.2) * Math::Log(4.9) == 8.7166610085093179E+000

                     Math::Log(9.9, 4.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
               1.0 / Math::Log(4.9, 9.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
         Math::Log(9.9) / Math::Log(4.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
Math::Log(Math::E, 4.9) * Math::Log(9.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000

                     Math::Log(0.1, 9.9) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
               1.0 / Math::Log(9.9, 0.1) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
         Math::Log(0.1) / Math::Log(9.9) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
Math::Log(Math::E, 9.9) * Math::Log(0.1) == -1.0043839404494077E+000
// Example for the Math.Log( double ) and Math.Log( double, double ) methods.
using System;

class LogDLogDD
    public static void Main()
            "This example of Math.Log( double ) and " +
            "Math.Log( double, double )\n" +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
            "Evaluate these identities with " +
            "selected values for X and B (base):" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B]" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B]" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X]" );

        UseBaseAndArg(0.1, 1.2);
        UseBaseAndArg(1.2, 4.9);
        UseBaseAndArg(4.9, 9.9);
        UseBaseAndArg(9.9, 0.1);

    // Evaluate logarithmic identities that are functions of two arguments.
    static void UseBaseAndArg(double argB, double argX)
        // Evaluate log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B].
            "\n                   Math.Log({1}, {0}) == {2:E16}" +
            "\n             1.0 / Math.Log({0}, {1}) == {3:E16}",
            argB, argX, Math.Log(argX, argB),
            1.0 / Math.Log(argB, argX) );

        // Evaluate log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B].
            "        Math.Log({1}) / Math.Log({0}) == {2:E16}",
            argB, argX, Math.Log(argX) / Math.Log(argB) );

        // Evaluate log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X].
            "Math.Log(Math.E, {0}) * Math.Log({1}) == {2:E16}",
            argB, argX, Math.Log(Math.E, argB) * Math.Log(argX) );

This example of Math.Log( double ) and Math.Log( double, double )
generates the following output.

Evaluate these identities with selected values for X and B (base):
   log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B]
   log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B]
   log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X]

                   Math.Log(1.2, 0.1) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
             1.0 / Math.Log(0.1, 1.2) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
        Math.Log(1.2) / Math.Log(0.1) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
Math.Log(Math.E, 0.1) * Math.Log(1.2) == -7.9181246047624804E-002

                   Math.Log(4.9, 1.2) == 8.7166610085093179E+000
             1.0 / Math.Log(1.2, 4.9) == 8.7166610085093161E+000
        Math.Log(4.9) / Math.Log(1.2) == 8.7166610085093179E+000
Math.Log(Math.E, 1.2) * Math.Log(4.9) == 8.7166610085093179E+000

                   Math.Log(9.9, 4.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
             1.0 / Math.Log(4.9, 9.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
        Math.Log(9.9) / Math.Log(4.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
Math.Log(Math.E, 4.9) * Math.Log(9.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000

                   Math.Log(0.1, 9.9) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
             1.0 / Math.Log(9.9, 0.1) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
        Math.Log(0.1) / Math.Log(9.9) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
Math.Log(Math.E, 9.9) * Math.Log(0.1) == -1.0043839404494077E+000
// Example for the Math.Log( double ) and Math.Log( double, double ) methods.
open System

// Evaluate logarithmic identities that are functions of two arguments.
let useBaseAndArg argB argX =
    // Evaluate log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B].
    printfn $"""
                   Math.Log({argX}, {argB}) == {Math.Log(argX, argB):E16}
             1.0 / Math.Log({argB}, {argX}) == {1. / Math.Log(argB, argX):E16}"""

    // Evaluate log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B].
    printfn $"        Math.Log({argX}) / Math.Log({argB}) == {Math.Log argX / Math.Log argB:E16}"

    // Evaluate log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X].
    printfn $"Math.Log(Math.E, {argB}) * Math.Log({argX}) == {Math.Log(Math.E, argB) * Math.Log argX:E16}"

    """This example of Math.Log( double ) and Math.Log( double, double )
generates the following output.

printfn "Evaluate these identities with selected values for X and B (base):"""
printfn "   log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B]"
printfn "   log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B]" 
printfn "   log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X]" 

useBaseAndArg 0.1 1.2
useBaseAndArg 1.2 4.9
useBaseAndArg 4.9 9.9
useBaseAndArg 9.9 0.1

// This example of Math.Log( double ) and Math.Log( double, double )
// generates the following output.
// Evaluate these identities with selected values for X and B (base):
//    log(B)[X] == 1 / log(X)[B]
//    log(B)[X] == ln[X] / ln[B]
//    log(B)[X] == log(B)[e] * ln[X]
//                    Math.Log(1.2, 0.1) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
//              1.0 / Math.Log(0.1, 1.2) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
//         Math.Log(1.2) / Math.Log(0.1) == -7.9181246047624818E-002
// Math.Log(Math.E, 0.1) * Math.Log(1.2) == -7.9181246047624804E-002
//                    Math.Log(4.9, 1.2) == 8.7166610085093179E+000
//              1.0 / Math.Log(1.2, 4.9) == 8.7166610085093161E+000
//         Math.Log(4.9) / Math.Log(1.2) == 8.7166610085093179E+000
// Math.Log(Math.E, 1.2) * Math.Log(4.9) == 8.7166610085093179E+000
//                    Math.Log(9.9, 4.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
//              1.0 / Math.Log(4.9, 9.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
//         Math.Log(9.9) / Math.Log(4.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
// Math.Log(Math.E, 4.9) * Math.Log(9.9) == 1.4425396251981288E+000
//                    Math.Log(0.1, 9.9) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
//              1.0 / Math.Log(9.9, 0.1) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
//         Math.Log(0.1) / Math.Log(9.9) == -1.0043839404494075E+000
// Math.Log(Math.E, 9.9) * Math.Log(0.1) == -1.0043839404494077E+000
' Example for the Math.Log( Double ) and Math.Log( Double, Double ) methods.
Module LogDLogDD
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of Math.Log( Double ) and " + _
            "Math.Log( Double, Double )" & vbCrLf & _
            "generates the following output." & vbCrLf)
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "Evaluate these identities with selected " & _
            "values for X and B (base):")
        Console.WriteLine("   log(B)[X] = 1 / log(X)[B]")
        Console.WriteLine("   log(B)[X] = ln[X] / ln[B]")
        Console.WriteLine("   log(B)[X] = log(B)[e] * ln[X]")
        UseBaseAndArg(0.1, 1.2)
        UseBaseAndArg(1.2, 4.9)
        UseBaseAndArg(4.9, 9.9)
        UseBaseAndArg(9.9, 0.1)
    End Sub
    ' Evaluate logarithmic identities that are functions of two arguments.
    Sub UseBaseAndArg(argB As Double, argX As Double)

        ' Evaluate log(B)[X] = 1 / log(X)[B].
        Console.WriteLine( _
            vbCrLf & "                   Math.Log({1}, {0}) = {2:E16}" + _
            vbCrLf & "             1.0 / Math.Log({0}, {1}) = {3:E16}", _
            argB, argX, Math.Log(argX, argB), _
            1.0 / Math.Log(argB, argX))
        ' Evaluate log(B)[X] = ln[X] / ln[B].
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "        Math.Log({1}) / Math.Log({0}) = {2:E16}", _
            argB, argX, Math.Log(argX) / Math.Log(argB))
        ' Evaluate log(B)[X] = log(B)[e] * ln[X].
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "Math.Log(Math.E, {0}) * Math.Log({1}) = {2:E16}", _
            argB, argX, Math.Log(Math.E, argB) * Math.Log(argX))

    End Sub
End Module 'LogDLogDD

' This example of Math.Log( Double ) and Math.Log( Double, Double )
' generates the following output.
' Evaluate these identities with selected values for X and B (base):
'    log(B)[X] = 1 / log(X)[B]
'    log(B)[X] = ln[X] / ln[B]
'    log(B)[X] = log(B)[e] * ln[X]
'                    Math.Log(1.2, 0.1) = -7.9181246047624818E-002
'              1.0 / Math.Log(0.1, 1.2) = -7.9181246047624818E-002
'         Math.Log(1.2) / Math.Log(0.1) = -7.9181246047624818E-002
' Math.Log(Math.E, 0.1) * Math.Log(1.2) = -7.9181246047624804E-002
'                    Math.Log(4.9, 1.2) = 8.7166610085093179E+000
'              1.0 / Math.Log(1.2, 4.9) = 8.7166610085093161E+000
'         Math.Log(4.9) / Math.Log(1.2) = 8.7166610085093179E+000
' Math.Log(Math.E, 1.2) * Math.Log(4.9) = 8.7166610085093179E+000
'                    Math.Log(9.9, 4.9) = 1.4425396251981288E+000
'              1.0 / Math.Log(4.9, 9.9) = 1.4425396251981288E+000
'         Math.Log(9.9) / Math.Log(4.9) = 1.4425396251981288E+000
' Math.Log(Math.E, 4.9) * Math.Log(9.9) = 1.4425396251981288E+000
'                    Math.Log(0.1, 9.9) = -1.0043839404494075E+000
'              1.0 / Math.Log(9.9, 0.1) = -1.0043839404494075E+000
'         Math.Log(0.1) / Math.Log(9.9) = -1.0043839404494075E+000
' Math.Log(Math.E, 9.9) * Math.Log(0.1) = -1.0043839404494077E+000


此方法调用基础 C 运行时,不同的操作系统或体系结构的确切结果或有效输入范围可能有所不同。




返回指定数字的自然对数(底为 e)。

 static double Log(double d);
public static double Log (double d);
static member Log : double -> double
Public Shared Function Log (d As Double) As Double






d 参数 返回值
d 的自然对数,即 ln d 或 log e d
等于 NaNNaN
等于 PositiveInfinityPositiveInfinity


下面的示例演示 Log 了 方法。

using System;
public class Example
   public static void Main()
      Console.WriteLine("  Evaluate this identity with selected values for X:");
      Console.WriteLine("                              ln(x) = 1 / log[X](B)");

      double[] XArgs = { 1.2, 4.9, 9.9, 0.1 };

      foreach (double argX in XArgs)
         // Find natural log of argX.
         Console.WriteLine("                      Math.Log({0}) = {1:E16}",
                           argX, Math.Log(argX));

         // Evaluate 1 / log[X](e).
         Console.WriteLine("             1.0 / Math.Log(e, {0}) = {1:E16}",
                           argX, 1.0 / Math.Log(Math.E, argX));
// This example displays the following output:
//         Evaluate this identity with selected values for X:
//                                     ln(x) = 1 / log[X](B)
//                             Math.Log(1.2) = 1.8232155679395459E-001
//                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 1.2) = 1.8232155679395459E-001
//                             Math.Log(4.9) = 1.5892352051165810E+000
//                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 4.9) = 1.5892352051165810E+000
//                             Math.Log(9.9) = 2.2925347571405443E+000
//                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 9.9) = 2.2925347571405443E+000
//                             Math.Log(0.1) = -2.3025850929940455E+000
//                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 0.1) = -2.3025850929940455E+000
open System

printfn "  Evaluate this identity with selected values for X:"
printfn "                              ln(x) = 1 / log[X](B)\n"

let XArgs = [| 1.2; 4.9; 9.9; 0.1 |]

for argX in XArgs do
    // Find natural log of argX.
    // The F# log function may be used instead
    printfn $"                      Math.Log({argX}) = {Math.Log argX:E16}"

    // Evaluate 1 / log[X](e).
    printfn $"             1.0 / Math.Log(e, {argX}) = {1. / Math.Log(Math.E, argX):E16}\n"

// This example displays the following output:
//         Evaluate this identity with selected values for X:
//                                     ln(x) = 1 / log[X](B)
//                             Math.Log(1.2) = 1.8232155679395459E-001
//                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 1.2) = 1.8232155679395459E-001
//                             Math.Log(4.9) = 1.5892352051165810E+000
//                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 4.9) = 1.5892352051165810E+000
//                             Math.Log(9.9) = 2.2925347571405443E+000
//                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 9.9) = 2.2925347571405443E+000
//                             Math.Log(0.1) = -2.3025850929940455E+000
//                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 0.1) = -2.3025850929940455E+000
Module Example
   Sub Main()
      Console.WriteLine( _
         "  Evaluate this identity with selected values for X:")
      Console.WriteLine("                              ln(x) = 1 / log[X](B)")
      Dim XArgs() As Double = { 1.2, 4.9, 9.9, 0.1 }
      For Each argX As Double In XArgs
         ' Find natural log of argX.
         Console.WriteLine("                      Math.Log({0}) = {1:E16}", _
                           argX, Math.Log(argX))

         ' Evaluate 1 / log[X](e).
         Console.WriteLine("             1.0 / Math.Log(e, {0}) = {1:E16}", _
                           argX, 1.0 / Math.Log(Math.E, argX))
   End Sub 
End Module
' This example displays the following output:
'         Evaluate this identity with selected values for X:
'                                     ln(x) = 1 / log[X](B)
'                             Math.Log(1.2) = 1.8232155679395459E-001
'                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 1.2) = 1.8232155679395459E-001
'                             Math.Log(4.9) = 1.5892352051165810E+000
'                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 4.9) = 1.5892352051165810E+000
'                             Math.Log(9.9) = 2.2925347571405443E+000
'                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 9.9) = 2.2925347571405443E+000
'                             Math.Log(0.1) = -2.3025850929940455E+000
'                    1.0 / Math.Log(e, 0.1) = -2.3025850929940455E+000


参数 d 指定为基数 10。

此方法调用基础 C 运行时,不同的操作系统或体系结构的确切结果或有效输入范围可能有所不同。

此方法调用基础 C 运行时,不同的操作系统或体系结构的确切结果或有效输入范围可能有所不同。

