ServicePoint.IdleSince 属性


获取 ServicePoint 对象上次连接到主机的日期和时间。

 property DateTime IdleSince { DateTime get(); };
public DateTime IdleSince { get; }
member this.IdleSince : DateTime
Public ReadOnly Property IdleSince As DateTime


一个 DateTime 对象,该对象包含上次连接 ServicePoint 对象的日期和时间。


下面的代码示例使用 IdleSince 属性来设置和检索 ServicePoint 对象上次连接到主机的日期和时间。

// Display the date and time that the ServicePoint was last 
// connected to a host.
Console::WriteLine( "IdleSince = {0}", sp->IdleSince );

// Display the maximum length of time that the ServicePoint instance  
// is allowed to maintain an idle connection to an Internet  
// resource before it is recycled for use in another connection.
Console::WriteLine( "MaxIdleTime = {0}", sp->MaxIdleTime );
// Display the date and time that the ServicePoint was last
// connected to a host.
Console.WriteLine("IdleSince = " + sp.IdleSince.ToString());

// Display the maximum length of time that the ServicePoint instance
// is allowed to maintain an idle connection to an Internet
// resource before it is recycled for use in another connection.
Console.WriteLine("MaxIdleTime = " + sp.MaxIdleTime);
' Display the date and time that the ServicePoint was last 
' connected to a host.
Console.WriteLine(("IdleSince = " + sp.IdleSince.ToString()))

' Display the maximum length of time that the ServicePoint instance 
' is allowed to maintain an idle connection to an Internet  
' resource before it is recycled for use in another connection.
Console.WriteLine(("MaxIdleTime = " + sp.MaxIdleTime.ToString()))



WebRequestHttpWebRequestServicePointWebClient 已过时,不应将其用于新开发。 请改用 HttpClient

IdleSince 属性记录服务点与主机断开连接的最后日期和时间。 当当前时间和 IdleSince 之间的差异超过 MaxIdleTime的值时,ServicePoint 对象可用于回收到另一个连接。
