EventWaitHandle.Set 方法



 bool Set();
public bool Set ();
member this.Set : unit -> bool
Public Function Set () As Boolean



如果该操作成功,则为 true;否则,为 false


之前已在此 EventWaitHandle 上调用 Close() 方法。


下面的代码示例使用 SignalAndWait(WaitHandle, WaitHandle) 方法重载允许主线程向阻塞线程发出信号,然后等待线程完成任务。

该示例启动五个 EventWaitHandle 线程,并允许他们在使用 EventResetMode.AutoReset 标志创建的线程上阻止,然后每次用户按 Enter 键时释放一个线程。 然后,该示例将另一个五个线程排成队列,并使用带EventResetMode.ManualReset标志的创建线程EventWaitHandle释放它们。

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;

public ref class Example
   // The EventWaitHandle used to demonstrate the difference
   // between AutoReset and ManualReset synchronization events.
   static EventWaitHandle^ ewh;

   // A counter to make sure all threads are started and
   // blocked before any are released. A Long is used to show
   // the use of the 64-bit Interlocked methods.
   static __int64 threadCount = 0;

   // An AutoReset event that allows the main thread to block
   // until an exiting thread has decremented the count.
   static EventWaitHandle^ clearCount =
      gcnew EventWaitHandle( false,EventResetMode::AutoReset );

   static void main()
      // Create an AutoReset EventWaitHandle.
      ewh = gcnew EventWaitHandle( false,EventResetMode::AutoReset );
      // Create and start five numbered threads. Use the
      // ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, so the thread
      // number can be passed as an argument to the Start
      // method.
      for ( int i = 0; i <= 4; i++ )
         Thread^ t = gcnew Thread(
            gcnew ParameterizedThreadStart( ThreadProc ) );
         t->Start( i );
      // Wait until all the threads have started and blocked.
      // When multiple threads use a 64-bit value on a 32-bit
      // system, you must access the value through the
      // Interlocked class to guarantee thread safety.
      while ( Interlocked::Read( threadCount ) < 5 )
         Thread::Sleep( 500 );

      // Release one thread each time the user presses ENTER,
      // until all threads have been released.
      while ( Interlocked::Read( threadCount ) > 0 )
         Console::WriteLine( L"Press ENTER to release a waiting thread." );
         // SignalAndWait signals the EventWaitHandle, which
         // releases exactly one thread before resetting,
         // because it was created with AutoReset mode.
         // SignalAndWait then blocks on clearCount, to
         // allow the signaled thread to decrement the count
         // before looping again.
         WaitHandle::SignalAndWait( ewh, clearCount );
      // Create a ManualReset EventWaitHandle.
      ewh = gcnew EventWaitHandle( false,EventResetMode::ManualReset );
      // Create and start five more numbered threads.
      for ( int i = 0; i <= 4; i++ )
         Thread^ t = gcnew Thread(
            gcnew ParameterizedThreadStart( ThreadProc ) );
         t->Start( i );
      // Wait until all the threads have started and blocked.
      while ( Interlocked::Read( threadCount ) < 5 )
         Thread::Sleep( 500 );

      // Because the EventWaitHandle was created with
      // ManualReset mode, signaling it releases all the
      // waiting threads.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Press ENTER to release the waiting threads." );


   static void ThreadProc( Object^ data )
      int index = static_cast<Int32>(data);

      Console::WriteLine( L"Thread {0} blocks.", data );
      // Increment the count of blocked threads.
      Interlocked::Increment( threadCount );
      // Wait on the EventWaitHandle.

      Console::WriteLine( L"Thread {0} exits.", data );
      // Decrement the count of blocked threads.
      Interlocked::Decrement( threadCount );
      // After signaling ewh, the main thread blocks on
      // clearCount until the signaled thread has
      // decremented the count. Signal it now.
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class Example
    // The EventWaitHandle used to demonstrate the difference
    // between AutoReset and ManualReset synchronization events.
    private static EventWaitHandle ewh;

    // A counter to make sure all threads are started and
    // blocked before any are released. A Long is used to show
    // the use of the 64-bit Interlocked methods.
    private static long threadCount = 0;

    // An AutoReset event that allows the main thread to block
    // until an exiting thread has decremented the count.
    private static EventWaitHandle clearCount = 
        new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset);

    public static void Main()
        // Create an AutoReset EventWaitHandle.
        ewh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset);

        // Create and start five numbered threads. Use the
        // ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, so the thread
        // number can be passed as an argument to the Start 
        // method.
        for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
            Thread t = new Thread(
                new ParameterizedThreadStart(ThreadProc)

        // Wait until all the threads have started and blocked.
        // When multiple threads use a 64-bit value on a 32-bit
        // system, you must access the value through the
        // Interlocked class to guarantee thread safety.
        while (Interlocked.Read(ref threadCount) < 5)

        // Release one thread each time the user presses ENTER,
        // until all threads have been released.
        while (Interlocked.Read(ref threadCount) > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to release a waiting thread.");

            // SignalAndWait signals the EventWaitHandle, which
            // releases exactly one thread before resetting, 
            // because it was created with AutoReset mode. 
            // SignalAndWait then blocks on clearCount, to 
            // allow the signaled thread to decrement the count
            // before looping again.
            WaitHandle.SignalAndWait(ewh, clearCount);

        // Create a ManualReset EventWaitHandle.
        ewh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);

        // Create and start five more numbered threads.
        for(int i=0; i<=4; i++)
            Thread t = new Thread(
                new ParameterizedThreadStart(ThreadProc)

        // Wait until all the threads have started and blocked.
        while (Interlocked.Read(ref threadCount) < 5)

        // Because the EventWaitHandle was created with
        // ManualReset mode, signaling it releases all the
        // waiting threads.
        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to release the waiting threads.");

    public static void ThreadProc(object data)
        int index = (int) data;

        Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} blocks.", data);
        // Increment the count of blocked threads.
        Interlocked.Increment(ref threadCount);

        // Wait on the EventWaitHandle.

        Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} exits.", data);
        // Decrement the count of blocked threads.
        Interlocked.Decrement(ref threadCount);

        // After signaling ewh, the main thread blocks on
        // clearCount until the signaled thread has 
        // decremented the count. Signal it now.
Imports System.Threading

Public Class Example

    ' The EventWaitHandle used to demonstrate the difference
    ' between AutoReset and ManualReset synchronization events.
    Private Shared ewh As EventWaitHandle

    ' A counter to make sure all threads are started and
    ' blocked before any are released. A Long is used to show
    ' the use of the 64-bit Interlocked methods.
    Private Shared threadCount As Long = 0

    ' An AutoReset event that allows the main thread to block
    ' until an exiting thread has decremented the count.
    Private Shared clearCount As New EventWaitHandle(False, _

    <MTAThread> _
    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create an AutoReset EventWaitHandle.
        ewh = New EventWaitHandle(False, EventResetMode.AutoReset)

        ' Create and start five numbered threads. Use the
        ' ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, so the thread
        ' number can be passed as an argument to the Start 
        ' method.
        For i As Integer = 0 To 4
            Dim t As New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc)
        Next i

        ' Wait until all the threads have started and blocked.
        ' When multiple threads use a 64-bit value on a 32-bit
        ' system, you must access the value through the
        ' Interlocked class to guarantee thread safety.
        While Interlocked.Read(threadCount) < 5
        End While

        ' Release one thread each time the user presses ENTER,
        ' until all threads have been released.
        While Interlocked.Read(threadCount) > 0
            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to release a waiting thread.")

            ' SignalAndWait signals the EventWaitHandle, which
            ' releases exactly one thread before resetting, 
            ' because it was created with AutoReset mode. 
            ' SignalAndWait then blocks on clearCount, to 
            ' allow the signaled thread to decrement the count
            ' before looping again.
            WaitHandle.SignalAndWait(ewh, clearCount)
        End While

        ' Create a ManualReset EventWaitHandle.
        ewh = New EventWaitHandle(False, EventResetMode.ManualReset)

        ' Create and start five more numbered threads.
        For i As Integer = 0 To 4
            Dim t As New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc)
        Next i

        ' Wait until all the threads have started and blocked.
        While Interlocked.Read(threadCount) < 5
        End While

        ' Because the EventWaitHandle was created with
        ' ManualReset mode, signaling it releases all the
        ' waiting threads.
        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to release the waiting threads.")
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub ThreadProc(ByVal data As Object)
        Dim index As Integer = CInt(data)

        Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} blocks.", data)
        ' Increment the count of blocked threads.

        ' Wait on the EventWaitHandle.

        Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} exits.", data)
        ' Decrement the count of blocked threads.

        ' After signaling ewh, the main thread blocks on
        ' clearCount until the signaled thread has 
        ' decremented the count. Signal it now.
    End Sub
End Class


EventWaitHandle对于包含) 在内的EventResetMode.AutoReset (AutoResetEvent ,该方法Set会释放单个线程。 如果没有等待线程,则等待句柄将保持信号,直到线程尝试等待或调用其 Reset 方法为止。


不能保证每次对该方法的 Set 调用都会从 EventWaitHandle 其重置模式 EventResetMode.AutoReset释放线程。 如果两个调用太接近,以便第二次调用在释放线程之前发生,则只释放一个线程。 就好像第二次调用没有发生一样。 此外,如果没有 Set 等待的线程且 EventWaitHandle 已发出信号,则调用无效。

EventWaitHandle对于包含) 的ManualResetEvent EventResetMode.ManualReset 具有 (,调用Set该方法会将等待句柄保留为信号状态,直到调用其Reset方法。

