Type.Namespace 属性


获取 Type 的命名空间。

 abstract property System::String ^ Namespace { System::String ^ get(); };
public abstract string Namespace { get; }
public abstract string? Namespace { get; }
member this.Namespace : string
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Namespace As String



Type 的命名空间;如果当前实例没有命名空间或表示泛型参数,则为 null



下面的示例演示如何使用 NamespaceModule 属性以及的 ToString 方法 Type

using namespace System;

namespace MyNamespace
   ref class MyClass

void main()
      Type^ myType = MyNamespace::MyClass::typeid;
      Console::WriteLine("Displaying information about {0}:", myType );
      // Get the namespace of the class MyClass.
      Console::WriteLine("   Namespace: {0}", myType->Namespace );
      // Get the name of the module.
      Console::WriteLine("   Module: {0}", myType->Module );
      // Get the fully qualified common language runtime namespace.
      Console::WriteLine("   Fully qualified type: {0}", myType );
// The example displays the following output:
//    Displaying information about MyNamespace.MyClass:
//       Namespace: MyNamespace
//       Module: type_tostring.exe
//       Fully qualified name: MyNamespace.MyClass
using System;

namespace MyNamespace
    class MyClass

public class Example
    public static void Main()
         Type myType = typeof(MyNamespace.MyClass);
         Console.WriteLine("Displaying information about {0}:", myType);
         // Get the namespace of the myClass class.
         Console.WriteLine("   Namespace: {0}.", myType.Namespace);
         // Get the name of the module.
         Console.WriteLine("   Module: {0}.", myType.Module);
         // Get the fully qualified type name.
         Console.WriteLine("   Fully qualified name: {0}.", myType.ToString());
// The example displays the following output:
//    Displaying information about MyNamespace.MyClass:
//       Namespace: MyNamespace.
//       Module: type_tostring.exe.
//       Fully qualified name: MyNamespace.MyClass.
Namespace MyNamespace
    Class [MyClass]
    End Class 
End Namespace 

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
         Dim myType As Type = GetType(MyNamespace.MyClass)
         Console.WriteLine(", myType)
         ' Get the namespace of the MyClass class.
         Console.WriteLine("   Namespace: {0}.", myType.Namespace)
         ' Get the name of the module.
         Console.WriteLine("   Module: {0}.", myType.Module)
         ' Get the fully qualified type name.
         Console.WriteLine("   Fully qualified name: {0}.", myType.ToString())
    End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
'       Displaying information about MyNamespace.MyClass:
'          Namespace: MyNamespace.
'          Module: type_tostring.exe.
'          Fully qualified name: MyNamespace.MyClass.


命名空间是逻辑设计时命名方便,主要用于在应用程序中定义作用域,并在单个层次结构中组织类和其他类型。 从运行时的角度来看,没有任何命名空间。

如果当前 Type 表示构造泛型类型,则此属性返回包含泛型类型定义的命名空间。 同样,如果当前 Type 表示泛型参数,则 T 此属性返回包含定义的泛型类型定义的命名空间 T

如果当前 Type 对象表示泛型参数,但泛型类型定义不可用,例如,对于返回的签名类型, MakeGenericMethodParameter 此属性将返回 null

