Control.BackgroundImage 属性



 virtual property System::Drawing::Image ^ BackgroundImage { System::Drawing::Image ^ get(); void set(System::Drawing::Image ^ value); };
public virtual System.Drawing.Image BackgroundImage { get; set; }
public virtual System.Drawing.Image? BackgroundImage { get; set; }
member this.BackgroundImage : System.Drawing.Image with get, set
Public Overridable Property BackgroundImage As Image


一个 Image,表示在控件背景中显示的图像。


下面的代码示例将 添加到 Button 窗体并设置其一些常见属性。 该示例将按钮定位到窗体的右下角,以便在调整窗体大小时保持其相对位置。 接下来, BackgroundImage 它会设置 并将按钮大小调整为与 相同的大小 Image。 然后,该示例将 TabStop 设置为 true 并设置 TabIndex 属性。 最后,它添加事件处理程序来处理 Click 按钮的事件。 此示例要求具有名为 ImageListimageList1

   // Add a button to a form and set some of its common properties.
   void AddMyButton()
      // Create a button and add it to the form.
      Button^ button1 = gcnew Button;

      // Anchor the button to the bottom right corner of the form
      button1->Anchor = static_cast<AnchorStyles>(AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);

      // Assign a background image.
      button1->BackgroundImage = imageList1->Images[ 0 ];

      // Specify the layout style of the background image. Tile is the default.
      button1->BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout::Center;

      // Make the button the same size as the image.
      button1->Size = button1->BackgroundImage->Size;

      // Set the button's TabIndex and TabStop properties.
      button1->TabIndex = 1;
      button1->TabStop = true;

      // Add a delegate to handle the Click event.
      button1->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::button1_Click );

      // Add the button to the form.
      this->Controls->Add( button1 );
// Add a button to a form and set some of its common properties.
private void AddMyButton()
   // Create a button and add it to the form.
   Button button1 = new Button();

   // Anchor the button to the bottom right corner of the form
   button1.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right);

   // Assign a background image.
   button1.BackgroundImage = imageList1.Images[0];

   // Specify the layout style of the background image. Tile is the default.
   button1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center;
   // Make the button the same size as the image.
   button1.Size = button1.BackgroundImage.Size;

   // Set the button's TabIndex and TabStop properties.
   button1.TabIndex = 1;
   button1.TabStop = true;

   // Add a delegate to handle the Click event.
   button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

   // Add the button to the form.
' Add a button to a form and set some of its common properties.
Private Sub AddMyButton()
   ' Create a button and add it to the form.
   Dim button1 As New Button()
   ' Anchor the button to the bottom right corner of the form
   button1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right
   ' Assign a background image.
   button1.BackgroundImage = imageList1.Images(0)

   ' Specify the layout style of the background image. Tile is the default.
   button1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center
   ' Make the button the same size as the image.
   button1.Size = button1.BackgroundImage.Size
   ' Set the button's TabIndex and TabStop properties.
   button1.TabIndex = 1
   button1.TabStop = True

   ' Add a delegate to handle the Click event.
   AddHandler button1.Click, AddressOf Me.button1_Click
   ' Add the button to the form.
End Sub



Windows 窗体控件不支持半透明或透明颜色的图像作为背景图像。

属性为 的子控件RightToLeftLayouttrue不支持此属性。


重写派生类中的 BackgroundImage 属性时,请使用基类的 BackgroundImage 属性来扩展基实现。 否则,必须提供所有实现。 无需同时替代 get 属性的 BackgroundImageset 访问器;如果需要,只能重写一个。

